Re: well, i have my ticket... |
A noiseless patient Spid .. |
Thistle ( |
2009/04/17 23:15 |
From: Thistle <>
Newsgroups: alt
Subject: Re: well, i have my ticket...
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 00:15:27 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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p escobar wrote:
>> I was personally set on a suicide set-up that looks like the painting
>> "The Nightmare" by the artist John Henry Fuseli. The bed, the
>> curtains, the nightgown, and the frightened horse are no problem, but
>> finding a troll that's small and light enough to sit on my chest has
>> pretty much put the kibosh on that project! (I know I could use an
>> easily available heavy troll as part of my suicide method, but I
>> learned through experience that asphyxiation isn't my bag. Oh, well!)
> it's nice to see some people are still contemplating "romantic" suicide.
> if you gotta go, go in style. and that got SWIM thinking.
> it's one of those things that could make it so much more bearable. the
> suicide of several 19th century romantic writers and poets fits within
> the grand scheme of their literary work. it's the proverbal cherry on
> their pies. it gives meaning and purpose to the act.
> i would prefer to do it this way. nothing too theatrical, though. just
> befitting to myself and the things i've admired passionately and
> believed in. one should end life in the way it was lived. since you're
> finally taking things into your own hands, nothing should stop you from
> utilizing that notion of self-control to the fullest.
> suicide can truly be art, my friends. i very strongly believe this.
> p
sure wish i could find that damn website
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