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Sábado, 03 de Junio, 2017 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, E
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father told Moses to put the Ark’s covers—the
Place of Atonement—on top of the Ark of the Covenant, inside The Mo
st Holy Place. For this is where our Living God was ready to meet not only
every Levitical high priest from the house of Israel, but also His Son Jesu
s Christ, but with perfect celestial beauty: because he alone is His high p
riest for the continuous sacrifice that will purify, sanctify, bless, save
and enrich His children from Israel and the families of the nations.
Therefore, for our heavenly Father had to prepare the Holy of the Most Holi
est with perfect celestial beauty that it will not only dress the Levitical
priests as they will step into His holy presence within the tabernacle of
reunion, so He may accept them for every man, woman and child from Israel,
but also receive His Son Jesus Christ anytime. That is to say, also that ou
r heavenly Father had to make sure that His tabernacle of reunion was not o
nly built with the best from all the materials available within Israel only
, but also the men, women and children chosen and anointed had to be the be
st as well to carry out their specific duties thus to complete it successfu
Certainly, it was our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit that was providing every material needed, and in great abundanc
e, according to the covenant of life that He had established with Abraham a
nd Sarah’s barren-womb, so His tabernacle along with its Holy of Ho
liest may be built with perfect beauty, as the one in heaven’s glor
y. This was important for our heavenly Father that His tabernacle of reunio
n along with the Holy of Holiest may be built with His people that He had p
ersonally chosen and anointed thus to execute His perfect will, but also wi
th the best of the best that the entire house of Israel may provide in grea
t abundance for His holiness, to shine universally.
Provided that, this tabernacle of the Most of Holiest must not only be read
y to please our heavenly Father most glorious and perfect will for truth an
d justice within every man, woman and child from the house of Israel, but a
lso from the families of the nations, because His Son Jesus Christ was goin
g to pay the price in full to redeem them, perpetually. Therefore, it was i
mportant for our heavenly Father to start the building of His tabernacle wi
th the best of the best, from the entire house of Israel, as in men and mat
erials, thus to receive every Levitical high priest available to stand in H
is very holy presence for Israel and the nations, but also because this san
ctity, holiness and beauty are forever present.
For our heavenly Father had always searched for the best of the best not on
ly from His children that He has personally chosen from the house of Israel
, but also from all the families of the nations, because they were born fro
m His image thus to be His best in heaven’s glory forever well into
all eternity to come. For this tabernacle of reunion, with the Holy of Hol
iest had to be better than Sarah’s barren-womb that gave birth to H
is Son Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit as Isaac, so His prehistoric love m
ay be born and burn over His ancient altar, furthermore better than David
’s virgin daughter womb that brought His holy name fire to stay in
Israel, everlastingly.
For our heavenly Father needed His holy name fire to enter into Israel, so
it may stay forever over His ancient altar of the prehistoric love, descend
ed initially from heaven above with Isaac and the Holy Spirit, because it b
elongs now to ancient Israel nailed along with His high priest’s sa
cred-flesh and atoning-blood shed before Him in holy ground, for everyone
’s lasting-salvation. For this is the virgin womb that our heavenly
Father had to have had ancient Israel build it with the best received from
the continuous seven-years of blessings, thus to dress with exquisite beau
ty His tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest heavenly bound: to one day soon ev
eryone from everywhere may become reborn instantly, in its perfect holiness
, as His legitimate children.
This is the place, where our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit revealed to Moses that he was approaching a very holy ground ov
er Mount Zion, resting entirely over Mount Sinai, because Moses needed to b
ecome baptized thus to get the holy name fire and the leadership power that
he needed to lead Israel through his entire life. It is here, where Moses
great mercy, His great truth and His great divine justice, so he may lead I
srael out from Egypt’s captivity into the Promised Land, through th
e wilderness of the Sinai’s desert.
Therefore, Moses had to be vested with great powers of grace, mercy, truth
and divine justice, because his duties that he had to convey before our hea
venly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit had begun from the H
oly of Holiest that baptized initially Abraham, so his faith may be counted
as justice to receive the richness and the children. For this is the place
of perfect holiness that our heavenly Father had chosen not only to bless
and baptize Abraham and the children to be born in the generations ahead, b
ut also to call them to execute His will in their lives by ascending to His
mountaintop of the Holy of Holiest, to become reborn and blessed as His le
gitimate children.
