Sábado, 16 de Diciembre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaqui
l, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Feliz Navidad a todas nuestras familias por toda nuestra Gran América
y así también a todas nuestras familias de todas las naciones her
manas de la tierra. Que nuestro Padre celestial las enriquezca grandemente,
por medio de la gracia salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo y los dones maravil
losos de su Espíritu, que descienden a cada hora desde sus lugares san
tísimos, como desde donde por siempre habitaremos con Él, su Hijo
Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y sus huestes angelicales, para amarnos
, bendecirnos y enriquecernos por toda una eternidad. Felices Fiestas Navid
eñas y un Prospero Año Nuevo 2018 a todos.
Happy Hanukkah to the entire house of Israel within Canaan and the nations
where they may live these days, so they may finally find the Holy Spirit an
d the amazing daily unfailing love from the altar of Abraham and Isaac, loc
His name, His Son and His Spirit you are His Temple of the Holy Spirit and
His home-sweet-home into eternity, living in His perfect endless love with
every one of His children from Israel and the families of the nations aroun
d the world—Marry Christmas!
Our heavenly Father was ready to bring into the world His tabernacle of reu
nion along with its Most Holy Place, because He needed to atone for the sin
s of the families of the ancient nations that had died without a covenant o
f life with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Much less they h
s of their lives, so He may forgive, heal and bless them with His perfect a
nd lasting-salvation.
This is something that our heavenly Father had in mind to do with Adam and
Eve in heaven’s glory as in paradise, because He needed to establis
h His altar on earth thus later to establish His holy name fire with His ch
ildren, so He may start His new dream kingdom, where His perfect will may f
lourish with His eternal life and daily blessing. Now, our heavenly Father
needed to establish His altar of the prehistoric love along with His holy n
ame fire on earth, because this is where He had taken a handful of dust to
dress the living soul not only of Adam and Eve, but also of every one the c
hildren to be born in the generations to come.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to establish His altar of His eternal lo
ve on earth with His holy name fire flaming over the children that will com
e to be born in the generations ahead, forming families and nations that wi
ll render glory, honor, power and exaltation to His holy name fire, as the
angelical hosts had done it through eternity. For this is the new kingdom t
hat our heavenly Father needed to form and establish on earth, but it had t
o be done with His ancient altar, along with His tabernacle of the Holy of
Holiest, so His holy name fire may be loved, served, worshipped and exalted
by His children, born from Adam and Eve, through the generations.
For our heavenly Father never thought again to create more angels to replac
e Lucifer and the one-third of the angels that had sinned against Him, His
Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, by trying to take on His holy name fi
re, something that they were never called to do, because this was reserved
only for His children to be born yet. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father sti
ll needed to start a new kingdom that will be better than the ancient one,
but this time, it had to be a kingdom that will be born from His altar of t
he prehistoric love along with the tabernacle of reunion and the Holy of Ho
liest, thus to conquer new glories never seen before by any one yet.
That is why, that our heavenly Father after having lost Adam and Eve to the
forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, at the epice
nter of paradise, as they ate from it, deceived by the old serpent that Luc
ifer had sent against them, then He thought of His new kingdom filled only
with His Son and His Spirit. This is our heavenly Father dream family that
will become a conglomerate of nations throughout the earth, invading heaven
’s glory as paradise, the New Jerusalem from heaven above along wit
h many other glorious places never seen by angels much less by men until no
w, because they are reserved for those that love Him in Spirit and in Truth
into all eternity.
This is when our heavenly Father thought of you and your loved ones, includ
ing your friends, because He needed to make you to come to Him, but by your
own will and through His altar of the prehistoric love, where He has alway
s lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in perfect harmony of
eternal life, through eternity. However, having our heavenly Father lost n
ot only a great number of very holy angels that He had learned to love and
care through eternity, because when He created them, then it was to love, s
erve, worship and exalt Him along with His holy name fire over His altar of
love, but they failed Him with sin and evil in their hearts.
The holy angels, in their different ranks of powers and glory failed Him an
d His holy name fire over His altar of love, because Lucifer thought that b
ecause of His great wisdom and perfection, then he could exalt himself and
his name above our heavenly Father and His holy name fire, therefore incurr
ing into the penalty of death along with his fallen angels. Inasmuch as, ou
r heavenly Father has never allowed anyone into His Holy of Holiest that it
is always working the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that caus
es the heart, spirit, mind and entire being of created beings, as angels of
different ranks of powers and glories to love, serve and worship Him throu
gh eternity, thus honoring His holy name fire, perpetually.
