Sábado, 09 de Septiembre, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaqu
il, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father had to descend over Mount Sinai with his altar of the p
rehistoric love, burning wildly with His amazing love for Israel within the
Holy of Holiest, because for Abraham’s children living in captivit
y within Egypt four hundred years had been completed, accumulating the sins
of the families of the world, for the final baptism at the Red Sea. In the
other hand, Satan was ready to annihilate them with a terrible holocaust n
ever seen before in the entire history of humankind, because he knew that i
f our heavenly Father could take Israel from captivity to the water baptism
of the sea, then he had lost them forever for his kingdom of darkness to c
onquer the world finally.
That is to say, that it was important for Satan to have the entire house of
Israel die in the sinful-flesh and in the spirit of error, so they may bec
ome his children that he needed to conquer the world, thus destroying our h
eavenly Father’s sworn oath that started with Isaac and established
it with Israel as pact of eternal life worldwide. That is why, that our he
avenly Father needed to move fast by calling Moses to Mount Sinai, because
He needed to speak as the God of Israel ready to liberate His children from
captivity, by the amazing every day power of His holy name fire that He ha
s never granted to the angels in heaven much less anyone on earth with huma
Our heavenly Father needed to get Israel away from Egypt and from Satan tha
t had arrived to destroy them, nevertheless, He was ahead of him, because H
become baptized in water for deliverance, at last. Our heavenly Father need
ed Israel to start shedding His Lamb’s atoning-blood not only on th
e doorframe of the houses, within the land of Goshen, in Egypt, but also th
rough the Sinai’s desert, because He was ready to begin to receive
His solemn festivities from them as they would conduct their animal sacrifi
ces to shed the blood to the ground, anointing it.
For our heavenly Father needed the entire wilderness of the Sinai completel
y anointed with the atoning-blood of every animal sacrifice that would be e
xecuted in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening as well, becaus
e this shedding of the animals sacrificed blood would cover temporarily the
sins of the nations until His Son Jesus Christ finally enters Israel with
powers. Therefore, while Israel was still in captivity within Egypt then ou
r heavenly Father waited for every man, woman and child to learn how to inv
oke His holy name fire that He had personally granted to Moses over Mount S
inai and its burning-bush that really is the Holy of Holiest, burning wildl
y with His hot oven of divine fires to baptize Israel, finally.
This is when Moses became baptized with the Holy Spirit’s fires of
His great Grace, of His great Mercy, of His great Truth and of His great Di
vine Justice, because Moses had to become washed clean from sin and impurit
ies not only because he was receiving His holy name fire, but also because
he had to take Israel into the Promised Land. That is why, that it was impo
rtant for our heavenly Father that not only Moses may learn how to pronounc
e His holy name fire but also every man, woman and child within Israel that
were still captive within Egypt, so they may breakaway from captivity, for
the final baptism of water at the seafloor, crossing through dried ground
into the Sinai’s wilderness.
This water baptism was very important for our heavenly Father, because this
is the only place in the world close to Israel, where they could cross in
the dried seafloor, while the waters were separated with giant walls on bot
h sides for Israel to walk into the wilderness filled abundantly with our h
eavenly Father’s oath that He had sworn to Isaac. Inasmuch as, this
pact of life that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham as he ate t
he bread and wine over the Lord’s Table, served as usual by His Son
Jesus Christ as Melchizedek King of Salem and His Righteousness on earth f
or humankind, for His only Son to become finally born from Sarah’s
barren-womb as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers.
This is the pact that our heavenly Father had always searched through etern
ity in heaven with Adam and Eve, finally to establish it with Abraham and S
arah’s barren-womb for His only Son to be born within the human fam
ily as Isaac with the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, bearing His perfect
eternal life for humankind to become saved eventually. This is the eternal
life that our heavenly Father needed to spread it within Abraham’s
household as His Son Jesus Christ is born from Sarah’s barren-womb
as Isaac, by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may begin to conquer
not only Abraham’s children in the generations ahead but also the f
amilies of the nations with His personal divine oath sworn to Isaac.
