From: "Tom Keske" <>
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Subject: Russian Gnostic Inoculation News
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In four Siberians have found out a sharp languid paralysis
In Tatarstan the pensioner hardly not zagryzli to death cockroaches
The schoolboy who has stolen a long loaf of sausage, will be
brought to justice
In a zone of building of the Nizhniy Novgorod atomic power
station there are no new karstic failures
Kabardino-Balkariya Hasanbi Sheozhev has been arrested by
To inhabitants of Murmansk area given official assurances
of innocuous inoculations
Technical regulations action on security of donor blood
Onishchenko is dissatisfied, as there takes place vaccination
against the hepatitis "And" Ministries of Emergency
In Tatarstan the girl in the face of the beloved was threw out
from a window
Garibaldi Guard of Grozny greets agnostic gnostic possessing
lost knowledge of noxious gnocchi pasta preparedness
In Kotelniche grave-diggers have left without communication a
city for three days
Shamans - the muzhik strong. He will recover and will continue
to order VDV
The cult of Tangra was essential for the dynasty of Khans (Kings).
He descends into chaos and tribulation, into the realms beyond
the limits of convention and human laws where the seething magma
of raw transformative energy resides in its unrefined and
undiluted state.
--Stephan Hoeller, THE GNOSTIC JUNG
Shamans were the first dreamworkers...if someone could imagine
or dream an event, that action was considered to be, in some
sense, real. --Stanley Krippner
Marlene Laruelle, a Research Fellow with the Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars , and its Kennan Institute ,
in Washington, D.C. wrote; "The Tengrist movement appeared in
the 1990s in Central Asia and in Russia. It particularly
developed in Tatarstan
Desperate Sabbatean mafia tries to bribe Putin with offers of
world power: gnostic illuminati
financial system is literally offering the world to Russian
President Vladimir Putin in a desperate attempt to keep in power,
according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster and an MI6 agent.
That may be why Russia is officially going along with the
obviously fake Boston bombing psychological warfare operation
against the American people
Gays Are New Enemy No. 1 | Opinion | The Moscow Times
Anyone who gets news from CNN might be puzzled by the way same-
sex marriages have gotten mixed up in the heads of Russian
legislators with the Orange and Arab Spring revolutions.
But for the officials and propagandists of the Kremlin line, all
these notions form a single whole. The writer Alexander
Prokhanov, who has a knack for clearly articulating what Russian
officials only hint at, said in an interview to Ekho Moskvy
radio: "Everything that is connected with Russia and Orthodoxy
is under attack.
Of course, these complex philosophical notions are not
formulated so clearly in the minds of average Russians. But
homophobic hysteria, fueled by the unanimous Duma votes and
state media propagandists, has consumed the country like
wildfire. In St. Petersburg, metro passengers handed over to the
police two young women who dared to kiss. A Zabaikal region
lawmaker proposed a local law that would give Cossacks the right
to "grab gay people, haul them onto the square and whip them."
Moscow police arrested an 18-year-old woman who protested the
homophobic laws with a line from a Shakespeare sonnets: "Let me
not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
For those who remember history, the situation today has clear
parallels to the Stalinist anti-Semitic campaign. In those years,
people were afraid to go to Jewish doctors because they were
supposedly inoculating patients with cancer. As the journalist
Alexander Timofeyevsky noted on his Facebook page: "Vilifying
gays in Moscow in 2013 is the same as vilifying Jews in Moscow
in 1949. Today's campaign against homosexuality is the new
version of the campaign against Zionists. The authorities have
identified homosexuality as the main weapon in the surreptitious
foreign war to destroy the spiritual legacy and sovereignty of
the homeland."
Today, gays perfectly fit the bill for the country's main enemy.
In a country where homosexuality was decriminalized only 20
years ago, anti-gay sentiment was already high. But history also
teaches that distracting society from serious economic and
social problems with the "battle against enemies" only works for
so long. In 1969, the dissident writer Andrei Amalrik wrote his
famous essay, "Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?"
Amalrik wrote that the ethnic and social tensions in Soviet
society were so high that any slight push could topple the
empire. Although he miscalculated by a few years, Amalrik was
proved right.