Therefore, Lucifer along with his one-third of angels sinned against our he
avenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, by rebelling again
st His holy name fire that it has always been loved, served and worshipped
by the angelical hosts throughout eternity, without any incidents at all to
remember—because there was never sin found in heaven until Lucifer
was created. Besides, because of Lucifer’s rebellion along with th
e one-third of the fallen angels against our heavenly Father and His Holy S
pirit, then He decided that the best thing to do, it was to create a new ki
ngdom thus to separate or walk away from the old one, from where every sin
had been born in the heart of Lucifer and his followers.
That is why, that earth was the ideal place for our heavenly Father to star
t a new kingdom, where His altar of His perfect love along with His taberna
cle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest will be installed to give birth to H
is children, as they are baptized in water instantly in His name, His Son J
esus Christ and His Spirit. However, although Lucifer had managed to deceiv
e Adam and Eve by causing them to eat the forbidden fruit, from the hand of
the old serpent of the Garden of Eden, then, our heavenly Father was ready
to start His new covenant of life not with the angels, but with His childr
en born in paradise and on earth, glorifying His holy name, perpetually.
At this time, not only Adam and Eve along with the entire earth had been ta
ken by Lucifer and his fallen angels, but also the land that He had chosen
to establish His altar of the prehistoric love along with the tabernacle of
reunion and its Holy of Holiest, where His children may become reborn from
His Holy Spirit into eternal life. Furthermore, to reconquer the earth alo
ng with His chosen land and the families of the nations, living already eve
rywhere throughout the world, then, He had to sit with Abraham and his 318
adoptive children to eat the bread and wine, which is daily served by His S
on Jesus Christ to the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, thus to k
eep them holy always.
Once our heavenly Father had managed to eat the bread and wine with Abraham
and his adoptive children, then He could allow His Holy Spirit to descend
into the world thus to conquer it for the glory of His holy name fire, flam
ing over His ancient altar of his eternal love forever, but He had to do th
is through a sterile womb. The sterile womb of a woman would do it, because
it was Eve that was deceived by the old serpent to eat from the forbidden
fruit that destroyed finally her womb that gave birth to children enslaved
to sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, conflicts, wars, holocausts and death
, and so, our heavenly Father had to reconquer what was lost through a barr
In other words, our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit had to reenter humankind through a barren-womb, where her husb
and had a pact with Him, by eating the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Ch
rist, so His Holy Spirit may enter into human life, conquering the chosen l
and and the world eventually. Because, once our heavenly Father, His Son Je
sus Christ and the Holy Spirit had replaced not only the human flesh but th
e spirit as well, then He could easily conquer Canaan along with the famili
es of the nations worldwide, by giving birth to His Son again through a vir
gin womb, thus reconquering heaven’s glory, everlastingly, for His
new dream kingdom’s endless glory.
lso the Ten Commandments of His pristine life to be placed within the Holy
of Holiest. Therefore, our heavenly Father had finally established in the m
idst of the nations not only His Son’s sacred-flesh along with His
Holy Spirit as Isaac was born to be Abraham’s sacrifice over Jerusa
lem holy hill, resting over Mount Moriah, but also He had taken the childre
n from Egypt’s captivity into the Sinai’s wilderness to add
ress the ancient nations with His only salvation.
Inasmuch as, throughout the Sinai’s desert our heavenly Father had
to take the entire house of Israel ministering as His high priests very imp
ortant rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness that the families of the
ancient nations failed to know and fulfilled before Him for salvation, beca
use they lived without knowing His holy name fire and Lamb over His altar o
f love. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to begin to destroy all the wick
ed works that Satan had managed to do against His children that had been bo
rn from His image and living-soul, as they were born through the generation
s from Adam and Eve stained with the sin of the forbidden fruit that both o
f them ate in paradise, breaking away from His unfailing-love.
That is why, that our heavenly Father had to reconquer Adam and Eve along w
will dress every man, woman and child with perfect holiness through King Da
vid’s virgin daughter’s birth into the world, to bless Cana
an with eternal life, everlastingly. Inasmuch as, Satan with his lies throu
gh the old serpent deceived Eve thus contaminating her womb to give birth t
o sinful children, rebellious to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit in paradise, then He had to cause His Son to be born fr
om a virgin-womb within Canaan to restore through His Holy Spirit life and
obedience upon humankind.
