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Our heavenly Father manifested in His Ten Commandments that He is a jealous
God and that He is never willing to put up with any foreign god before Him
, because He only knows His Son as His personal Lamb with atoning-blood kee
ping everything holy, and the Holy Spirit that is always present executing
His will in heaven and on earth, forever. These are the only ones that our
heavenly Father has always had before Him, and this is His Son the Rebbe Ye
shua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), filled with grace, and the Holy Spirit fill
ed with precious gifts of eternal glory to pour upon heaven with the angeli
cal host and on earth with every man, woman, and child, coming to Him for l
Therefore, our heavenly Father's jealousy is great, because this is not the
only way that it has always been with Him in heaven's glory and before all
the angelical hosts but also with humankind, after He established a pact o
f life with Abraham, by eating and drinking from the bread and wine over th
e Lord's Table, served by His Son Jesus Christ. For this is the bread and w
ine that our heavenly Father had to eat with Abraham and his 318 disciples
sitting with him over the Lord's Table, so they may all be served by His So
n Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so the sacred-flesh may be
born at last within the human family, enriching the human spirit, eternall
That is to say, also that by Abraham eating with our heavenly Father from H
is Son Jesus Christ serving the bread and wine, then they were eating toget
her the glory of the sacred-flesh and drinking the atoning-blood that will
give birth to humankind the temple to His holy name, so people may have His
name for forgiveness, blessing and salvation, into eternity. Thus, our hea
venly Father was very jealous in doing this wonderful work with His Son Jes
us Christ, as the bread and wine to be eaten is concerned by every one on e
arth, starting with Abraham, so the Holy Spirit may descend graciously into
Sarah's barren-womb for eternal life to be born at last within the human f
amily, with everyone's eternal salvation.
This was something very important that our heavenly Father had to do on ear
th with Adam and Eve, but because they both ate from the forbidden fruit, f
rom the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then, they failed to sit down w
ith our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ to eat from the fruit of l
ife instead. Lucifer, as Satan (the adversary of God) had managed to deceiv
e Eve through the serpent from the Garden of Eden, so she may give to eat f
rom the forbidden fruit to Adam, causing him and his children to disobey an
d rebel against our heavenly Father, forever, for their bodies to return to
the dust of the earth, on the last day.
Adam and Eve were able to be deceived by Lucifer through the serpent, becau
se both of them forgot that they could never have anyone as friend between
our heavenly Father and them, since only His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit are the only true family that they both have always had standing in
the gap, mediating for their well-being, everlastingly. Adam and Eve sinned
against our heavenly Father, by allowing someone else to stand in the gap
between our heavenly Father and them, and this was the serpent, guided with
lies from Satan, so both of them, including their children, may become dec
eived forever, by eating from the forbidden fruit that took their lives mer
cilessly into an early grave on earth.
This was a terrible thing that happened to Adam and Eve, because they both
failed to understand that they could never have had anyone standing between
them and our heavenly Father, since this does not only displease Him but a
lso it is the way to sin, curses, and death that will destroy every one wit
hin the family and even the innocent children. Then, what really caused the
demise of Adam and Eve in paradise, we may ask these days, and the answer
will be: of course, they both ate from the forbidden fruit, causing our hea
venly Father's judgment to fall upon them and the children as well, but tru
ly it was His jealousy that destroyed them--since they had both believed Lu
cifer's lies.