Provided that, this oath that our heavenly Father had sworn to Isaac is the
baptism of water and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because not only Abra
ham but also the children along with everyone else around the world need to
get rid of the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error through His baptisms,
for His eternal life to abide in them instantly. Provided that, when our he
avenly Father took Israel to the waterfront, then it was to liberate them f
rom total captivity not only from Satan and his holocausts coming for sure
as the one that manifested within Egypt as Pharaoh ordered every Israelite-
male born to be killed at births, but also, liberate Israel from dying in t
he sinful-flesh and the spirit of error.
Given that, if Satan could kill Israel in his seven years of famine that no
rmally come around the nations to steal, to kill and to destroy everything
granted by our heavenly Father to their families, but also, especially to s
top and kill Israel’s population growth, because if Israel can grow
then our heavenly Father, His Holy Spirit and His Son will grow worldwide.
Besides, Satan knows that if Israel really grows in population worldwide t
hen he has begun to lose all the grounds that he had conquered around the w
orld with his lies, deceptions and false doctrines where he has people wors
hipping names, believing that belonged to God but, instead, they belong to
him (Satan) to conquer the world forever for his kingdom of darkness.
However, with our heavenly Father and His seven years of richness coming re
ligiously then He can bless not only Israel as its population grows within
Canaan and everywhere around the world, but also the families of the nation
s will become enriched, so they may become baptized in water furthermore ba
ptized in His Holy Spirit thus entering into His oath sworn to Isaac. For t
his is our heavenly Father’s personal oath to Isaac that has become
a pact of life, protection and everlasting richness to grow in population
worldwide, so His Holy Spirit along with His Son Jesus Christ may become th
e powerful force of perfect Righteousness subduing Satan and his fallen ang
els into hell’s torment forever, for His holy name fire new eternal
Certainly, Our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac for Israel to
he seven years of famine, but also to enrich them amazingly with His Holy S
pirit and the sacred-flesh, where His eternal life thrives always over evil
. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father not only havin
g Moses invoking His holy name fire but also every man, woman and child wit
hin Israel, because, by invoking His holy name fire that is His personal na
me, His only Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s then He could bapt
ize them at the sea, by washing them clean from impurities.
This is when our heavenly Father exchanged their spirit of error for the Ho
ly Spirit and the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where His eternal life
thrives with His Holy name fire along with His Ten Commandments completely
obeyed and glorified by Him already, so Satan will fail to approach them t
hus to steal, to kill and to destroy them completely, forever. Furthermore,
this is where our heavenly Father will be able to defend, protect and fina
lly bless not only everyone within Israel but also from all the families of
the nations, because once that one is baptized in water by invoking the pe
rfect holiness of His name fire, then His eternal life will be the enrichin
g life that that one will always live.
Meaning that, that person whether is an Israelite or Gentile is already liv
ing within the Holy Spirit and the sacred-flesh spilled with the atoning-bl
ood within the Holy of Holiest, in the presence of our heavenly Father, so
that one will fail to become contaminated with sin again, that is to say, t
hat sin will fail continually to have effect in anyone, forever. This is wh
ere our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from Israel to be
with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and this is the Holy o
f Holiest where He personally lifted His hands towards His holy name fire,
to make the oath to Isaac for eternal life to be possible always filled wit
h everyone’s daily blessing.
It is only here, within the Holy of Holiest as the one from the tabernacle
of reunion built by Moses and every able hand from the entire house of Isra
el that they needed to build it not within Egypt or the Promised Land, but,
it had to be within the desert and above the Valley of the dried bones, co
vering sin always. This shedding of the animals sacrificed atoning-blood, e
verywhere around the Sinai’s desert, had to be done very meticulous
ly by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as they
traveled within the Shekinah (God’s cloud of Righteousness) above
the Israelites, as wherever they were led to camp thus to perform the very
important rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness.
