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Sábado, 07 de Octubre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil,
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
express our love, sympathy, prayers and love to the families of the victims
that suffered the terrible attacks in Las Vegas recently, as someone unkno
wn to them opened fire with his weapon, taking their lives by surprise and
wounding many throughout the crime scene. They have ascended into our heave
nly Father’s presence in heaven’s glory, as paradise and Hi
s angelical kingdom, because His Son Jesus Christ paid in full the ransom f
or their sins, never to be remembered anymore in eternity, so they may live
forever blessed and filled with eternal life shed abundantly over the wood
and His Holy of Holiest for lasting-richness and salvation. We will contin
ue to pray to our heavenly Father, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, so
you may find solace and lasting happiness within your heart to know that yo
ur loved ones are enjoying the fullness of His eternal life that His Holy S
pirit has granted to each one of them forever into all eternity to come. Am
The Lord Jesus Christ asked Jacob for his name while they were struggling,
because Jacob had decided that he will not let him go unless he grants him
a blessing. And then he answered by saying, my name is Jacob. But Jacob sai
d to the Lord, what is your name, please tell me. And the Lord replied by s
aying, why are you asking for my name? Then the Lord blessed him there at P
eniel, because Jacob said: I have seen God face-to-face and yet he spared m
e because my life was precious in his sight.
This is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven above to m
eet Jacob, because he was returning to his homeland where he was born from
his father Isaac, so he may restart his family with his relatives that inha
bited the land of Canaan. On his way to Canaan, our Lord Jesus Christ appea
red to Jacob thus to bless him but he began to struggle with him with great
human force, given that a powerful blessing was to come not only upon his
life but also his entire household that included the children promised to A
braham his father to be born in the generations ahead.
Besides, because Jacob had always searched for his blessing from the Lord t
hrough the years, then this was the night that he felt that he should get i
t thus he began to struggle with him with all his strength so he may get it
before daybreak, because he needed to take his blessing along with him and
his household into Canaan. This is when Jacob asked the Lord Jesus Christ
for his name, but he immediately replied to him with a question by asking h
im for his name instead, because he was blessing Jacob as he would give him
his name, that it to say, that when Jacob said my name is Jacob then he wa
s given a new name to keep forever.
This is when our Lord Jesus Christ revealed his name to Jacob, because he h
ad asked for his name that is great and admirable with everyone failing to
understand it, however, when Jacob said his name, then the Lord said your n
ame will no longer be Jacob but Israel it will be; for you have struggled w
ith men and God, and win. This is when our heavenly Father was really givin
g the name of His Son Jesus Christ to be known not only by Jacob but also t
o possess it forever, because he had asked the Lord for his name, and by as
king for his name, then his name as Jacob was changed to Israel, because th
is is the name of God’s beloved Son.
That is why that on this day, on his way to Canaan along with his women and
children carrying everything that he possessed, then our heavenly Father g
ranted Jacob to have the name of His only Son Jesus Christ, as He has alway
s known him through eternity, and this is the name of Israel, because Jacob
was his legitimate firstborn on earth. Moreover, Jacob was on his way to b
egin to receive the children that our heavenly Father had promised to his f
ather Abraham to have in the generations to come, because they were going t
o become a family of nations that will carry His holy name fire to the moun
taintop that He had chosen to establish His perfected will forever.
Therefore, Jacob had to be renamed by our heavenly Father through His Son t
hat had descended thus to bless him mightily with his own name from heaven
above that is Israel, for His children to be born just as Isaac was born fr
om Sarah’s barren-womb, by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers i
n Canaan, to become His beloved nation, finally established as Israel. Give
n that, our heavenly Father needed His firstborn on earth that is Jacob to
be no longer called Jacob but Israel instead, because this is the family na
me of His only Son from which he has always been known in heaven’s
glory through eternity, and because Jacob was returning to Canaan then his
name should be Israel thus pleasing the Father, forever.