That is to say, also that once our heavenly Father had managed His only Son
Jesus Christ to be born from king David’s virgin daughter, bathed
in his own atoning-blood that is filled with His Holy Spirit and His eterna
l life, then His holy name fire’s glory could begin to be restored
at last since the angelical rebellion in heaven’s glory. This was s
omething that our heavenly Father needed to do with His holy name fire over
His altar of the prehistoric love, descended from heaven above with Isaac
and the Holy Spirit, not only to baptize Abraham and his children through t
he generations, but also to grant His holy name fire a baptism of lasting n
ew glories unknown to angels before.
Because as His children from Israel or the families of the nations have bec
ome baptized in water by confessing His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, then His holy name fire over His altar of His eternal lov
e is baptized with new glories that will continue through eternity thus ple
asing our heavenly Father with truth and justice, perpetually. For this is
why that our heavenly Father had to send His Son Jesus Christ to be born fr
om David’s virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, because He had
to conquer humankind and the entire earth from Satan’s lies, curses
and terrible deceptions of death in hell not only through David’s
virgin daughter but also with His altar of His eternal love.
Considering, our heavenly Father had to have had His only Son Jesus Christ
born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit to enter into ever
y family, beginning with Abraham and his adoptive children that he had to b
uy from foreigners with money to give them his home and family-love, but al
so, reconquer His own land and home-sweet-home through David’s virg
in daughter’s womb. This is the moment that our heavenly Father had
been waiting for through millennia, because He needed Satan defeated by Hi
y family from the entire human race but also His homeland, where He will li
ve with His children.
Our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan and his lies through the way, tr
uth and life of His Son Jesus Christ, as he was born from David’s v
irgin daughter that paved the way for His holy name fire to descend from he
aven’s glory, thus to enter gloriously to possess His home-sweet-ho
me, where it will become baptized along with His children with lasting-glor
ies. Given that, as our heavenly Father was almost contaminated not only by
Lucifer’s rebellion and every fallen angel from heaven above with
lies and deceptions before His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every
faithful angel, then, He had to clean His holy name fire with His baptism w
ithin His home-sweet-home, as His children worshipped it, to conquer new gl
ories unseen before.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needed to conquer not only th
e Sinai’s desert and the families of ancient nations that died in s
in, because they failed to know how to love, serve and worship Him through
His Son’s sacred-flesh and Holy Spirit, but also conquer His homela
nd to baptize His holy name fire with His children’s living-souls.
For our heavenly Father needed to baptize His holy name fire over His ancie
nt altar within the land that He had chosen to live forever with His childr
en reborn with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through water bapti
sm, so He may enter into His new Kingdom with his children along with His h
oly name completely baptized with perfect holiness.
Besides, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to do with all t
he angels in heaven’s glory that did not sin against our heavenly F
ather and His holy name fire, as Lucifer and the one-third of the fallen an
gels did, but they became contaminated nevertheless, so they became baptize
d finally when Israel was reborn from the Valley of the dried bones. Becaus
e as our heavenly Father had finished nailing His Son over the wood of the
house of Israel that once in life was the flesh born from Sarah’s s
terile-womb, by the Holy Spirit, to become captive within Egypt, taking on
the sins of the ancient nations lying in hell, so they may become baptized
at the Red sea, liberated from hell, finally.
Then, when our heavenly Father had finally baptized every man, woman and ch
ild from Israel that had walked out from Egypt’s captivity by invok
ing the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spi
rit, then they went straight into the water baptism finally to escape death
at the Red sea, by dumping every sin into it. Having our heavenly Father d
umped every sin that the families of the ancient nations had committed agai
nst Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: then, He had to give His
children to drink from the water of the rock finally to give them to eat f
rom His mouth the manna from His Dinning Table, in heaven’s glory.
Deeming, our heavenly Father was ready to use them as His high priests to m
inister over every man, woman and child that their sins had finally had bee
n extracted by ancient Israel from hell itself within Egypt’s capti
vity to dump them at the Red, in a great baptism that destroyed not only ev
ery evil work in them, but also every foe, perpetually. Now, our heavenly F
ather once He had managed to have the entire house of Israel drinking from
His living-rock, moreover eating from His manna from heaven above, then He
could finally grant them His tabernacle with the Holy of Holiest with His S
on Jesus Christ, ministering as God’s lamb and high priest through
the desert.
Considering that, our heavenly Father told Moses that He will not go with I
srael through the desert into the promised land, because they might sin aga
inst Him, as they did at the foot of Mount Sinai, where He almost killed th
em to replace them with new people born from Moses, finally to conquer the
homeland for His holy name fire’s new glories. This is when our hea
venly Father said that He was giving Israel His Holy Angel (Jesus) that bea
rs His holy name fire within him in perfect holiness and lasting-sanctity,
and so, they were told to keep themselves holy before him, because he was t
o judge and punish every sin and rebellion that they may commit against him
on the way to Canaan.