Now, the entire house of Israel missed their call to ascend to the mountain
top of the Most Holy of Holiest, within the tabernacle of reunion, because
they thought that this glorious site was only reserved to the Levitical hig
h priests that will present themselves before our heavenly Father once a ye
ar for forgiveness, cleansing, purification, restoration, blessing and salv
ation to become possible. However, the truth is that our heavenly Father ha
d everyone within Israel building the tabernacle of reunion with every man,
woman and child’s hands able to fulfill His call, so when the time
was the proper one, then not only the Levitical high priests will enter in
Given that, our heavenly Father had prepared not only Moses to ascend into
heaven’s glory to see His tabernacle of reunion along with the Most
Holy Place throughout Creation, but also to instruct him how to build it a
long with its important materials and ornaments, because it had to hold and
he One always present in every work done within the tabernacle of reunion,
because it represented His perfect holiness, purity and divine-beauty, dres
sing the Levitical priests, as they minister within the Holy of Holiest thu
s standing before Him for Israel’s needed blessings, but also mainl
y for the coming of His Son victorious over Satan, everlastingly.
Given that, our heavenly Father could only receive victories over Satan and
evil at His altar of the Ark cover of The Covenant, because this is where
He sits receiving not only Moses whenever he needed to speak with Him, but
also the Levitical high priests, so He may forgive sins, moreover heal them
until they were completely blessed and justified perpetually. Besides, thi
s is something that our heavenly Father has always been doing through time,
since the tabernacle of reunion was built by the Israelites, and so, not o
nly Moses and the Levitical high priests may enter into it as they may need
ed, but also the entire body of ancient Israel lying at the Valley of the d
ried bones to become Sabbatical reborn.
Inasmuch as, when the time was right then our heavenly Father had Moses ham
mer a bronze snake into shape to be nailed to Aaron’s staff that He
had personally chosen for it to be lifted before the dying Israelis that h
ad been bitten by the venous snakes that were attacking from every directio
n, as they emerged numerously from under the desert sand. For these were nu
merous snakes that were ascending from the Valley of the dried bones to cla
im their living souls, because when Adam and Eve obeyed the lies of the Ser
pent from the Garden of Eden, then they ate immediately from the forbidden
fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, later to be received by
the angel of death.
For this is what our heavenly Father had warned Adam and Eve never to eat f
rom the forbidden fruit, because as they will eat from it, then they will d
ie, and this is why the angel of death claimed their lives by smiting them
with the venous snakes ascending from the Valley of death to claim the forb
idden fruit’s victory over them. Now, the Israelis were smitten num
erously by the venous snakes ascending from the Valley of death, because de
ath had to claim his victory over them as Adam and Eve ate from the forbidd
en fruit, but also to warn them from our heavenly Father that they were to
be nailed to the same bronze snake with His Son Jesus Christ’s sacr
ed-flesh, for lasting-salvation.
Surely, because Adam and Eve believed in Lucifer’s lies through the
mouth of the old serpent to eat from the forbidden fruit, when our heavenl
y Father had warned them never to eat from it, then they had to watch and l
isten to the bronze snake until it was time to eat from the fruit of life,
His Son’s sacred-flesh for final deliverance. Furthermore, our heav
enly Father had to do it this way with the entire house of Israel, because
first they were born in captivity to hold the sins of the nations for four
hundred years until they received His holy name fire through Moses, so they
may dump into the Red sea and hell’s torment the sinful-flesh with
the sins of the world.
Then, as they emerged baptized in water by dumping the sinful-flesh along w
ith the wicked lives that they had lived afflicted with the sins of the fam
ilies of the nations, then they had to dress the sacred-flesh, because thei
r living-souls had become extremely holy not only to see our heavenly Fathe
r, but also to become Holy Spirit baptize, as Moses was initially. However,
when Moses left the Israeli camp then he ascended Mount Sinai to speak to
our heavenly Father, because he needed to receive the two tablets of the Te
n Commandments for Israel to fulfill and glorify them through their lives,
but baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit, because this is the only way
possible to fulfill them, forever into eternity.