This shedding of the animals sacrificed atoning-blood was done by the entir
e house of Israel as they traveled through the Sinai’s desert but b
y our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit constant gu
idance, because this was the shedding of the oath sworn to Isaac that is et
ernal life over the Valley of dried bones and hell’s torment itself
. Surely, our heavenly Father needed entirely ancient Israel along with His
tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest spilling the animals sacrifi
ced atoning-blood, to the sand of the wilderness that represents as always
the masses of people that have already lived and that will live in the comi
ng generations as families of nations around the world, thus to cover sin v
Moreover, our heavenly Father had to have Israel going everywhere through t
he wilderness, sacrificing the animals for the atoning-blood to be shed to
the ground, as the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness were conducte
d within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, because this is
the shedding of His eternal life over dead people to conquer the world, fi
nally. That is why, that it was very important for our heavenly Father to p
ull Israel from Egypt to get them baptized in water for the spirit of error
and the sinful-flesh to become replaced with the Holy Spirit and the sacre
d-flesh, where His eternal life thrives for the shedding of His atoning-blo
od throughout the wilderness to become successful finally, restoring life w
Because as our heavenly Father had Israel performing animal sacrifices to s
hed the atoning-blood to the ground, with the perfect rituals and ceremonie
s of divine justice and truth, then He was conquering the families of the n
ations lying already in hell, by covering their sins with His abundant eter
nal life, so He may finally conquer the entire earth for His coming Kingdom
. Our heavenly Father is a very merciful God to His children that have been
born from His image and living-soul by the amazing powers of His Holy Spir
it, so every one of them from all the families of the nations, beginning wi
th Adam and Eve, will finally become as His Son Jesus Christ is in his like
ness of perfect glory, perpetually.
Provided that, when our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ and th
e Holy Spirit let us descend to form man in our image and in our likeness
—then, He spoke about creating every man, woman and child from all
heavenly Father’s perfect will of everlasting love to recreate ever
y one of His children from all the families of the nations, because He is a
loving God, and there is nothing impossible for Him in this life and in th
e next one to come, because He will eventually enrich His holy name fire gl
ory with His children perpetually.
im, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit into the oath that He personal
ly swore to Isaac, confirmed it with Jacob His firstborn, finally to establ
ish it within Israel as an everlasting pact of eternal life worldwide. This
was done by our heavenly Father with Abraham seating at the Lord’s
Table by eating the bread and wine from His only Son, so the Holy Spirit m
ay finally enter into Sarah’s barren-womb for His only Son to becom
e born as Isaac, filled with His eternal life to be poured eventually throu
ghout the world, beginning with the dead lying in hell.
Thus, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel celebrating H
is personal festivities not within Egypt but within the Sinai’s des
ert, because this is the world of the dead that no one with his right mind
will ever dare to set foot in that hell, but our heavenly Father did it wit
h His children pouring His eternal life everywhere abundantly. This is the
amazing every day power of His oath that our heavenly Father had personally
sworn to Isaac, within heaven’s altar of the Holy of Holiest, wher
e He is been waiting patiently for every man, woman and child to return to
Him from Israel and from the families of the nations through water baptism,
so He may lovingly accept them, finally.
Thus, our heavenly Father after waiting for four hundred years for Israel t
o be born within Egypt’s captivity collecting the sins, infirmities
, curses, poverty and death from the families of the nations, then He was r
eady to baptize them at the sea, so He may pour abundantly His atoning-bloo
d and eternal life upon the ancient worlds within the wilderness, starting
with Egypt. For our heavenly Father needed to conquer the ancient worlds th
at had already descended into hell’s torment, because they died wit
hout a pact of life and a sacrifice lamb with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, and so, He had to have Israel doing these amazing daily a
nimal sacrifices over them as they lied dead, conquering them at last.