Our heavenly Father is a very jealous God, and He stated it within His holy
commandments for Israel to uphold through their days on earth, but also fo
r His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to obey them fully, because His
awesome jealousy demands it to be this way, not only with His divine family
but for all His children always. Indeed, our heavenly Father is a very jea
lous God with His written word and the children that His divine family has
given birth in paradise with Adam and Eve and with every man, woman and chi
ld from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, because He r
eally loves them on earth as He does in heaven with His loved ones.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father will never allow anyone else, that
is not from His family, to stand between Him and the angels in heaven's gl
ory much less on earth with His loved ones that are Holy Spirit born, becau
se they have invoked His name over Jerusalem's holy hill and the altar of A
braham and Isaac's love for salvation. Furthermore, our heavenly Father wil
l never allow anyone else to stand between Him and His holy angels in heave
n and on earth with every man, woman and child from all the families of the
nations, beginning with Israel, because this is a very holy ground that no
one is qualified to stand there, except His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy
That is why, that as you may ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill thus to stand
over the atoning-blood shed to ground of Abraham and Isaac's fire of love,
then, our heavenly with His Son Jesus Christ will be there with the Holy Sp
irit to accept you, because you are His living-soul that was born from Him
to become His child, everlastingly. In other words, as you may ascend Jerus
alem's holy hill to enter into Abraham and Isaac's fire of love that it has
always been burning since before Israel was born on earth, then, you will
be accepted just as our heavenly Father has forever accepted His Son and th
e Holy Spirit, because you are one of them, ready to reenter eternal life.
Certainly, that you will reenter eternal life over Jerusalem's holy hill fi
re of love between Abraham and his son Isaac, because, this is the holy gro
und from where you were born from our heavenly Father's living-soul by the
Holy Spirit's amazing powers, to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's l
ikeness--and this is the sacred-flesh pact of life living everlastingly. Pr
ovided that, this is a pact of life that our heavenly Father had started wi
th Abraham for Isaac to be born from his wife Sarah's barren-womb, as His t
emple for the holy name and the Holy Spirit of the commandments that were t
o be received not only by Israel but also the families of the nations for f
orgiveness, healing, prosperity, and lasting-salvation.
Surely, our heavenly Father is very jealous of this pact of life between Hi
m and Abraham, because it gave birth not only to Isaac but also to Jacob al
ong the children of Israel that had given birth to the nation that He has a
lways dreamed to possess on earth but also in heaven's glory, conquering ab
undant glories never seen before by anyone. Divinely, our heavenly Father i
s just as jealous these days over Abraham and Isaac's altar of love between
Him and them as He was initially, because this is a fire of love that has
always burned between Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit and the nations of holy
angels from heaven above, and He wants it burning in you, too, today.
Lawfully, our heavenly Father wants you to enter into it, but first you mus
t get rid of everything that is standing between you and His altar burning
with love, as kings with their people, idols that are demons, and loves tha
t you may have developed for material things, so they way may clear complet
ely for His precious love to touch your living-soul. That is correct: nothi
ng must stand between you and our heavenly Father's altar of love that was
ignited on earth between Abraham and his son Isaac over Jerusalem's holy hi
ll, for this is the altar burning with pure love that saves the living-soul
of every man, woman and child, by removing sin, dressing them with glory,
power, and never-ending richness, forever.
It is within this burning fire of love, where our heavenly Father will meet
you in person thus to bless you with mighty powers that you will never kno
w that they existed for you unless you enter into this altar of love burnin
g hot with passion for you and your loved ones, so you may become liberated
from sin at last. It is here, where our heavenly Father will liberate you
from the chains-and-shackles of Satan's lie, curses and terrible threats of
death leading you not only to an eternal ruin on earth but also in hell's
torment, because Satan wants to destroy you with lies, so you will fail to
enter into this altar of love with our heavenly Father, forever.
Today, over this altar of love between Him and Abraham that started as Isaa
c was born from Sarah's barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit, then
you will find yourself burning with this immense love that knows only victo
ries and great glories over Satan's lie, curses, and threats of death on ea
rth these days and in heaven's glory forever into eternity. Meaning that, a
s you may stand in this gulf of fire burning since day one just to embrace
you with love, care and understanding, then, our heavenly Father will clean
se you from sin by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood already shed at the
cross of Adam and Eve, so you may be dressed with His glory, pureness, and
never-ending Righteousness, forever.
It is within this altar of fire, where our heavenly Father will cause you t
o become Holy Spirit born into His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his sacre
d-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, for this is the glorified-bod
y that He has prepared for you to dress within The New celestial Jerusalem,
and this is the heavenly city of gold and precious gems. Our heavenly Fath
er needs you to enter with your loved ones, including your friends, into Hi
s altar of love burning with hot passions as ever, because He is ready to s
tart afresh with you in this life and in the next one from heaven above, wh
ere He will show you the wonderful things that are already prepared to enjo
y right now.