Consequently, Jacob returned to Canaan with the name of His Son Jesus Chris
t, because our heavenly Father needed His firstborn Jacob to be known throu
gh the families of the nations of the world as Israel, because by naming Ja
cob Israel, then He was also renaming Canaan as Israel since this is where
He will live with His only beloved Son into perpetuity. This is the day, wh
en our heavenly Father began to have His Son Jesus Christ named as Jacob wa
s, and this is Israel, so not only him will be renamed Israel but also the
land that He had personally chosen for His Son to be born along with His ch
ildren lifting His holy name fire in eternal glory over Jerusalem holy hill
For this is the land chosen by our heavenly Father from the entire world no
t only for His Son Jesus Christ to be born from David’s virgin daug
hter, bathed in his own atoning-blood, thus to bring into Israel His holy n
ame fire to shine over His eternal life, lived by His Son, but also lived b
y everyone from Israel and the nations lastly. For our heavenly Father need
ed for His oath sworn to Isaac to be finally established and filled forever
with His Son Jesus Christ and everyone of His children from Israel and the
families of the nations over Jerusalem holy hill, so His holy name fire ma
y shine over their individual lives, wherever they may live on earth into a
ll eternity.
Therefore, this is the place that our heavenly Father had chosen for every
man, woman and child to become reborn from the water baptism and the Holy S
pirit baptism, because as every one is submerged under water by invoking th
tion. These are the holy ones from Mount Zion that have become His children
born again from the water and from the Holy Spirit, so they may become ins
tantly not only His blessed children but also His kings, high priests, temp
les to His holy name fire and judges thus to rule the families of the natio
ns forever in His perfect holiness.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus C
hrist and the Holy Spirit to meet Jacob, as he was returning to Canaan with
his wives and children along with all the richness that he had accumulated
working for twenty years for Laban, the father of his wives, so He may ren
ame Jacob and Canaan as well. For our heavenly Father needed His firstborn
Jacob to be known worldwide as Israel but also the land that He had chosen
to establish His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, as His
Son Jesus Christ may live His eternal life victorious over Satan and his fa
llen angels, by finally destroying his kingdom of darkness along with the a
ngel of death.
For this is the land that our heavenly Father had to shed His eternal life
over it completely, because He needed to anoint it as His Son may live it w
ith his atoning-blood shed over his entire body, as he was born from David
’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit, finally to conquer the nati
ons with His unique-life emitting milk and honey. For this is the milk and
honey that the families of the nations will finally eat from our heavenly F
ather, because His Son Jesus Christ was born bathed in his own blood from D
avid’s virgin daughter, bringing into Israel His holy name fire shi
ning over Jerusalem holy hill but also over His children reborn from water
baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism.
Indeed, it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that every man, wo
man and child may become reborn from the water anywhere around the world as
where they may live, and so, as they may submerge under the water to relea
se the spirit of error and the sinful-flesh, then they will instantly emerg
e into His holy presence over Jerusalem’s holy hill perpetually ble
ssed. Because if any of His children fails to become reborn from the water
by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit, then they will fail as well to become reborn over the Holy of
Holiest of Jerusalem’s holy hill, so they may become His children r
eborn from His image as His kings and priests.
Besides, our heavenly Father needs to fill His entire new kingdom that He h
as started with Abraham, as He called him to bring up to the mountaintop th
at He will show him his only beloved son Isaac, so he may place him over th
e wood as a burn offering sacrifice unto His holy name fire thus to start H
is new eternal kingdom. For this is the altar of the prehistoric love, desc
ended from heaven above with Isaac and His Spirit, so He may lift His hands
over to His holy name fire nailed to the wood, as Isaac rested over the pl
ace of the fire, swearing His oath over him and the coming children, promis
ing eternal life and endless richness throughout the world, forever.
Therefore, this is the place where our heavenly Father has established His
holy name fire finally as His Son Jesus Christ was born bathed in his own b
lood, as he came out from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spir
it’s power, thus sealing His perfect will over Jerusalem’s
holy hill to rule over the nations, including heaven’s glory, final
ly with perfect holiness. That is to say, that our heavenly Father’
s perfect will is not in heaven’s glory as many have thought over t
he years with the holy angels, but, the truth is that He has established it
over Jerusalem’s holy hill perpetually, as His holy name was naile
d first to the wood and then His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood, r
emoving sin forever.
This is the only place of our heavenly Father’s entire Creation whe
descend from heaven above, to be established over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, but also: He has called divinely every man, woman and child to salva
tion. Because it is here where His perfect will has been established foreve
r, as His holy name fire was nailed to the wood along with His Son shedding
his atoning-blood, filled with His personal eternal life, for people withi
n Israel and the families of the nations may have it entirely, enjoying per
petually His milk and honey emanating from it, promised to Abraham initiall
Therefore, the eating of the bread and wine is not only what our heavenly F
ather had given to us through His Son Jesus Christ, so we may enter into Hi
s eternal oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’ holy hill and His Hol
y of Holiest but also to drink and eat from Himself that is the milk and h
irgin daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit that brought the holy name f
ire over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Most Holy Place, but also th
e shedding everywhere of His eternal life as the milk and honey to eat for
the nations worldwide, perpetually.
