From: saggie diapers <>
Subject: It's Always A Sunshine Day and Sunshine Night With The Brady's!
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 19:11:00 -0700
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I was just wondering about something.
If any of you have bought corn recently, you are more than aware of
how much corn prices have skyrocketed during the last year! It is
incredible. So, I got to thinking, how would the high high high price
of corn, which was a dietary staple of the Brady's, affect their BM's
(bowel movements)?
Now, we know that Mike, a world famous designer of gay (homosexual)
bath houses really didn't make much money. Even though,
traditionally, fags have more money than most straights (non-
homosexuals), they are very very tight and cheap when it comes to
spending money on a bath house. Mike didn't take home that much
money. Enough to keep Carol and Alice and the children comfortable,
but not enough for luxury. There is no way that Mike could have kept
up the luxury of putting corn on the table if it became expensive.
So, what other starch or vegetables would Mike buy the family, and
what would happen to their BM's (bowel movements), if they did eat
other kinds of foods? Would they eat rice? Would rice produce firmer
BM's (bowel movements) or looser BM's (bowel movements)? Since I or
the BM (Bowel Movement) Lady are rice eaters, we don't know. What if
Mike bought Jan peas, but gave the other kids carrots? Would Jan have
firmer BM's (bowel movements) or looser BM's (bowel movements)? What
about a paste of flour and water as a food source? There are many 3rd
world countries like Arizona and Nebraska where they eat a paste of
flour and water as their food source. Would the children's BM's
(bowel movements) be firmer or would their BM's (bowel movements) be
looser? Would adult BM's (bowel movements) be different than
children's BM's (bowel movements)?
It is too bad we are focused on things like the Iraq war and those
silly elections. The country should pause for a day, and help us
figure out what the Brady's would do if corn was too expensive, and
how it would affect their BM's (bowel movements).
I am ashamed of this country, but love Kings and Derek!