Within His altar of burning fire of love, our heavenly Father will begin to
tell you not only that now He knows that you love Him, but also He will ne
ver cease to tell you how much He loves you through the sacred-flesh, the u
nbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ. Our heavenl
y Father will continue to tell through all the days of eternity that He lov
es you now more than ever, because you are filled with His Son Jesus Christ
's victorious life lived within Israel that destroyed Satan along with his
fallen angels that have caused so much havoc upon human life throughout the
Further, as our heavenly Father may continue to tell you how much He loves
you through the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood of His So
n Jesus Christ's amazing life that has defeated Satan's lies, curses, infir
mities, problems, difficulties and even treats of death within every man, w
oman and child on earth, then you will grow more in your love for Him. Real
ly, you will love our heavenly Father to the degree that you never thought
that this love from Jerusalem's holy hill altar of love between Abraham and
his son Isaac will develop within your heart, living-soul and inner being,
because you will continue to grow in this love through eternity, reaching
glories, powers and sanctities never seen by the angels before.
That is why, that it is over this glorious altar of love that our heavenly
Father continuous to feel jealousy for you and for your loved ones, because
, as He may see you growing interest in other gods and their idols, then, H
is jealousy become stronger, since He does not want to see you away from Hi
m lost in the unknown. Definitely, our heavenly Father's jealousy towards y
ou is very strong every day of His entire Righteous life in heaven's glory
that the holy angels are amazed to see how much He really loves you that th
e only thing that they want to see is to see you return to His ancient alta
r of love burning constantly for you to be loved always.
Besides, there are wonderful and powerful things that the holy angels are w
illing to do so they may cause you to return to our heavenly Father, by the
way of His ancient altar of love that is burning wildly over Jerusalem's h
oly hill, but He does not allow them to do anything, because He wants you t
o return at your own will. Meaning that, our heavenly Father does not want
to impose His will upon you or your loved ones, but He would rather see you
return through His ancient altar of love burning wildly for you, because H
e wants only the flames of love to reach you thus touching you as you have
never been touched with love before for abundant blessings.
Then, every time that our heavenly Father's holy name comes to you, by the
power of His living-word, then, this means that the flames from His ancient
altar of Abraham and Isaac's love is reaching thus to touch you as you hav
e never been touched by His love that is the most power experience that you
will ever live these days. This is a glorious experience that it fails to
be compared to any other, because this is our heavenly Father's love that H
e personally granted to Abraham as he began to believe in Him for forgivene
ss, blessing, healing, prosperity, peace and salvation of his living-soul,
and so, He granted Abraham His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, for love to
For the reason that, as our heavenly Father promised Abraham that He will g
ive him a son, then, our heavenly Father was thinking to grant him His only
Son Jesus Christ, because, he alone is the one known in heaven's glory by
the angelical hosts as the Righteousness One of God, and on earth as well w
ithin the families of the nations. Meaning that, as our heavenly Father gra
nted Abraham His only Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, then, He was really granti
ng him the perfect Righteousness that he would personally require to become
holy and perfect as He has always been before the angelical hosts in heave
n's glory, so he may become at last justified and saved, from the power of
sin forever.
That is why, that as Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, then, our hea
venly Father's temple for His holy name was born on earth with the Holy Spi
rit of His eternal commandments along with Jacob and the children that are
countless as the stars from heaven above into eternity, thus they may becom
e His eternal nation of kings, priests, and temples. For the promise that o
ur heavenly Father had manifested to Israel was that if they listen to His
voice and follow His commands, then, they will become a very especial peopl
e on earth in the midst of the nations, because He will make each one of th
em to become His personal priest, king, and temple to His holy name into ev
Besides, our heavenly Father's personal promise to Israel to become His ver
y especial people in the midst of the families of the nations still stands
strong to this day, because Abraham and Isaac's altar of love is still burn
ing wildly thus for its flames may reach and touch their lives, awaking the
m in the midst of this fire of love, forever. Given that, it is over this a
ltar of love from Abraham and Isaac that our heavenly Father has promised n
ot only to meet each one of them for forgiveness, healing, blessing, prospe
rity, peace and salvation, but also to pour His only Son Isaac (Jesus Chris
t's) atoning-blood of eternal life upon them, so they may become purify and
holy, forever into everlasting.