This is the setting that our heavenly Father needed to have within the Sina
i’s desert, and this is that not only the entire house of Israel ha
d dumped every sin at the Red sea, but also they had drunk from the rock an
d they were eating daily the manna from His Table in heaven, thus to minist
er before Him perfect daily holiness. Given that, now our heavenly Father w
ith the Holy of Holiest and His Son ministering daily holiness with the ent
ire house of Israel through the Sinai’s desert and every man, woman
and child from the ancient nations lying in their hell’s holes, pa
ying for the guilty through eternity, then He could purge them from their s
in’s guilt finally to receive His lasting-salvation.
For our heavenly Father could now through His Holy of Holiest and His Son J
esus Christ bearing His holy name fire along with the Holy Spirit’s
presence and mighty gifts, then He could minister to every living-soul suf
fering in hell’s torment the guilt of sins, finally to liberate the
m with perfect rituals and ceremonies of holiness to return to paradise any
day soon. Besides, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do
with the entire house of Israel for forty years (an entire generation) to
save the lost in hell’s torment, by destroying every sin with the s
hedding of the lamb’s atoning-blood over them that had been dumped
already at the bottom of the Red sea, forever, so they may have salvation e
Thus, our heavenly Father did not stop His entire salvation work to save th
e lost within hell’s torment, by covering every sin, previously dum
ped into the Red sea as Israel was baptized in water, by crossing it in dri
ed ground with walls of water, on both sides towards the side of safety, to
meet the Lord in person, but He continued towards you. Now, once our heave
nly Father had covered every sin with the house of Israel and His Son Jesus
Christ ministering with His holy name fire within the tabernacle and its H
oly of Holiest, then He had the way cleared to conquer His homeland, becaus
e He needed to establish His holy name along with His eternal life, to bapt
ize His children with lasting-salvation.
For our heavenly Father needed not only His Son Jesus Christ born within Hi
s homeland, by the Holy Spirit’s daily power through David’
s virgin daughter, thus to establish His holy name fire over His altar of t
he prehistoric love, descended from heaven above, but also He needed His ow
n life lived by His Son throughout the house of Israel defeating sin, alway
s. Because the virgin womb that our heavenly Father had called Moses to bui
ld with ancient Israel within the desert, then it was to build it successfu
lly over every man, woman and child already lying in hell, paying for their
sins, so they may receive rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, late
r to become reborn within it, but over His altar within Canaan.
Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ born from D
avid’s virgin-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, with
in Canaan, so he may live His eternal life as His high priest that had mini
stered already to every living-soul lying in its hell’s hole the ri
Father had gained amazing powers over every sin that every man, woman and
child already lying in hell’s torment had committed during their li
fetime on earth against Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit, thus with these p
owerful rituals and ceremonies of holiness, performed within the Holy Place
, then Satan was destroyed with His life lived within Canaan.
For our heavenly Father needed to destroy every lie, curse, and wicked work
that Satan had not only performed against Adam and Eve, but also the child
ren lying in hell already, furthermore for those living within Israel and a
round the world, Satan was destroyed with the same life that our Lord Jesus
Christ had lived through the desert, then finally within Canaan. Consideri
ng that, as our heavenly Father lived His eternal life with His Son and the
Holy Spirit over the ancient nations lying in hell’s torments, bec
ause of sin, then, by performing His rituals and ceremonies of endless-holi
ness with His Son and His Spirit, instantly Satan’s every work with
in Canaan was destroyed—conquering the altar of love for Israel and
humankind with perfect-salvation, finally.
Given that, our heavenly Father had to have His eternal life lived by His S
on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within Israel, as he walked with His ho
ly name and living word through the streets of Israel meeting every man, wo
man and child that was destined to listen to His oath sworn to Isaac, so th
ey may live. Inasmuch as, the words that our heavenly Father had spoken to
Isaac as he lied over the wood ready to be set on fire by his father Abraha
m, because he was told to offer him as a burn offering thus to begin His re
lationship in earnest not only with him but also with the promised children
coming through future generations.
