In article <>, Saggiediaperz says...
>I was just wondering how Alice handled the logistics of making all those
>enemas. It must have been a daunting tasks. That's 9 enemas (including
>herself), on at least a daily basis - sometimes even twice a day I would
>imagine. Wow, all those buckets and bags to fill, hoses to clamp and tips to
>insert. It's an enormous task that could have taken all her full time effort
>just to keep up. She must have had it down pat. And what if Mike was giving
>the children punishment enemas? She had to use cold water, metal tips and Pine
>Wonder if she gave the children a choice of enemas? What was popular? Granted
>they could have a good old hot soap enema anytime they wanted (and indeed she
>used Safe because it was better than Best), and that was usually the default
>enema. But what about other flavored enemas the children may have wanted like
>peanut butter, lavender, coconut and of course hot chocolate.
>My hats off to you Alice! You go girl...or um make em go girl!
But who gave Carol her enema? Was she bent oner Alices lap with her huge butt in
the air or did the boys give it to her?