Since Vladimir Putin began his third term as president, the
return to Soviet methods of rule has been clear to see. But it
is also patently clear that a country that opposes the tolerant
post-industrial world doesn't have a future. So today it's
probably time to ask the question: Will Russia survive until
Same-sex Rulings Will Test State Laws | Jackson Free Press ...
Same-sex Rulings Will Test State Laws ... when he predicted that
Mississippi would be the last state to legalize same-sex
marriagein 2024.
Troops could stay in Afghanistan until 2024 - Defense bill stalled in ...
The Air Force Academy hired a controversial anti-gay author for
its ...
2012- 2024: A pronounced drop of the Barbault Planetary Cycle
Index occurs 497 days after the Mayan End Date, during the peak
of the Uranus-Pluto square alignment in the spring of 2014. The
Cyclic Index continues to decline until it reaches its baseline
trough in 2020-22, during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and
remains there until 2024.
forget the mayan calendar! the world will not end until at least 2024 ...
In conclusion; according to the Bible prophecies listed in this
article, it appears that the present world appears to survive at
least until the year 2024! This is not a prediction, but rather
an educated prophetic observation
The suffering of the Jews in Russia entered a new phase with the
mass expulsions from Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1891. From
that moment on attacks on the Jewish population intensified and
deportations occurred more frequently.
With the Kishenev pogrom of April 6-7, 1903 the cruelty of the
anti-Jewish conspirators reached a new high, as attacks included
more killing, and not just burning and looting. In a city that
had 50,000 Jews and 60, 000 Christians at least 45 Jews were
murdered and 86 seriously wounded in a single attack, while over
1,500 homes were pillaged. The evidence strongly suggests that
the Russian government had a hand in the planning (Wheatcroft).
The brutality of this pogrom fueled a growing desire among Jews
to leave Russia. In the next year the Union of the Russian
People, an extreme nationalist political group, was founded.
Among other activities it distributed anti-Semitic propaganda
and financed paramilitary squads which further harassed the Jews.
Czar Nicholas II accepted honorary membership in the group and
gave it and others like it official protection.
In the final years of the czarist regime the Jewish security
situation deteriorated even further. On 19-25 October and 1-7
November, 1905 a total of 660 Jewish communities were attacked.
In Odessa alone 300 Jews were killed and thousands wounded,
while 40,000 were ruined financially.
The Russian Orthodox Church meanwhile did nothing to stop the
carnage, but instead spewed anti-Semitic rhetoric, blaming the
Jews for the misery of the peasants.
As the Bolshevik menace grew, Czar Nicolas II took increasingly
extreme measures against the Jews, whom he began to see as a
direct threat to his authority
Daily Kos: Vladimir Putin and homophobia in Russia
The church has very strong anti-gay rhetoric, its getting
stronger ..... in Russia at least the Orthodox Church is more
the hangers-on than the ...
Putin: The Czar of Homophobia | Scoop News World?
Putin: The Czar of Homophobia Russian anti-gay repression ...
the dissemination of so-called 'gay propaganda'
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - - The Website ...
Most researchers believe the Protocols grew out of propaganda
intrigues of the secret police of Czarist Russia in the late
Checkmate: Garry Kasparov rips apart 'pathetic' NYT for providing ...
Sep 11, 2013 - Pathetic of the New York Times to provide Putin
with a platform for condescending propaganda. Putin lecturing on
peace & international law!
Vladimir Putin is the best connected Russian 'monarch' since Czar ... ... Patriarchy Riot?
trotsky, Aug 2012, #5. Line New Reply Vladimir Putin is the best
connected Russian 'monarch' since Czar Nicholas II. dimbear, Aug
2012, #4.
The Murders at Ekaterinburg | History Today
Tsar Nicholas II and his family were murdered on July 17th, 1918. ...
Yurovsky was informed and discovered an abandoned mine shaft
some miles away from the ...
The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution ... - Google Books
The Little Grandmother of the Russian Revolution: Reminiscences
and Letters of ... Babushka: the life of the Russian
revolutionary Ekaterina K. Breshko
Ekaterina's Sphere, Part II - Google Groups
Ekaterina's Sphere, Part II, ptkeske, 8/16/09 9:29 AM, EKATERINA'S
SPHERE, PART II Lay your best Tiger Traps The Kindred Spirits
will escape No sarcoma ...