Even Satan had to be defeated within the Sinai’s desert, where he h
ad proclaimed himself king over the ancient worlds that had descended into
hell’s torments without a pact of life and a sacrifice with our hea
venly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because as Aaron poured the gold
jewelry received from the Egyptian women, then he emerged from the fire. A
nd Satan emerged from the hot oven where Aaron had cast the gold jewelry re
ceived from the Egyptians, because he is king of hell and the ancient famil
ies from the nations that died without a pact of life and a sacrifice with
our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and so, he h
ad to manifest himself as such.
This is when our heavenly Father became angry for Aaron deceiving the Israe
lites, by fashioning a golden calf, because they wanted to worship God and
His liberating lamb from captivity, and so, Aaron as the high priest called
for the gold to be cast into the hot oven to see what emerges from it, and
Satan said I am here. On this day, our heavenly Father’s wrath aga
inst Satan and to what he had done to the ancient families of the nations f
rom past and lost worlds into hell’s torment finally was manifested
before Moses and Aaron, because He was very unhappy to have seen the Israe
lis receiving and worshipping a golden calf that wanted to proclaim himself
as Israel’s victorious lamb.
Our heavenly Father was amazed not because of the golden calf but because o
f how fast Israel had forgotten what He had done for them through the amazi
ng every day power of His holy name fire along with His lamb that he had Mo
ses spilling its atoning-blood over their home’s doorframe to escap
e captivity, finally to become reborn from the water baptism. Our heavenly
Father was angry with the Israelites, because they had committed the same o
ld sins that the ancient families had done against Him that finally placed
them into the terrible place as hell’s torment is, and that He had
entered into the desert with Israel to cover sin with the shedding of His e
ternal life, and not the contrary: becoming sinful.
Our heavenly Father wanted to destroy the entire house of Israel in the des
nt Sinai’s foot, because instead of receiving His lawful commandmen
ts that is His eternal life in writing, then they deserved eternal judgment
instantly. But, Moses was immediately praying for Israel, because he had r
eceived through baptism the oath and its powers sworn by our heavenly Fathe
r over the Holy of Holiest as He lifted His hands promising always to be lo
ving, true and merciful with Isaac and the children thus to manifest grace,
mercy, truth and divine justice whenever is required: overpowering sin alw
ays, perpetually.
Besides, this was the way finally for our heavenly Father to take His oath
sworn to Isaac and the children baptized in water and baptized in the Holy
Spirit, so they may become reborn from His image and living soul to return
to eternal life in heaven’s glory forever justified, thus to serve
Him and His holy name fire forever into eternity. But, with Israel sinning
as they did, by accepting and declaring that the golden calf was the libera
tor from captivity that they needed to love, serve and worship until they m
ay finally enter into the Promised Land with it, to conquer it forever, the
n our heavenly Father’s wrath was blowing to degrees unseen before
by heaven, nonetheless, His oath appeased His Judgment.
That shows how powerful our heavenly Father’s sworn oath to Isaac i
s with you and your loved always, because it will never change much less be
come diminished by Satan’s wicked forces or from anywhere else from
heaven above, earth and under the waters of the earth, because this powerf
ul oath is forever, since you must be enriched along with the earth progres
sively. For it was with this oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father d
escended from heaven above with His altar of the Holy of Holiest, resting o
ver Mount Sinai, so He may not only baptize Moses with His holy name fire b
ut also every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nati
ons of world, forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father is determined to conquer the entire world alon
g with humankind that belong to Him, because He created all things along wi
th His Son and the Holy Spirit, thus Satan must leave His holy Creation as
he left heaven’s glory never to return to the angelical life that h
e once knew, since he is not worthy to live it. Through the Sinai’s
desert Israel continued to rebel relentlessly against Moses, therefore reb
ellion was against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because I
srael wanted to return to the life of abundance that they had once lived in
Egypt, because the desert was barren and too wild to raise children that w
ill inherit everything taught by them.
