The Surrealists that signed the WAH Protest will NOT Answer my simple
questions. These people that signed the WAH Protest signed a WRITTEN
STATEMENT that was RESPONDED to by the WAH's Director of all people! You all
said in WRITING, that you would descend upon the WAH Center and, "Burn" all the
paintings and, "hurl all the squirming participants, ridiculous costumes or not
into the East River!", here is your written statement again for us all to read,
What would you think if someone, after almost a century of an organized,
self-conscious movement, came along and claimed to speak and act for
that movement, while remaining completely ignorant of its aims and
principles? This is exactly what is happening at the Williamsburg Art
and Historical Center under the guise of their Brave Destiny exhibition,
in which New Age angel and unicorn painters -- led by such wizards of
recuperation as Professor Ernst Fuchs, H.R. Giger, and the Society for
Art of the Imagination -- conjoin with bourgeois hoopla about cash
prizes, fashion shows, and artistic prestige to create a flagrant
misrepresentation of surrealism.
Surrealism stands for the revolution of the mind, for the manifestation
of poetry in everyday life, for the revolt of the pleasure principle
against the confines of the existing social reality, and for poetry made
by all, not one! Surrealism wants nothing less than the radical
transformation of the world, and spits on anyone clinging to the
repressive corpse of consumer capitalism and its art specialists!
To this end, we will converge upon this exhibition during its final
days, burn the paintings, and hurl the squirming participants,
ridiculous costumes or not, into the East River!
Frank Antonsen, Johannes Bergmark, Daniel C. Boyer, Eric Bragg, Richard
Burke, Susan Burke, Stephen Clark, Tom Clarkson, Andrew Daily, Barrett
John Erickson, Jill Fenton, Sarah Frances, Brandon Freels, Richard
Genovese, Parry Harnden, Dale M. Houstman, William Howe, Stuart Inman,
Philip Kane, Morgan Miller, Ribitch, MK Shibek, Darren Thomas, Andrew
Torch, Chris Webster, Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, Zazie.