That is why, that once you become baptized in water by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then you wi
ll abandon the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh, to begin to eat
and drink with the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh the milk and honey tha
t His pristine life has granted you. This is something that our heavenly Fa
ther has never done it in heaven with any angelical host much less on earth
with any man, woman or child within the nations, except within Israel with
Isaac, because this is where He has chosen not only to establish His perfe
ct will perpetually, but also where His children are reborn with Him from H
is Spirit.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s perfect will is not
really established in heaven’s glory with the angels but, instead,
within the families of humankind, beginning with the house of Israel, beca
use it was with Abraham that He sat to eat the bread and wine from His only
Son, so he may become born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac. Our
not only to introduce His amazing love to Abraham and his loved ones, but a
lso He needed the atoning-blood of His eternal life to beginning to be part
of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations.
Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus C
breakable bones and the atoning-blood to establish His perfect will for ete
ill, resting over Mount Moriah that our heavenly Father had called Abraham
to bring his only son Isaac loved through the years within the nucleus of h
is household and loved ones, as Sarah and the adoptive children, since it w
as time for Him already to establish His all-powerful oath with him to bles
s you today.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to make His most important oath on earth
through Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Holy of Holiest,
resting over Mount Moriah, because He needed not only to bless His children
to be born from the Holy Spirit in the generations ahead but also His ever
lasting victories of His holy name fire newly found glories throughout eter
nity. That is why, that when the time for Israel to have lived four-hundred
years in Egypt’s captivity had elapsed, then our heavenly Father d
escended with His altar of the prehistoric love with Isaac and the Holy Spi
rit, so He may finally grant His holy name fire to Moses, according to His
oath sworn to Isaac, for His perfect will to flourish worldwide.
Provided that, when our heavenly Father called Abraham to bring unto Him hi
s beloved son Isaac, then it was to place him over the wood and ready to be
burn as a burnt offering sacrifice, for the new coming glories of His holy
name fire that He will finally grant to Moses and Israel over the same mou
ntaintop, resting over Mount Sinai. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to
manifest the glories and amazing-powers of the Holy Spirit to Israel throug
h His holy name fire that He had granted to Moses over Jerusalem’s
holy hill and its Holy of Holiest, resting over Mount Sinai, because He nee
ded every man, woman and child confessing it, for His amazing-powers of His
perfect will may be manifested finally.
Because whenever His holy name fire was confessed by His children within Eg
ypt, in the land of Goshen, and ready to abandon captivity finally, then it
was for His perfect will sworn to Isaac may manifest with miracles, wonder
s and greater sings in heaven and earth, so they may walkout from captivity
towards His freedom of amazing abundant daily promises awaiting them. Cert
ainly, when the Israelis began to confess the perfect holiness of His name
by invoking the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit then the p
erfect will sworn to Isaac within the Holy of Holiest displayed within the
household of every Israeli family within Goshen, because the lamb’s
atoning-blood was spilled over every doorframe to walkout into freedom, at
Now, our heavenly Father prepared them not only by invoking the perfect hol
iness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within the land
of Goshen, as they witnessed the amazing miracles wrought before Pharaoh a
nd his officials by Moses and Aaron, but also they could walk towards the R
ed sea with His holy name powers on their lips. That is to say, that our he
avenly Father had every man, woman and child invoking the perfect holiness
of His holy name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they approach
ed the seashore, because He along with His Son and His Spirit was going to
baptize them to abandon every sin, infirmity, curse, poverty, conflict and
death at seafloor, forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to bury every one of the sins, infirmit
ies, curses, conflicts, enemies, wars, holocausts, poverty and death from t
he families of the nations of the entire world from the past, present and f
uture, beginning with Israel, because He had to have sin covered by water,
finally to lift His holy name fire victorious over His altar, within Canaan
. That is why, that our heavenly Father at the seafloor He stood there with
Israel, protecting them every single moment, by dividing with light and da
rkness His children and the children from the enemy, because on the side of
the Israelis there was light while in the side of the Egyptians there was
darkness that divided them never to mix ever again.