This is when, our heavenly Father caused judgment to fall upon Israel again
, because the venous serpent that inhabits the lost ancient worlds in hell
’s torments then began to emerge from under the sand biting the reb
ellious Israelites that they started to suffer and die agonizing death that
they cried out to our heavenly Father for help and deliverance from certai
n death. Our heavenly Father told Moses to fashion a bronze snake with a ha
mmer as the ones emerging from under the sand, because these were snakes of
judgment against sin and rebellion against our heavenly Father that were i
n hell tormenting the ancient families of the nations that have died withou
t a pact and a sacrifice with Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father told Moses to teach the Israelites that it was lawful t
o lookup to the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s pole for their heali
ng, relief, peace, restoration, reconciliation, richness and final salvatio
n filled with His eternal life hidden in it, and by believing it, then they
will benefit from it by healing themselves without having to die descendin
g into hell. Then, Moses did exactly what our heavenly Father had commanded
for the Israelites, so they may follow His express law to look up to the b
ronze snake nailed to the wood, because salvation was hidden in it, and it
was on the way from heaven above thus to help them return to eternal life r
eady to live in heaven’s glory forever justified.
Our heavenly Father had Moses not only hammering the bronze snake into shap
e before the wounded Israelites by the poisonous snakes, but also told them
to keep on watching it, because their healing, salvation, restoration and
reconciliation with our heavenly Father were hidden in it, and thus: they w
ere on their way to them from heaven above as from Isaac: Israel’s
Holy One. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father gave Moses a lawful
command that was not only to be erected in the middle of the Israeli camp
thus to become visible for every man, woman and child, but they were also c
alled to watch it, because their salvation was coming from it that will hel
p them to conquer Canaan at last.
Since then, ancient Israel never took their eyes from it, because they were
told by our heavenly Father and Moses that they had always to watch it, be
cause it possesses healing powers abundantly through life, but also the pow
ers necessary that were sworn to Isaac, and this is that He will bless Isra
el and the nations with perfect salvation and eternal life, perpetually. Th
e Israelites just by looking up to the bronze snake nailed to the wood then
they did not only feel healing descending from heaven above into their min
ds, hearts, bodies, human spirit and entire life, but also they continued t
o experience wonderful blessings of love, peace, richness and joys that hel
ped them to live the life of the desert in an especial way.
Our heavenly Father had prepared them to die descending into the Valley of
the dried bones, because they had a pact of life along with a sacrifice tha
t it was on their way to heal, bless, purify, sanctify, enrich and finally
release them from the power of the golden calf, hell and death, by resurrec
ting on the Third Day with eternal life. That is why, that our heavenly Fat
her told Moses by saying, descend from the mountaintop to wash, clean, puri
fy and sanctify every man, woman and child from the house of Israel to stop
(and wait) at the foot of Mount Sinai, because they will soon come up on t
he Third Day to see the LORD.
Moses did exactly as our heavenly Father had commanded to do with the Israe
lis that they washed, cleansed, purified and sanctified not only themselves
but also everything that they possessed, including their livestock, becaus
e it was important that when they were ready to stand at the foot of Mount
Sinai, then our heavenly Father would allow them to see the LORD lastly. Wh
at the Israelis failed to know was that by our heavenly Father telling Mose
s to prepare Israel with much cleansing, purification and sanctification as
been baptized in water in his holy name fire, then it was for them to wait
even unto death on the bronze snake to show them the holy name fire burnin
g over Israel with the King Messiah arriving.
This was something that it was to take place while the entire house of Isra
el had descended into the Valley of the dried bones sanctified, purified, w
ashed clean from all impurities to continue to watch the bronze snake until
it finally will tell them of the manifestation of the King Messiah born fr
om David’s virgin daughter, by the remarkable Holy Spirit’s
powers. Inasmuch as, this is how Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit daily p
cluding the King Messiah virgin birth from David’s daughter, for ou
r heavenly Father holy name fire to enter into Israel filled with everyone
’s salvation-powers.