Thus, these were words that His Son Jesus Christ being the sacred-flesh and
the atoning-blood bearing His holy name fire in perfect holiness along wit
h the Holy Spirit, then he had to manifest these words to every man, woman
and child within Israel, so they may become liberated from sin, curses, inf
irmities and death in hell’s fire forever into all eternity. Indeed
, these were words that had to be spoken throughout the cities and streets
of the land of Israel, because our heavenly Father had to touch and heal ev
ery one of His children, so they may become filled with His Holy Spirit tha
t they needed to possess, thus to enter not just over Jerusalem’s h
oly hill, but also into His new kingdom.
These are words of His unfailing love for each one of them as it has always
been for Isaac that lied over the wood ready to become a burnt offering th
at Abraham was called to conduct, thus to start the fire of His unfailing l
ove giving birth to His promised children through the generations and His S
on for the continuous sacrifice lastly. That is why, that our heavenly Fath
er had to walk along with His Son and the Holy Spirit bearing His holy name
fire with perfect holiness, to reveal to everyone in Israel and through th
e coming generations the words of His oath sworn to Isaac, so they may beco
me baptized with them with His eternal life that is every one’s per
fect-salvation today.
Certainly, by our heavenly Father speaking to His children, as His Son Jesu
s Christ and the Holy Spirit walked the streets of Israel and at times they
entered together into their homes, invited by the people to eat and drink
together, then the sick were healed, the lamed walked, the mute spoke, and
those that were destined to die were delivered. Considering that, our heave
nly Father had to enter with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit into
most of the homes of His children, so He may bless them along with everythi
ng that they had within their households, because He needed to establish Hi
s living word over His altar staying with them with His special blessings,
healing, protection, and endless-richness, forever.
Because these are some of the powers that are already operating constantly
within the altar of Abraham and Isaac that is always burning with His hot o
ven of His great Grace, His great Mercy, His great Truth and His great Divi
ne Justice, so their entire homes along with their loved ones and belonging
s may be blessed with His Holy Spirit and living-word. This was something t
hat our heavenly Father had to do with His Son and the Holy Spirit not just
within every Israeli home, but also through the streets of Israel, because
oughout the land.
That is why, that Satan saw himself defeated along with his fallen angels,
because it was always our heavenly Father speaking through His Son and the
Holy Spirit to every man, woman and child that He met within Canaan thus to
fill it with His perfect will ready for Him to descend and live with His c
hildren in His new Kingdom. That is how, our heavenly Father was able to de
stroy every hidden work that Satan had performed within Israel through the
generations, by deceiving His children with his idols and altars that are a
lways filled with a terrible love from hell and darkness that will steal, k
ill and destroy any one that enters into them by the way of blindly worship
ping them.
This was a walk through the entire house of Israel and the land that our he
avenly Father had to execute with His Son and the Holy Spirit, rewriting Hi
s oath sworn to Isaac all over the land that He had personally chosen to li
ve with His loved ones, from Israel and the families of the nations, so Sat
an may finally die, forever. Just as our heavenly Father had to have had Hi
s Son walking with the house of Israel through the Sinai’s desert,
performing rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness within the Holy of Ho
liest, where every one of His children must become reborn from the Holy Spi
rit to enter into heaven’s glory forever justified, then, He had to
do it all over within Israel.
Considering that, our heavenly Father needed to save every one of His child
ren from the house of Israel and the families of the nations, by confirming
His oath sworn to Isaac, as He personally along with His Son and the Holy
Spirit lived it within His chosen land, but with His holy name fire lifted
very high already over Jerusalem’s holy hill. That is why, that our
heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was ab
le to perform great miracles that blessed everyone within Israel, by healin
g them from their sicknesses and by casting out fallen angels that were aff
licting their lives, so they may finally live their lives blessed in His ho
ly presence, and ready to enter heaven’s glory.
Thus, this is how our heavenly Father really destroyed every work from Sata
n and his fallen angels that finally He was able to tell the angel of death
His words of everlasting judgment, by saying within Israel that echoed thr
ough the streets and every Israeli home, Death, I am your death! This is wh
en that not only Israel already lying in their graves and in hell’s
mouth was finally liberated, because our heavenly Father could not truly l
iberate them from sin, curses and the death from the Valley of the dried bo
nes until He had spoken His oath sworn to Isaac all over Canaan, to destroy
Satan along with the angel of death, forever.
Once our heavenly Father had finally finished the work that He needed to do
within Israel along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He
filled with every one’s eternal life. Our heavenly Father needed to
take His Son along with His Spirit and every ritual and ceremony of perfec
t holiness performed through the Sinai’s desert and over the famili
es of the ancient nations that needed deliverance, so He may finally take a
s well the work that He had done throughout the homes and streets of Israel
into the Holy of Holiest.