For the reason that, this is the only way that they will not only be forgiv
en, healed, blessed, purified and saved from the power of sin, death and et
ernal destruction in hell's torment but also it is here where they will be
dressed with His glorified-body of eternal glories, richness and Righteousn
ess to enter into the city of gold and precious gems. That is why, that our
heavenly Father is very jealous about Jerusalem's holy hill and its eterna
l altar of love burning wildly that will never be quenched by any powers in
heaven, on earth or under the waters of the earth, because this is the onl
y love that He knows living in His Son, the Holy Spirit and you, too, forev
This is the fire that needs to burn in you but with love, peace, happiness,
and amazing joys of your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit that you
may have never experienced before, because you have failed until now to as
cend to it over Jerusalem's holy hill thus you may finally be blessed by ou
r heavenly Father as His Righteous child. Moreover, our heavenly Father nee
ds you along with your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere,
to ascend to His ancient altar of love over Jerusalem's holy hill, because
it is only over this fire of love that you will finally understand what it
is to love Him in spirit and in truth, so you may finally become His child
into eternity.
It is over this fire of love, where our heavenly Father will not only tell
you by saying: Now I know that you love me, but also He will tell you what
you ought to do for Him and for the glory for His holy name thus granting y
ou special powers to carry out His will anywhere on earth. And this is to c
ause people to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to meet Him in person, since ou
r heavenly Father wants to save every one from all the families of the nati
ons, starting with Israel, because this salvation belongs to them from the
start with Abraham and Isaac over the ancient altar, burning both of them o
ut-of-control with everyone's everlasting salvation-love.
Surely, that is the only place in heaven's glory, over Jerusalem's holy hil
l altar of love, where our heavenly Father will open His heart for you, and
you will open yours as well before Him, so you may begin to hear what is i
n His holy heart for you, and this is glorious to know the secrets of His h
oly heart. You may certainly fail to know the entire content of our heavenl
y Father's heart, and the things that He personally has in stored for you a
nd your loved ones, including your friends, but, nevertheless just to know
a small portion of His heart's secrets is great and wonderful, because now
you will know exactly how are you daily blessed by Him.
That is why, that our heavenly Father's jealousy for this holy ground over
Jerusalem's holy hill is very great within His heart, and so He is very jea
lous about the things surrounding you, and if you are missing at His ancien
t altar of love, to enjoy the wonderful things that He personally feels for
you, then you are hurting His feelings. And that is the reason that as tim
e passes by, and He does not see you coming up to His ancient altar of love
burning for you and for your loved ones, since the day that Abraham and Is
aac ascended Jerusalem's holy hill to ignite it forever, then, His jealousy
turns into wrath and judgment against you and your loved ones.
Although, He has become very angry at you, because as time passes by and yo
u still fail to ascend to His ancient altar of love, then, His jealousy tur
ns into judgment that before He over flows with it, immediately he looks fo
r an intercessor, so you may be spared from certain destruction--and when H
e finds it--then you are spared again. However, if He fails to see any one
interceding for you in prayer and fasting, then, He will soon begin to pour
His wrath and judgment upon you, because, He just has to pour His wrath an
d do away with it once for all, so you may no longer offend Him and His anc
ient altar of love, longing for you as always.
Now, our heavenly Father will not only destroy you and your loved ones as w
ell within His land, but He will also make sure that all those things that
you may hold sacred onto you, He will destroy them, because those things ca
use Him each day to remember you and your indifference towards His ancient
altar of love over the mountaintop. That is why, that as our heavenly Fathe
r poured His wrath and judgments upon Israel, then, it was because they tur
ned against His ancient altar of love that has been burning over Jerusalem'
s holy hill since Abraham and Isaac ignited it for you, so you may ascend t
o it to become His perfect and holy child in a moment of love.