What’s more, our heavenly Father had to make distinctions between H
is children and the children from the enemy, because the new coming glories
of His holy name fire was at stake, and so: He had to do His best to keep
the house of Israel from mingling with other nations through the wilderness
on the way to conquer Canaan with His holy name. Therefore, when Israel em
erged from the seafloor by crossing it in dried ground into the wilderness
of the Sinai’s desert, then our heavenly Father along with His Son
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was very protective of everyone from Israe
l, because they had become reborn from His Spirit and the sacred-flesh of t
he oath sworn to Isaac, filled with eternal life.
Surely, walking through the Sinai’s desert, dressed everyone with t
he Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh that is the perfect oath sworn to Isaac
thus to be filled with our heavenly Father’s eternal life, where t
hey will fail to die cursed in hell’s torment, then, they became as
thirsty as the ancient families of forgotten nations paying for their guil
t in hell’s fire. This is where our heavenly Father needed the enti
re house of Israel to become as thirsty as every man, woman and child that
had lived their lives to descend into hell’s torment, because they
never knew His holy name fire much less they ever made a pact with a sacrif
ice lamb to cover their sins with the atoning-blood, spilled to the ground.
Now, our heavenly Father had every Israeli man, woman and child not only as
His personal high priest ministering His holy name fire and living word be
fore Him, but also He had them specifically over those lying in their hell
’s holes, ministering as their personal high priest His holy name a
nd living word that they failed to know through life always. Provided that,
our heavenly Father needed the families from the ancient nations to be tau
ght by His children Holy Spirit born through Sarah’s barren-womb, s
o they may come to know not only His holy name and living word for salvatio
n, but also come to learn how to live His eternal life through His Son Jesu
s Christ manifestation living it victoriously, within Canaan.
Besides, our heavenly Father needed to cover every sin committed against Hi
m, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so He may finally allow His only Son to be
born from David’s virgin daughter, by the Holy Spirit’s pow
ers giving birth to Isaac and to Israel through the generations, for His ho
ly name flying over Jerusalem’s holy hill victorious over the natio
ns, lastly. That is why, that when Israel stepped into the wilderness of th
e Sinai’s desert then our heavenly Father had to have the entire ho
use of Israel thirsting for water just as the families of the ancient natio
ns lying at the base of hell’s torment, paying for their sins forev
er, so He may give them to drink from his rock eventually someday soon.
Provided that, everything that our heavenly Father will do for the nations
throughout the earth, including the Valley of the dried bones and every des
cending hell into the core of the earth, then Israel has to be first as whe
n they were born directly from Isaac by the Holy Spirit from Sarah’
s barren-womb thus to fill the earth with His living Spirit. Then, they bec
ame the first nation to be born from another nation as slaves within Egypt,
for example, because this is exactly what He had told Abraham that the chi
ldren that they were to be born from him, coming from the stars that are co
untless thus to become His family and dream nation, doing His perfect will
always even beyond eternity.
Then, after they had accumulated the sins from all the families of the nati
ons for four hundred years, timely our heavenly Father descended from heave
n above over His altar of the prehistoric love, where He had personally swo
rn His oath to Isaac thus to grant to Moses and Israel His holy name fire,
something that He never did with anyone before. Besides, our Father granted
Moses His holy name fire for the first time because He needed not only for
Israel to invoke it for the water baptism at the Red sea, but also to teac
h it to the families of the ancient nations lying in their hell’s h
oles for His Son to descend from heaven above with His resurrection and abu
ndant life.
That is why, that our heavenly Father not only granted His personal eternal
life written with His finger on the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandme
nts, for Israel to receive it for the first time, but He also granted them
to have His tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest where He sits ov
er the Chair of Mercy everlastingly kindhearted. For our heavenly Father ne
eded every man, woman and child not only to have His eternal life dressing
their living souls with His Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh of the oath sw
orn to Isaac, but also they had to walk through the Sinai’s desert
conducting His festivals of the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness,
by spilling the atoning-blood to cover sin.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father had to atone for every sin from the families
of the ancient worlds that died without invoking His holy name fire of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, moreover they died without a pact and
a sacrificed lamb before Him covering sins with the atoning-blood, but with
His children spilling His lamb’s atoning-blood sin died, finally.