All-female sect worships Vladimir Putin as Paul the Apostle ...
Vladimir Putin has become the object of veneration for a bizarre
Russian all-female sect whose ... prime minister is a
reincarnation of the early Christian missionary Paul the Apostle. ...
St. Peter's Bones Goes on Display.
Gnosticism | Terrorism and the Illuminati
Paul the Gnostic
The man responsible for the introduction of a Gnostic
interpretation into Christianity, though he was otherwise
thought to have been its enemy, was Paul
In order to worship evil, it is first necessary to elevate it to
the level of a god, a notion which the Gnostics borrowed from
the primitive dualism of the pagans. According to doctrines of
Gnosticism, from which the entire Western occult tradition
derives its source, the Bible is to be interpreted in reverse.
Though he was a lesser god, in the pantheon of pagan gods, God
sought to proclaim himself the sole god. Therefore, God, who
created the world, is evil. After having created humanity, he
was oppressive in his insistence of rules of morality.
Supposedly then, it is the devil, or Lucifer, identified with
the dying-god, who 'liberated' man by instructing him in the
truth: the Kabbalah
Karl Marx And Kabbalah |
Karl Marx felt all the Kabbalistic conclusions rather well and ...
people in Russia felt once they started building socialism after
the Revolution.
Vladimir Putin: Russia's Last Tsar?
In Russia, politicians enjoy de facto immunity for crimes
committed while in office. Theoretically, however, indictments
can be brought after they leave office. The only person who
cannot be dismissed and therefore cannot be indicted is the
president -- so if you have reasons to avoid trouble, this is
the position you want to hang on to.
Vladimir Putin has a lot to answer for, and very good reasons
for wanting not to do so. He is directly responsible for the
second Russian war in Chechnya, in which an estimated 100,000
people have been killed. This is a crime against humanity, and
arguably genocide.
Everybody knows of the colossal level of corruption in Russia
The elites in the Kremlin and Lubyanka --the head office of the
Federal Security Service (FSB) secret police -- have one
overriding political goal: to keep control for themselves. Their
leaders, first and foremost Putin as their effective boss
Putin controls every aspect of Russian society, including the
media and polling institutions
Putin operates a political monopoly that provides no yardstick
for measuring genuine popularity
The next Russian Revolution - Mary Dejevsky - Commentators - The ...
Something is stirring in Russia, but it is hard to divine quite
what it is.
Illumination: the Secret Religion - The Illuminati Network
Often, the minorities - the heretics, the rebels, the
revolutionaries, the members of the .... When the divine spark
is released in an individual, he no longer tolerates the
condition of ..... Many of these were well versed in the
teachings of the Kabbalah. ... In Tsarist Russia in the
twentieth century, the Illuminati chose to help the ...
while they try "to find occult relations, for example, between
kabbalah and the spark plugs of the car." "You were right. Every
simple date becomes important once you connect it to another.
Mesajul subteran al doctrinei socialiste
considerind dictatura intelectualilor gnostici
si anume scrisoarea rabinului Levi catre discipolul Karl Marx ,
obsesia de a salva lumea fara voia ei constituie semnul
profundei cratomanii a intelectualului gnostic.
Desi demarata sub pretextul contracararii infiltrarii masive de
"falsi convertiti", continuind sub pretextul defensivei
impotriva factorului pseudo-mistic/magic indus de vrajitorie si
apologetii acestei practici demonice, ofensiva anti-spirituala a
degenerat ca si act ultimativ in hartuirea, demoralizarea si
chiar asasinarea unor oameni care, conform Osho, atinsesera
"nivelele 3 si 4" = referindu-se , most probably, la nivelul
mental si spiritual. Astfel, capitalismul primar - ca prima
treapta in "generarea" comunismului
Sau, daca vrei, se poate considera ca "sha" aka saharienii /
"destructivii" au inoculat in una din cele 7 legi co
In acest rastimp, factorii subversivi au continuat ofensiva,
cele doua elemente preponderente ale actiunii contraspirituale
dovedindu-se inocularea
.. statement that the cancer which claimed Chavez's life was
deliberately implanted. ... Maduro said that like Chavez, Arafat
was also "inoculated with an illness.
