From: Figaro <>
Newsgroups: alt
Subject: USA Today founder kness Bush in the balls
Date: Sat, 06 May 2006 13:32:18 -0500
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Al Neuharth, founder of USA Today has some words to say about Bush...and they
are not complimentary.
Al Neuharth Bashes Bush, Says His Supporters are 'In Denial'
NEW YORK USA Today founder Al Neuharth, once known for his generally Republican
views, appears to have seen enough of President Bush. In his column today for
USA Today, he once again hits the Iraq war (he is one of the few mainstream
journalists to favor a quick withdrawal), then notes the president's approval
rating having plunged from 71% to 34% in the Gallup poll since 2003.
"How low can Bush's approval rating go? My hunch is it's at or near the bottom,"
he suggests. "That 34% represents mostly unshakeable far-right wingers. Like
Bush, Vice President Cheney and company, they are in denial. As were the 24% in
the polls who still approved of President Richard Nixon before he resigned in
"What happened to the 37% who have switched from pro-Bush to anti-Bush? They
finally realized they were suckered by Bush and his buddies back then about
Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction, his tie to terrorists and
his threat to the USA."
Bush supporters in "denial"? They be better off in The Nile where the crocks
would mercifully finish them off quickly.