Nevertheless, as Moses was forty days and forty nights over Mount Sinai spe
aking with our heavenly Father about Israel and the way that they should fu
lfill and glorify them for the glory of His holy name fire that was to bapt
ize them anyday now over Mount Zion, resting over Mount Sinai, then they be
came perplexed and concerned about Moses’ whereabouts. All the sudd
en, they wanted to worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but the
y did not know how to do it, and so they approached Aaron to see what he ha
d to say about worshiping the Lord and His holy name fire that instantly it
occurred to him that they should fashion an idol in the Lord’s pla
This is when Aaron told the Israelis to bring to him all the jewelry that t
heir women and children had received from the Egyptians as they fled captiv
ity, so he may throw them into the hot oven that he had already in place an
d burning, to see what it will come out from it, so they may have something
to worship. Aaron not only threw the jewelry into the oven that fashioned
the golden calf, but also he built an altar for it that it was exactly as t
he one that he had seen Moses speaking with the Lord over Mount Sinai, and
so, when the Israelites received it, then they thought that they were worsh
iping God, when they were not at all.
This terrible idol worship sin not only opened the way for Satan to manifes
t to Israel as the golden calf of their deliverance from Egypt’s ca
ptivity and salvation as they may travel through the Sinai’s desert
, finally to possess the Promised Land, but also gave the power to the ange
l of death and his venous snakes to smite them to death. Inasmuch as, altho
ugh the venous snakes were coming from Satan and the angel of death again a
s it did with Adam and Eve in paradise, but now it was for the children of
Abraham, because they had a covenant of life that they needed destroyed, an
d so, the bronze snake is to signal the King Messiah as the covenant of las
ting-salvation fulfilled finally.
For the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones was w
aiting patiently through the years for the soon coming of the King Messiah
that was to be born from David’s virgin daughter womb, because he n
eeded to bring into Israel the holy name fire that will finally be nailed t
o their sacred-flesh that was really the wood. For this coming of our heave
nly Father’s holy name fire was important to light up not only the
blue sky over Israel and Judea of Bethlehem, but also the entire house of I
srael lying at the Valley of the dried bones as the sign that the King Mess
iah had finally descended from heaven above to rescue them, within the Holy
of Holiest.
For our Lord Jesus Christ had been born from David’s virgin daughte
r in perfect holiness just as holy as the Holy of Holiest of the tabernacle
of reunion, because he needed to live everyone’s perfect life with
in Israel, defeating Satan and death always, finally to present himself bef
ore the Father with His children alive, purified, sanctified and finally sa
ved as Kings and priests. Provided that, our heavenly Father had promised t
o the entire house of Israel by assuring them that if they could hear Him t
hus to obey His word, then the twelve tribes of Israel will become priests
instantly for the glory and honor of his holy name fire over the altar of t
he prehistoric love burning with perfect holiness forever into all eternity
For sure, this is exactly what had to happen within the Holy of Holiest of
our heavenly Father where He had received all the best of the best from the
Levitical high priests but, through the years, they failed as always to pl
ease all truth and justice that will save Israel from death and the familie
s of the nations, as well. However, when our Lord Jesus Christ was ready to
ascend the mountaintop that really was the place where not only Abraham be
came baptized in the holy name fire along with the hot oven of His grace, m
ercy, truth and divine justice, but also Moses was baptized for Israel fina
lly to have the leader needed to liberate them from captivity after four-hu
ndred years.
Certainly, our heavenly Father had chosen Moses to lead His children into t
he Promised Land, but because of rebellion their last stop, finally became
to be the Valley of dried bones, because they needed our Lord Jesus Christ
eventually to carry them into Canaan but as the ashes giving life to the tr
ees crying to the King Messiah to descend with salvation. Inasmuch as, it w
as impossible for their sinful souls to enter into the Holy of Holiest over
the mountaintop where Abraham, Moses and others had been baptized already
before our heavenly Father and His fires of the holy name and the fires of
grace, mercy, truth and justice, but with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to th
eir wood then they could finally.
