gcarras@aol.comlic8d (S.J.Carras) wrote in message news:<20030707180456.24321.00000270@mb-m22.aol.com>...
> Actually, the story of Otis Campberll was his real name was Hal Smith and was
> born in 1917,
> and did many voices in radio and cartoons, even taking over Elmer Fudd and
> Goofy (or doing some lines when Arthur Bryan and Mel; Blanc as FUdd and Pinto
> Colving as Goofy weren't around to record them themsevles). Otis of course
> became far better knwon as the cartoon king
OOPS.....let me correct my previous post by adding Anal Juice Boy to
the asshole list.
Let's see, that makes Otis, Ray and AJB the incoherent incesstuous