In article <>, Saggiediaperz says...
>I was just wondering if one of the reasons the Brady's has such terrific
>problems with their bowel movements and diarrheas and just defecating in
>general had to do with dishwashing. Their household was the only one in the
>70's not to have an automatic dishwasher. Mike was too cheap to buy Alice one,
>and forced her to wash the dishes by hand. He was also too cheap to heat the
>water to a temperature that would kill all the bacteria. So, the Brady's
>constantly ate off of contaminated dishes. Sometimes the dishes would be so
>dirty it would cause instant diarrhea, and at other times the dishes were OK,
>and their bowels would not know what to do and force the Brady's to have hard
>What do you think about it?
Kay O'Pectate wrote>>>>>Sure sounds logical. Nobody was seen washing their
hands. Did Carol wash her hands after making whoopee with Mike? I think
not.That bed was infested with ecoli bacteria.Yuck. In fact, the ecoli bunch
were responsible for uncontrollabe farting by the BB.