For ancient Israel lying at the Valley of death knew perfectly well that if
our Lord Jesus Christ will finally be nailed to them, as the bronze snake
was to Aaron’s staff, then, they could finally walk into the Holy o
f Holiest that is the virgin womb chosen by our heavenly Father to give bir
th to His children by the Holy Spirit. Besides, they knew perfectly well th
at the Holy of Holiest is the virgin womb, descended from heaven above with
Moses to give birth again into life the entire house of Israel of living-s
ouls that had descended there, to wait for the King Messiah to be nailed to
their covenant-flesh thus becoming reborn before our heavenly Father, and
this time forever into eternity.
The entire house of Israel knew that the Holy of Holiest is the virgin womb
chosen by our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit to give birth a
gain into eternal life every man, woman and child from Israel and the famil
ies of the nations, because they were the ones that built it without knowin
g its final purpose until they died. It was in the Valley of the dried bone
s and by always looking at the bronze snake nailed to Aaron’s staff
that had healed them once from certain death in the Sinai’s desert
, then, ancient Israel knew that our Lord Jesus Christ was descending to be
nailed to them, thus to enter into the Holy of Holiest forever justified,
since sin was destroyed.
Therefore, the entire house of Israel knew that they were going to be saved
, because not only they had built the tabernacle with the Holy of Holiest f
or the purpose to become reborn from the Holy Spirit in perfect holiness, b
ut also they knew that they had a perfect high priest that was going to sav
e them, and this is Jesus Christ. The only thing that they had to do was to
wait patiently, believing that someday soon they were going to be redeemed
, because somebody within Israel was going to pay in full for their deliver
ance, and this was the Son of David, entering into the Holy of Holiest nail
ed with them over the wood and shedding the atoning-blood for final everlas
Consequently, they knew that they had to keep their eyes always on the bron
ze snake, because it was the snake that was going to let them know that the
y were being rescued as its fans once again will sting them at the feet and
hands, but this time it was Jesus Christ shedding his own atoning-blood to
save them from sin, forever. Indeed, they were going to be saved again by
just looking and believing with their own eyes as our Lord Jesus Christ was
being nailed to them as the wood was laid over the mountaintop and the rom
an soldiers nailed the holy name fire over the Lamb of God’s head a
nd body to shed the atoning-blood that removes every sin, forever.
Indeed, the entire house of Israel saw their bodies nailed to the King Mess
iah, as he received the nails on his hands and feet to shed his entire aton
ing-blood over them, thus to grant them the seed of the eternal life along
with the perfect holiness that will cause them to rise from the dead, on th
e third day. Considering that, our Lord Jesus Christ had been nailed along
with the holy name fire over the wood on Friday to shed his entire victorio
us life over every man, woman and child lying at the Valley of death, so by
Friday evening then he had prayed for their forgiveness for the Father to
send him to purify them on Sabbath: for lasting-salvation.
Therefore, on Sabbath our Lord Jesus Christ began to cleanse the entire hou
se of Israel from every sin that they had accumulated over the years within
y may return to heaven on the third day, to see the Father. For this is the
day that our heavenly Father had chosen to transform ancient Israel lying
in the Valley of the dried bones, but with their flesh turned to dust and t
hen to the trees within Canaan crying out to our Father to send His Son, so
he may be nailed to them entering into the Holy of Holiest with eternal pu
Definitely, the entire house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bon
es was able to enter into the Holy of Holiest nailed to the sacred-flesh an
but also it had destroyed Satan’s sinful-life of darkness, perpetu
ally. Thus, ancient Israel could feel how their flesh turned into wood rece
ived the nails in the hands and feet of the King Messiah as they once were
stung by the Sinai’s desert venous serpent that ascended not only t
o kill them by shedding their blood, but also to receive them in the Valley
of the dried bones, as the angel of death property.