This is the day when not only Israel’s night became light but also
the entire Valley of the dried bones that the house of Israel lying in thei
r graves could see their salvation not only to live the Holy Spirit of our
heavenly Father’s eternal life and holy commandments, but also paid
in full finally for their sins with his own atoning-blood. This is the nig
ht that became an eternal day not only for the land of Canaan but also for
the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones, because
they had descended there sanctified, purified, washed clean from all impuri
ties by Moses to see our heavenly Father’s eternal life granted to
them, lived perfectly well by His only Son.
Every man, woman and child from the house of Israel did not only witness ho
w their bodies became dust taken into the Promised Land by the King Messiah
, but also they saw the trees grow finally to become the wood needed over t
he altar of the prehistoric love, where the holy name fire will rest foreve
r in perfect holiness in eternal life. For our heavenly Father’s ho
ly name fire was nailed to the wood that is the entire house of Israel lyin
g in the Valley of the dried bones, to watch not only the King Messiah live
our heavenly Father’s personal eternal life, but also everyone els
e from Israel and the families of the nations when they may finally enter h
eaven’s glory forever saved.
Because as the entire house of Israel witnessed how our Lord Jesus Christ l
ived our heavenly Father’s every day life then also the families of
the nations that have been in hell’s torment living there to pay f
or the guilt of their sins, for they have to have learned how to live under
the holy name fire burning over them into eternity. That is why, that when
our Lord Jesus Christ defeated Satan and his wilds along with the fallen a
ngels, including the angel of death, then he defeated every enemy with our
heavenly Father’s eternal life granted under oath to Isaac, confirm
ed with Jacob, and established within Israel as a pact for eternal life and
everlasting daily blessing for everyone baptized in water.
For our heavenly Father will never allow anyone to live with Him within in
Canaan much less in heaven’s glory as paradise and The New Jerusale
m from heaven above unless that one is baptized in water, by invoking the p
erfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit, so they may all b
ecome reborn from His image as His children. Unmistakably, this is the only
way possible for everyone to become reborn within Israel and the families
around the world, because in water baptism as you may invoke the Father, th
e Son and the Holy Spirit, then under the water the altar with the Holy of
Holiest will be there to implement upon you the Fatherly divine laws sworn
oath to Isaac.
Therefore, it is here when you will finally abandon the spirit of error for
the Holy Spirit and the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, which is Isaac
to whom He swore eternal life, protection and endless blessings of healing,
health, wealth and perfect salvation filled with love, joy, peace, rest of
taking on the wood that once in life was their human bodies that had rebell
ed against Moses and our heavenly Father throughout their lives on earth, a
nd then they finally heard the voice of God for salvation had finally come
to them abundantly, by entering into the Holy of Holiest perpetually justif
Inasmuch as, once ancient Israel had made it into the Holy of Holiest as ou
r Lord Jesus Christ paid in full for their sins, curses, wickedness, infirm
ities, sufferings, humiliations, and death then they felt the freshness of
our heavenly Father’s eternal life invading and dressing their livi
ng souls as God’s children, forever, ready to ascend on the Third D
ay to see the LORD. That is why, that on that Good Friday awakenings unto S
abbath our heavenly Father said to His Son that he may descend into the hou
se of Israel to wash, purify, sanctify and dress them with perfection, powe
r and glory, because they were coming up to stay with the LORD finally some
day soon to enter the Promised Land to possess it, eternally.
This is when Israel will descend into Canaan filled with eternal life from
our heavenly Father, because His Son Jesus Christ will be embedded to them
as with nails and the atoning-blood that he shed over the wood thus to dres
s them with His Holy Spirit and his glorified-body to live the glories of h
eaven forever enriched and justified into everlasting. This is when the ent
ire land of Israel will be filled with our heavenly Father’s eterna
l life as His children arrive with His Son Jesus Christ embedded to them in
stead of the golden calf from the Sinai’s desert, thus to receive o
fficially the land along with the altar of the prehistoric love to serve an
d worship His holy name fire, into everlasting.