Besides, this is something that has been going on through the generations t
hat has cause great conflicts, wars and even terrible holocaust to take pla
ce, because Israel had offended our heavenly Father with their indifference
towards His ancient altar of love over Jerusalem's holy until there was no
remedy possible to save them from His terrible wrath and judgment. That is
why, that to please our heavenly Father with each one of us on earth, whet
her we are Jews or Gentiles, then we must ascend to His mountaintop to stan
d in the holy ground with Him, and this will be Abraham and Isaac's fire of
love burning wildly thus to bless you with truth, justice, and everlasting
salvation into all eternity.
For it is over this glorious place that our heavenly Father will accept you
, engulfed in His altar of love burning with passions for you and for your
loved ones, so you may not only learn to love Him and His holy name but als
o learn to love your fellowmen, beginning with your loved ones. For the rea
son that, our heavenly Father still is jealous for you and your loved ones
along with all the things surrounding you, and awakening your attention, be
cause He just will never have anything standing between you and Him, and so
, He will have you remove them immediately, for the way between you and His
altar of love may be cleared completely.
Besides, our heavenly Father needs to have the way between you and Jerusale
m's holy hill clear, completely clear from king, idols worship, strange fee
lings or loves, because no other foreign gods may be before Him, so His anc
ient altar of love burning since Abraham and Isaac ignited it, then it will
descend into your heart touching your living-soul with love, forever. For
this is the only love, where our heavenly Father will tell you personally,
by assuring you that now He knows that you love Him, because this is the lo
ve that He needs you to be reborn from the Holy Spirit's powers thus to bec
ome born into eternal life with His ancient love that only loves Him throug
h His Son Jesus Christ.
That is why, that you need to ascend to the mountaintop, because this is th
e only place where you will find this ancient love that began in the human
spirit of the family of Abraham, as our Lord Jesus Christ was born as Isaac
from Sarah's barren-womb by Holy Spirit's power, so you may receive it the
se days for forgiveness and salvation. That is it, this is the only ancient
love that our heavenly Father will receive from you these days and in heav
en's glory into eternity, because this is the love that was born in Abraham
's family as Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, to be the temple of t
he holy name and the Holy Spirit of the commandments for everyone's salvati
Any other love, our heavenly Father will never receive it from you, because
the only love that it is prevailing presently in heaven's glory with Him,
His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts it is the one
that it is always found over Jerusalem's holy hill, burning wildly with pa
ssions for you and for your loved ones. This is the only place, where our h
eavenly Father has called you to meet Him in person, because this is where
His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to the wood of Adam and Eve with His holy n
ame written as the King of the Jews (in Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin), for eve
ryone to invoke it in those days for forgiveness, healing and salvation.
That is why, that our heavenly Father is very jealous about this wonderful
ancient love that it is always displayed over Jerusalem's holy hill, becaus
e it was over this mountaintop where His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-
blood to the center of Abraham's altar of love, so you may become washed fr
om sin, and dressed with salvation glory for all eternity. These days, our
heavenly Father continuous to be jealous about His altar of ancient love di
splaying wildly over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to call you and your loved
ones, including your friends, to ascend to it, and so, you may enter it ent
irely to become baptized in this love thus to cause you to become Holy Spir
it born, as His legitimate child.
Indeed, once you may become His legitimate child, because you have been bur
ned with the fire of love thus causing you feel His divine happiness betwee
n Him and His Son Jesus Christ, then you will experience all kinds of joys
within your heart and entire living-soul that will cause you to love everyo
ne else that you thought that you will never love. It is really within this
fire burning with the given divine love between our heavenly Father and Hi
s Son Jesus Christ that Abraham received as Isaac was born from his wife Sa
rah's barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit that you will begin to s
pread it everywhere to tell people that our heavenly Father loves them with
interminable passions into infinity.