Therefore, it was by the call of the bronze snake that ancient Israel final
ly realized what our heavenly Father was doing for each one of them through
His only Son as his head, hands and feet were pierced to cause his sacred-
body to shed his victorious life over Satan and sin, for the Holy Spirit to
resurrect them on the third day. Timely, the call of the bronze snake, to
the living-souls of the house of Israel, was the only thing that they could
hear in the Valley of the dried bones to know finally that their main enem
y Satan along with his lies, curses, infirmities, poverty and destruction h
ad been defeated within the Holy of Holiest through His Son Jesus Christ, f
or lasting-salvation.
For our heavenly Father had to attack and defeat Satan with the same means
used against not only Adam and Eve but also every one of their children bor
n within Israel and from the families of the nations, so they may finally b
ecome reborn with His Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit within the Holy of H
oliest as God’s legitimate children, forever. And because our heave
nly Father has defeated and destroyed Satan and his kingdom of lies and ter
rible deceptions throughout His entire Creation, beginning within the house
of Israel, then this means that He is ready to receive every man, woman an
d child that would like to become reborn from His image within the Holy of
Holiest, in heaven’s glory, for everlasting-salvation.
Consequently, there is no more need to wait for a high priest to enter into
the Holy of Holiest in heaven’s glory, within the tabernacle of re
union, because His Son Jesus Christ did it once-in-for-all with the entire
house of Israel lying at the Valley of the dried bones, as he was nailed to
their wood thus making them perfectly holy, perpetually. Provided that, th
e covenant of life that our heavenly Father had started with Abraham and hi
s wife Sarah’s barren-womb was a covenant of eternal richness, to e
nrich the earth along with the promised children to be born through the gen
erations, thus to enrich always His holy name fire over His ancient altar t
hat is located as always high within the Holy of Holiest.
Concluding that, our Lord Jesus Christ timely looked up to heaven then he d
id it to tell the Father that the time had come for Him to glorify The Son,
and The Son to glorify Him, by the amazing powers of His holy name fire es
tablished finally nailed to the children of Abraham, as the wood over the A
rk of the Covenant. Because the children of Abraham that had died to descen
d to the Valley of the dried bones are not from this world just as Isaac wa
s never from this world, but they are from the world above that He had crea
ted as The New Jerusalem from heaven above, so he may lift them finally to
where they belong, eternally.
Now, our Lord Jesus Christ had to pray like this before our heavenly Father
and witness that were standing near by, and the entire world nowadays, bec
ause just as Isaac did not belong in this world then also the children born
from Abraham and his covenant of life and endless richness, thus the time
had come to lift them up. And this was the Holy of Holiest within the taber
nacle of reunion, where every Levitical high priest always failed to meet o
ur heavenly Father in His perfect holiness not only to save himself and his
family, but also the children of Abraham along with the nations until Jesu
s Christ entered to stay forever justified with the children in the Holy of
Because Jesus Christ by saying openly to our heavenly Father that the child
ren of Abraham that He had given him were not from this world, but from the
world above in the celestial places, where they will find the eternal love
, peace, happiness, joy and the never-ending salvation promised to them wit
h amazing richness, will be possible, if they lastly believe. And we know t
hat not only Isaac belonged from the world above but also the children, bec
ause the promise that our heavenly Father granted to Abraham and Sarah was
that they should always look up to heaven and its countless starts, because
they will come into the world below from high above thus to return someday
to that promised world in heaven’s glory.
Then, our Lord Jesus Christ continued praying to our heavenly Father by ass
uring Him that the children from the families of the nations that will beli
eve in him, they are not also from this world but from the world above that
had been prepared for them to inherit it forever, that is, if they only be
lieve in his testimony manifested to Israel. For his testimony to Israel is
that he was sent by the Father, in the power of His holy name fire, and th
at they have believed and received it, because mighty miracles were wrought
throughout the families of Israel so they may become healed and liberated
at once, from the terrible powers of the enemy, as they believed in him for
Our Lord Jesus Christ continued to pray to our heavenly Father by saying: I
am not praying for the world but for those that are in it that you have gi
ven me, I pray that you will keep them safe from evil by the amazing powers
ly Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones thus to resurrect them to
life again, but not to our world, where we are living these days, but to th
e one from heaven above that is the world of the holy name fire nailed to t
he wood within the Holy of Holiest.
