In article <>, Aesop says...
>The best line I heard on the BB was when Mike won the award for being the best
>father and the kids are waiting for him to come home. The pgotographers are
>lined up to take pictures and so are the bunch. When Mike comes in Carol cries
>"Mike,you came in the backdoor". Little did we know at the time how prophetic
>this statement would be.
>Beats out Ward telling June Cleaver "Weren't you a little hard on the beaver
>last night". What's your great saying?
>>When Jan and Cindy approach Carol with sweaters for alterations. Jan complains
>>about hand-me-down clothes. Marcia wants to know when she can wear Carols
>>sweaters. Carol says "When you fill out". Like Carol is a buxom woman.
More like flat chested. 33-33-42 would be my guess. I wonder what Carol would
have said if they were talking blue jeans. When you ass gets as big as mine.