If the texts are written with as poor grammar and punctuation as that, I'm
going to have to pass on the privilege.
"Lorenzo Crescini" <ricercaarch@lorenzocrescini.it> wrote in message
> My name is Lorenzo Crescini. I am a Captain of the merchant Navy now
> on retirement.
> When I was a secular missionary in an African leprosary, I wrote some
> Flashes on the Holy Gospels which helped a lot of people by giving
> them new trust and hope. You will find them in web site
> www.lorenzocrescini.it/holygospels
> E mail:
> ricercapap@lorenzocrescini.it
> Here are the first three Flashes as an example
> 1. There is the historical proof the myth could not invent the Cross
> . If the Cross roused a "social orror" by the heathens ,it caused a
> shocking religious dismay by the Jews. It is not a case that the first
> christians in order to avoid that the preaching might be
> jeopardised.,represented the Cross by an anchor ,a plough, a mast, a
> man praying with open arms.How can we think that this way of dying was
> put in the myth by the christians themselves ?
> 2. Should somebody tell us of having seen a dead person on the cross
> resuscitated, nobody would believe him. But if the same person stating
> that could also make miracles, then we would believe him. That
> happened to the Apostles who got the power of making miracles in order
> to be believed. Without that power, Christianity couldn't have been
> born.
> 3. Jesus says on the Cross: "My God ,My God ,why did You abandon me ?
> Such words might even shock the reader. Why should they have been
> written if they weren't true,then ?