Besides, our heavenly Father will permit you to tell others about Jerusalem
's holy hill burning with love between Abraham and Isaac his son, because t
his is the way that He needed to manifest to the families of the nations, b
eginning with Israel, the true living love between Him and His Son Jesus Ch
rist that gives amazing joys to the Holy Spirit, always. Therefore, because
this altar of love between our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ th
at was widely manifested by Abraham and his son Isaac over Jerusalem's holy
hill, as they ignited it to spread everywhere, then, you will be filled wi
th it but also learn to love others, because it has amazing powers to help
you love even your enemies.
This is the true love of your life these days that you will never know unti
l it is too late, and the only thing that you have to do to get it, it is t
o ascend over Jerusalem's holy hill just as anyone else has done it through
time, beginning with Abraham and Isaac, so you may become part of it, fore
ver. It is over this ancient altar of love between our heavenly Father and
His Son Jesus Christ that is clearly manifested in the life of Abraham and
Isaac his son over Jerusalem's holy hill, where you will learn to love with
abundant every day divine powers your father, mother, brothers, sisters, c
ousins, friends, neighbors and even strangers from far away lands.
With this ancient love burning wildly in you over Jerusalem's holy hill, th
en it will help you to love not only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Chr
ist, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts but also every one from all the f
amilies of the nations, because they are God's legitimate children, that is
, if they are baptized in His wonderful unfailing-love quickly. That is to
say, also that no one on earth can ever say that they are God's legitimate
child, if they have failed to ascend to the ancient altar of love that is o
ver Jerusalem's holy hill burning wildly thus to cleanse them from sin, by
the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the center of it,
for reconciliation.
This is the truth: You have never known love much less serve our heavenly F
ather as He has called you to serve Him through His holy name, and the Holy
Spirit of His eternal commandments, until you finally ascend to Jerusalem'
s holy hill, by removing idols between you and His altar of love, so you ma
y finally become soaked-with-love yourself, forever. For the reason that, f
or you to enter into heaven's glory eternal life, then you have to become l
ove yourself, and this is love from head to foot, as our heavenly Father is
perfect and holy forever before His angelical hosts in heaven's glory, oth
erwise you will never know love much less the blessings of eternal life for
ever into all eternity.
That is why, that the call from our heavenly Father for you to Jerusalem's
holy hill thus to stand at His ancient altar of love is still wide open to
ascend anyday now, so you may awake, live, work, prosper, sleep and continu
e your life with this glorious altar of love that will go with you everywhe
re blessing you with amazing powers. For this is the life that our heavenly
Father has granted you to have along with your loved ones, including your
friends from everywhere, because He really wants to expand the glory of His
ancient altar of love into all the families of the nations, starting with
Israel, since he is coming back to earth sooner than we may think these day
Besides, our heavenly Father wants you to be there to receive Him and His S
on Jesus Christ, but you must have been already within His ancient altar of
love baptized with the Holy Spirit's powers, so you may have abundant love
thus to welcome him to the land of your nation, where you may have been bo
rn and live these days. For our heavenly Father is waiting for you to recei
ve Him descending with His Son Jesus Christ in His ancient altar of love th
at is over the mountaintop, waiting to embrace you with His Spirit, so you
may no longer live in the spirit of error, poverty and terror, but only in
His Spirit's power of love, grace, and never-ending mercies.
Our heavenly Father's jealousy for His ancient altar of love is still burni
ng hot with passion for you, your loved ones, your friends and everything c
oncerning you, because He wants to pour the blessings that He has in stored
within His heart since the day you were from His image in heaven to live i
n His Son's likeness, by His Spirit's powers. Become baptized within this a
ltar of fire between Abraham and his son Isaac (Jesus Christ's sacred resur
rected-flesh) uniting forever with a burning love to our heavenly Father an
d the Holy Spirit, as you may open your heart by discarding idols, and othe
r strange loves that may stand in the way for His love to burn your soul wi
th every day blessings. Amen!
Saludos cordiales a todos
te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nomb
ombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo amado. Venga tu reino, sea hec
PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Inv
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de una nueva mar
avillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Templo donde Cristo es predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros cristianos que
erdades de Dios.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la paz de Jerusal
tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: to
e aman. Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y tranquilidad en tus palacios, Je
! Y esto es, de toda letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo
santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas, como antes y como siempre, p
ara la eternidad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1