Provided that, this is the place where our heavenly Father has always waite
d not only for the Levitical priests to come in once-a-year to satisfy Him
in His quest for truth and divine justice thus to save Israel and the famil
ies of the nations, but also to receive His Son Jesus Christ victorious ove
r Satan, and with every one’s salvation sealed, everlastingly. For
ed with the holy name fire placed over his head and body thus to shed his a
toning-blood and bodily fat, burned over the altar for Israel to be lifted
finally to the world where they belong, perpetually.
That is why, that it was important for Israel to look up always to the bron
ze snake nailed to the wood high over the Sinai’s desert above the
Valley of death to listen to what it was going to say, because they were wa
iting for the miracle of perfect holiness, but they failed to know when it
was going to happen. They waited for endless years looking at the bronze sn
ake nailed to the piece of wood until their darkness became all the sudden
light as in day in heaven’s glory, because it was the holy name fir
e shining mightily over them, since our Lord Jesus Christ was under it, she
dding the atoning-blood to remove sin in one day, forever.
Our heavenly Father long waited salvation for the children of Abraham along
with the families of the nations had finally been fulfilled in eternal glo
ry, because His Son Jesus Christ prayed to be it this way within the Holy o
f Holiest with every one’s final lasting-salvation, to enjoy foreve
r into eternity as God’s legitimate child within The New Jerusalem
from heaven above. That is why, that through water baptism every man, woman
and child may be lifted instantly into the Holy of Holiest, where our heav
enly Father will personally receive you, thus to bless you with the mighty
baptism of the Holy Spirit, so you may begin to live the life that loves yo
u, perpetually on earth these days and in heaven’s glory, as well.
This is the promised life that our heavenly Father granted not only to Abra
ham but also to the children to be born in the generations ahead fulfilling
His covenant of life, so the families of the nations may also enjoy this w
onderful abundant richness that have been accumulating through the years ov
er His ancient altar of the Holy of Holiest, for lasting-enrichment. For ou
r heavenly Father everyone in heaven’s glory, including every angel
ical host, lives every day within the Holy of Holiest, so He may bless them
as always through His Son Jesus Christ’s covenant of life and of e
verlasting richness, for perfect glory and endless-happiness, carrying you
filled with the Holy Spirit amazing presence and mighty every day gift, int
o all eternity.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father commanded Moses to put the Ark’s cove
r—the Place of Atonement—on top of the Ark of the Covenant,
inside The Most Holy, because this is where He will receive you dressed wi
th the perfect and exquisite beauty, ordered to the high priest to dress al
ong with His Son Jesus Christ’s lasting-Righteousness: for everlast
ing-salvation along with daily endless-richness. Amen!
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Saludos cordiales a todos
Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, e
n el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman, Señor.
Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y
honra a tu nombre y obra santa y sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo,
también, para siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la memoria de t
u nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea
hecha tu voluntad, como en el cielo así también en la tierra. El
pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras de
udas, como también nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos m
etas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino,
el poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre Celestial
también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no perdonáis a los
hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la VERDAD
”. Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de éste MUNDO y
Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):
Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al tercer d
ía por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que entré
en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.
y di: Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que Je
sucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy d
ispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a venir a mi corazón y a m
i vida, como mi SALVADOR.
¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O
¿No _____?
¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva mar
avillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con Dios, or
ando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate en AGUA
y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y sirve con otros
cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprem
a autoridad. Habla de Cristo a los demás.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que
los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del evangelio de Jesús te re
comienden leer y te ayuden a entender más de Jesús y de su palabr
a sagrada, la Biblia. Libros cristianos están disponibles en gran cant
idad en diferentes temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barr
io, entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia, para ve
r que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que te ayuden
a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti, para que
te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su Hijo amado y así com
iences a crecer en Él, desde el día de hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal
la tierra: todas nuestras bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras a
nquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén”. Por causa de mis herman
os y de mis amigos, diré yo: “Haya paz en ti, siempre Jerusal
én”. Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en el c
ielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el Espíritu de
Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y asegurándole: - Qué
todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de Jehová de los Ejércitos,
¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo i
nstrumento y de todo corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre:
gloria y loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como
antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1