Having our heavenly Father covered every sin from the past, present and the
future generations then His holy name fire could descend from heaven above
with His only Son, as he was born from David’s virgin daughter to
live His eternal life thus teaching Israel lying at the Valley of the dried
bones along with the nations how to live it, perpetually.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel a
cting as His personal high priest throughout the Sinai’s desert, sp
illing His lamb’s atoning-blood over the entire sandy terrain, beca
use He was destroying sin, so His Son Jesus Christ could live His eternal l
ael had conducted His perfect rituals and ceremonies within the tabernacle
of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, by invoking His holy name fire along wi
th every word that our heavenly Father needed to communicate not only to Is
rael but also the ancient nations, then He could pour His pristine-life wit
hin Canaan through His Son.
Inasmuch as, His Son Jesus Christ was born bathed in his own atoning-blood,
by breaking David’s daughter virginity, then His eternal life was
spilled over his sacred-flesh to be offered as a burnt offering sacrifice o
ver Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Most Holy Place, for His eternal
life to pour abundantly as His only Son shed his atoning-blood to the last
drop. This was something that our heavenly Father needed to do within Canaa
n and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, victorious over Satan and the ang
el of death, because His eternal life lived by His only Son Jesus Christ de
stroyed forever every curse that he had within Israel, so He may erect His
holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, ruling the nations in pe
For this is where our heavenly Father received not only Abraham but also Is
aac his beloved son as his personal sacrifice to have his sins removed, for
eternal life to be possible in him and his wife Sarah along with his entir
e household, but also the children promised as numerous as the stars from h
eaven above to enjoy His eternal life, lastly. Provided that, by our heaven
ly Father blessing Abraham’s children as he had blessed him along w
ith his only son Isaac, by swearing His personal oath, granting eternal lif
e not only to his entire family but also to the families of the nations fro
m the past, the present and the future, then He was conquering earth eventu
ally for His coming kingdom.
For this is the new kingdom that our heavenly Father had always wanted, whe
re His personal will is established in perfection not only in every one of
his angels but also in every man, woman and child from Israel and the famil
ies of the nations, because He personally said to Abraham that in his seed
the nations will be blessed with lasting-richness. This is the kingdom, whe
re our heavenly Father will enrich you entirely with the powers that He has
personally sworn to Isaac thus to grant to his brothers and sisters from I
srael and the families of the nations our God Almighty’s eternal li
fe along with every blessed richness that emanates from His holy name fire,
as it is loved continually within you.
This is how our heavenly Father is planning not only to restore the glory,
honor and worship of eternal adoration of His holy name fire that Lucifer a
long with his one-third of the angels that dare to set themselves openly ag
ainst it thus to conquer and rule heaven along with His entire Creation, bu
t also conquer glories never seen or dreamed before. That is why, that our
heavenly Father has chosen the entire earth as His home-sweet-home, because
this is where He has sworn His oath to Isaac and to every man, woman and c
hild within Israel and the families of the nations thus perfecting His pers
onal will everlastingly: restoring worship, honor and glorify to His holy n
ame fire forever over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
For this reason our heavenly Father took Israel from Egypt’s captiv
ity to forgive every sin that they may have committed along with the famili
es of the nations, as He baptized them in the seafloor, because it is only
in water baptism where He has cleansed every living-soul from the forbidden
fruit, to restore it to His eternal life through His Holy Spirit rebirth.
Provided that, as every man, woman and child is baptized in water by invoki
ng His name’s perfect holiness, His Son and the Holy Spirit then in
stantly that person’s living-soul is undressed from the spirit of e
rror and the sinful-flesh, dressing the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh fr
om the Holy Place over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus becoming The New
celestial Jerusalem’s rightful-citizen, forever.
That is why, that when our heavenly Father called Abraham with his son Isaa
c to the land of Moriah, then it was not only to swear His oath to Isaac th
us to establish His perfect will over Jerusalem’s holy hill and its
Most Holy Place for Abraham and his children mandatory baptism, but also t
o make them citizens of His Greater Kingdom. Besides, ever since then our h
eavenly Father had baptized every man, woman and child from all the familie
mate children wearing the robes of kings, priests and temples to His holy n
ame fire over His altar of love, perpetually.
For this is how our heavenly Father began to make citizens of His Greater K
ingdom that He has already established it over Jerusalem’s holy hil
l and its Most Holy Place, as Isaac lied over the wood and He swore His oat
h for forgiveness and lasting salvation with abundant eternal life along wi
th endless richness on earth and within The New celestial Jerusalem. For th
is is the only way that our heavenly Father will receive you these days ove
r Jerusalem’s holy hill and its Most Holy Place, where He will beco
l citizen of His Greater Kingdom coming over the earth.