It is here, when Canaan will finally turn into milk and honey for the peopl
e to eat in abundance throughout their every day life, because our heavenly
Father will feed them again as He religiously did through the every day li
fe of the Sinai’s desert with the manna that descended from His mou
th, thus to keep them holy unto Him always. All life will return into Canaa
n from all the animal kings from the heavens above as the birds, for exampl
e, and the animal kingdoms, including the abundant sea life that had fade a
way because of the absence of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Chri
st filled with the Holy Spirit of eternal life and the amazing seven-year o
f abundant richness.
Canaan will finally flows with milk and honey, because our heavenly Father
will have returned into His land that He personally had descended to select
it as His home-sweet-home, where He will live with His Son Jesus Christ an
d the Holy Spirit dressing the glorified bodies of His children born from S
arah’s barren-womb to know the glories sworn to Isaac into eternity
. The families of the nations will come into Israel to eat of the abundant
milk and honey, because our heavenly Father had finally arrived on earth to
stay with them, so they may come to visit Him as they may please only to r
eceive His abundant love and never-ending richness that blesses their livin
g souls along with their loved ones throughout earth.
For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will for them to come unto
Him as His children born again from the water baptism and (born again) from
the Holy Spirit baptism over His ancient altar of the prehistoric love, de
scended from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit: only to enrich th
eir every day life with His loving eternal life, everlastingly. Lastly they
will become His children, His high priests, His kings, His judges and His
ministers always ministering for the glory of His holy name fire on earth w
ith humankind and in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, for t
he entire earth eventually to become as holy as the Holy of Holiest is befo
re Him into all eternity to come.
Our heavenly Father will finally have descended to live with Israel and the
families of the nations, because He pulled Israel from Egypt’s cap
tivity to spill His atoning-blood all over the Sinai’s desert and f
inally over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the nations to become baptize
d as well with His eternal life, filled with perfect salvation for those th
at love Him through eternity. These days, as in the new kingdom coming upon
the entire earth, starting with Israel, it will be His only Son not only s
hedding his atoning-blood over ancient worlds that died without a pact and
a sacrificed lamb before our Father, but also the eternal life that he has
lived already for you within Canaan, so you may live it forever enriched.
Until now, our heavenly Father has not only finished spilling His Son Jesus
Christ atoning-blood over ancient families of nations that descended into
hell’s torment without a pact and a sacrificed lamb before Him in h
eaven’s glory, but also, He is continuing to spill it from Jerusale
m’s holy hill until you are reborn from the water and His Spirit wi
th instant salvation. Our heavenly Father has already enriched the entire e
arth with His eternal life that His Son Jesus Christ has brought into Israe
l shedding-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill for you to see and rece
ive it with gladness in your heart for justice thus to confess it with your
lips for salvation and perfect every day richness: blessing you and your l
oved ones, always. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, e
n el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor.
Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y
honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo,
también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de t
u nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea
hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo así también en la tierra. El
pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras de
udas, como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos m
etas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino,
el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial
también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no perdonáis a los
hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD
”. Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de éste MUNDO y
Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):
Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d
ía por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que entré
en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.
y di: Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que Je
sucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy d
ispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi corazón y a m
i vida, como mi SALVADOR.
¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O
¿No _____?
¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva mar
avillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, or
ando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate en AGUA
y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y sirve con otros
cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprem
a autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los demás.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que
los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del evangelio de Jesús te re
comienden leer y te ayuden a entender más de Jesús y de su palabr
a sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos están disponibles en gran cant
idad en diferentes temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barr
io, entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia, para ve
r que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que te ayuden
a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti, para que
te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y así com
iences a crecer en Él, desde el día de hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal
la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras a
nquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén”. Por causa de mis herman
os y de mis amigos, diré yo: “Haya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal
én”. Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en el c
ielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Espíritu de
Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y asegurándole: - Qué
todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehová de los Ejércitos,
¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo i
nstrumento y de todo corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre:
gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como
antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1