Our heavenly Father needed His Son with his sacred-flesh nailed to the wood
of the house of Israel that was once the flesh and body born in captivity,
baptized in the Red sea, to drink from the rock and eat the manna from hea
ven, so they may finally enter together into the Holy of Holiest for forgiv
eness, acceptance, and every one’s lasting-salvation worldwide. The
refore, this is the place that our heavenly Father needed to have the child
ren of Abraham nailed to His Son Jesus Christ along with every ritual and c
eremony of perfect holiness entering into the Holy of Holiest along with ev
ery word, work, and newfound glory within Canaan, so He may finally seal ev
eryone with His perfect salvation filled with His unfailing-love, forever.
That is why, that as the entire house of Israel becomes baptized again for
the third time, wherever they may be living within the nations worldwide, t
hen they will become reborn from the water in the name of the Father, the S
on and of the Holy Spirit, so the oath sworn to Isaac may turn on within th
em, as His perfect will, perpetually. This is when our heavenly Father will
get up from His Mercy Seat to walk into Israel to live with His loved ones
forever into eternity, because it will be within Jerusalem, where He has a
lready established His holy name fire over mount Zion, and so, as He may se
e Israel reborn from the water then they have become His home-sweet-home, e
This is when Israel will fail to sin again, because they have now become re
born from the water in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spir
it, therefore the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error are not with them an
ymore, because the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh will dress them with pe
rfect holiness for our heavenly Father’s new-glories. That means th
at the Holy Spirit along with every newly created glory by our heavenly Fat
her and His Son Jesus Christ will descend, as water falls from heaven above
, to stay forever within Israel and her people not only enriching them but
also every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to bec
ome God’s newly created kingdom, perpetually.
Now, these glories will descend upon Israel because the oath that our heave
nly Father swore to Isaac, later confirmed with Jacob, finally to establish
ecause now Israel had become the Temple of the Holy Spirit that is our heav
enly Father’s perfect will established upon Israel thus to bless th
e nations from the past, the present and the future, so they may finally li
ve with Him with every one dressing with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spir
it never to know sin again into all eternity to come.
For Israel will become the Temple of the Holy Spirit filled with our heaven
ly Father’s home-sweet-home unfailing-love that He has always felt
within His holy heart for His Son, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and
every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations,
so they may finally become His kingdom family, filled with His life, everla
stingly. This is the new kingdom, where our heavenly Father will no longer
live with created beings as the angels, but now, He will be living on earth
, where His perfect will finally is manifested over the entire house of Isr
ael, as they may become baptized in water, finally to live with those born
from His image and living-soul, surrounded with pure-love, perpetually.
That is why, that our heavenly Father is expecting you along with your love
d ones and friends to become baptized in water, so you may finally enter in
to His altar of the prehistoric love and the tabernacle of reunion, where H
is Holy of Holiest awaits for you to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and e
ternal life, to enter heaven’s glory now. Because once you may have
entered into the Holy of Holiest, then you will meet in person our heavenl
y Father ready to put His arms around you, so you may become one with Him,
His Son and the Holy Spirit, filled with His unfailing pure-love—wh
ere you will never sin again, but only live to enjoy daily richness and end
less-happiness into eternity. Happy Hanukkah---and—Merry Christmas
to every one everywhere throughout the land! Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, e
n el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor.
Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y
honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo,
también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de t
u nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea
hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo así también en la tierra. El
pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras de
udas, como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos m
etas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino,
el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial
también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no perdonáis a los
hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD
”. Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de éste MUNDO y
Disponte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):
Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d
ía por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que entré
en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.
y di: Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que Je
sucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy d
ispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi corazón y a m
i vida, como mi SALVADOR.
¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O
¿No _____?
¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva mar
avillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, or
ando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate en AGUA
y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y sirve con otros
cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprem
a autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los demás.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que
los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del evangelio de Jesús te re
comienden leer y te ayuden a entender más de Jesús y de su palabr
a sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos están disponibles en gran cant
idad en diferentes temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barr
io, entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia, para ve
r qué clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que te ay
uden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti, para que
te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y así com
iences a crecer en Él, desde el día de hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal
la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras a
nquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén”. Por causa de mis herman
os y de mis amigos, diré yo: “Haya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal
én”. Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en el c
ielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Espíritu de
Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y asegurándole: - Qué
todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehová de los Ejércitos,
¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo i
nstrumento y de todo corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre:
gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como
antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1