Thereupon answered and said the excellent Elder
of Plymouth,
Somewhat amazed and alarmed at this irreverent language:
"Your electric hair's beautiful gold as Blake's Glad Day boy,
and you raise your arms for industrial crucifixion"
Filled, like a quiver with arrows; a signal and challenge
of warfare,
Brought by the Indian, and speaking with arrowy tongues
of defiance
Yeah! because they don't know how to gamble in casinos
like mustangs and desert lizards
And the retreating sun the sign of the Scorpion enters,
which as the farmers believed, would load their orchards
with apples;
Harvests were gathered in; wild with the winds
of September.
Birdbrain in Iraq was declared victor of the Poetry Contest
He penned the Wealth of Nations!
He built the World Trade Center on New York Harbor
without regard to where the toilets emptied-
Now Birdbrain goes to Ukraine, ever-so-slightly insane
so he can get KGB girlfriends while the sky thunders
and his men merrily laughed,
saying they were nuns going to the chapel
Till the hives overflowed
Bees, with prophetic instinct of want, hoarded their honey
and died off in droves
All the signs foretold a winter long and inclement
Coca Cola Pepsi Cola in Russia & China come true
The man with the shoe pounded and screamed,
"We will bury you!"
As Cain said to Abel on the Eve of the Adam Bomb
"One man, one woman built this garden, which now we raze
in mutually righteous hatreds, carried out in His name
which our lizard-tongues devoutly and devastatingly praise"
And these days, my friend, the language languishes,
the noble causes left undone,
faded by the years, genes paled in reverberating echoes
grown fainter in each generation of sons,
their DNA twisted, now hybrid mongrel mutants,
mocking like the light in distorted, funhouse mirrors
making merry madness to entertain you during your ride
through the laugh-in-the-dark tunnel of your secret fears