Therefore, with His oath sworn to Isaac over Jerusalem’s holy hill,
resting over Mount Moriah, then He has established His perfect will within
Israel to be manifested within you and humankind from the past, the presen
ternal life forever enriched. Because once you are baptized in water by inv
oking His holy name fire’s perfect holiness along with His Son Jesu
s Christ and the Holy Spirit then you are reborn over Jerusalem’s h
oly hill and its Most Holy Place, where you will become His legitimate chil
d and a rightful-citizen of The New celestial Jerusalem thus to live foreve
r enriched in His eternal life.
This is when you will begin to love, honor, worship and exalt His holy name
fire because you will be dressing no longer the spirit of error and the si
nful-flesh, but now you will be dressing the Holy Spirit along with the sac
red-flesh where your love, honor, worship and service to His amazing name i
s perfect these days everywhere throughout the nations. Inasmuch as, wherev
er you may go in life these days you will always be loving, honoring, worsh
ipping and praising His holy name fire throughout your life, causing our he
avenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to bless you consta
ntly, because this is the love, honor and worship that restores glory to Hi
s holy name fire after the angelical rebellion.
This means that you will love, honor, worship and exalt His holy name fire
throughout your days on earth without you even noticing it, because it is a
lways the Holy Spirit along with the sacred-flesh that is Isaac’s s
acrifice burnt offering over the wood doing it, where He swore His oath to
bless you along with your loved ones with immense richness. This is the alt
ar where our heavenly Father has through His Son Jesus Christ’s sac
red-flesh and his atoning-blood spilled everywhere that has destroyed the s
ins of the world, so you will have the powers to cleanse you from sin, sick
ness, diseases, darkness, poverty, lies, curses, death and all the powers f
rom Satan, and there is not anything that can hurt you again.
Baptized in water, then you are liberated from Satan’s powers influ
encing your life, because the spirit of error along with the sinful-flesh i
s no longer covering your living-soul where Satan can act to steal, kill an
d destroy you in everything belonging to you, finally to live continually a
lways covered by the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh where His eternal lif
e thrives always. Baptized in water, you will be filled with our heavenly F
ather’s eternal life where sin fails, sickness, diseases, problems,
conflicts, lies, curses, poverty and death do not exist in you at all, bec
ause now your living soul is operating through the amazing daily powers of
the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh where His oath sworn to Isaac thrives
with you through life.
This is when our heavenly Father can truly bless you with his daily richnes
s just as He blesses His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with every
angel from heaven above and every man, woman and child throughout Israel a
nd the families of the nations, so you may live His eternal life serving Hi
s holy name fire with perfect divine-powers, always. That is why, that you
now can grow always, because you are no longer operating within the spirit
of error and the sinful-flesh from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
but now you are in the Holy Spirit and in the sacred-flesh from the tree of
life, so you may live a daily enriched from heaven above throughout the ea
nnounce His holy name to the ancient nations lying under the hells from und
er the Valley of the dried bones in the Sinai’s desert, but also to
bring His holy name’s salvation to you these days. Timely, our hea
venly Father has prepared you to access His Holy of Holiest over Jerusalem
’s holy hill, as you are baptized in water, by invoking the perfect
holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit, because: Holy S
pirit reborn over Jerusalem’s skies, then you may become instantly
a citizen of His Greater Kingdom, as His legitimate child, perfectly enrich
ed, perpetually. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, e
n el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor.
Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y
honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo,
también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de t
u nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea
hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo así también en la tierra. El
pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras de
udas, como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos m
etas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino,
el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial
también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no perdonáis a los
hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD
”. Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de éste MUNDO y
Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):
Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d
ía por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que entré
en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.
y di: Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que Je
sucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy d
ispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi corazón y a m
i vida, como mi SALVADOR.
¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O
¿No _____?
¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva mar
avillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, or
ando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate en AGUA
y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y sirve con otros
cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprem
a autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los demás.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que
los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del evangelio de Jesús te re
comienden leer y te ayuden a entender más de Jesús y de su palabr
a sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos están disponibles en gran cant
idad en diferentes temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barr
io, entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia, para ve
r que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que te ayuden
a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti, para que
te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y así com
iences a crecer en Él, desde el día de hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal
la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras a
nquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén”. Por causa de mis herman
os y de mis amigos, diré yo: “Haya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal
én”. Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en el c
ielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Espíritu de
Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y asegurándole: - Qué
todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehová de los Ejércitos,
¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo i
nstrumento y de todo corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre:
gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como
antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1