In the August 7-14, 1721 issue of the New England
Courant, Douglass, showing disdain for the procedure,
satirically suggested using inoculation as a weapon against the
Indians. For every native killed by inoculation he would pay 5
pounds, and he would pay 10 pounds for any who survived and
spread the disease.
This conunent was hauntingly similar to a remark made by Cotton
Mather in 1702. Mather reported that, as a result of epidemics,
"the woods were almost cleared of these pernicious creatures
[Indiansl, to make room for better growth.
a super-secret particle accelerator which was hidden on the
campus of the US Public Health Service hospital was used for a
Manhattan Project-type vaccine program to counteract the cancer-
causing monkey viruses in polio vaccines. The famous orthopedic
surgeon Dr. Alton Ochsner, and Dr. Mary Sherman who worked
beside him at Ochsner Clinic, supervised this covert operation
and another headed by CIA pilot and extremist David Ferrie.
David Ferrie, Lee Oswald, Judyth V. Baker (Oswalds 63 girlfriend
and lab technician) and an untold number of anti-Castro Cubans
were enlisted in an underground sub-project to create a special
galloping cancer with which to assassinate Fidel Castro. The
remnants of these underground labs, scattered in neighborhood
apartments, were stumbled upon by Jim Garrisons investigators
when the famous case against New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw
finally came to trial in 1967. The true nature of these projects,
however, has remained mysterious. Mary Sherman, who had direct
contact with Ferrie and Baker, was murdered in 1964 and the
murder covered up; following, as Haslam claims, a mercy killing
of Sherman after a horrible accident with high voltage, possibly
from the linear particle accelerator. The coverup of Dr.
Shermans accident was staged as a kinky murder in her own
apartment where a failed bedding fire could not account for her
grievously mortal burns.
Judyth Vary Baker broke decades of virtual silence in 2000 and
made contact with the producers of CBS 60 Minutes, prompted by
her awareness of the Haslam story. After a significant
investment in researching her story CBS declined to air it in
Putin opens restored fountain symbolic of Stalingrad battle - YouTube
Fountain Unveiled by Putin Closed Due to Rust After One Month Later
A recreation of an iconic fountain in the southern city of
Volgograd has been closed due to technical faults less than a
month after its opening ...
Sons of Tangra Defend Fountain as Puppet Masters Fragment ...
Fountain - The recent Puppet Masters [PMS] assault on the
Fountain region has come to a grinding halt in the face of heavy
resistance from Fountain residents including Sons of Tangra [SOT]
and elements of Pandemic Legion [PL].
Concerned at the prospect of a protracted campaign, Sons of
Tangra leaders decided to commit the bulk of their forces to
strike a decisive blow to PMS interests in Fountain. Captain
Hammerhead stated "0ren Ishii, a key director and primary target
from Bulgarian Corporation [BULG] was quoted saying 'I don't
have time for lengthy and tedious POS warfare. This ends now.'"
Members of another gang, the Fountain Square Boyz (FSB), face
charges in connection with a July 4 incident on Fountain Square
in which police said six gang members attacked other
neighborhood teens. In that case, investigators said the gang
members jumped the teens because they thought there were members
of the rival Problem Child Gang.
In the FSB case, six people face charges including aggravated
battery, battery and criminal gang activity.
The FSB and the US-Russian Nuclear Security Partnership - CNS
FSB regional directorate in Chelyabinsk oblast reported that it
had prevented the diversion of some 18.5 kg of highly enriched
uranium from the Mayak facility
Nuclear Thieves in Chelyabinsk Oblast Could Have Inflicted Serious ... Articles?
Nuclear Thieves in Chelyabinsk Oblast Could Have Inflicted
Serious ... by the regional directorate of the FSB in December
1998 (for details of
Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov is on a working visit to
the Chelyabinsk Region
As part of the visit to Chelyabinsk, Rustam Minnikhanov will
visit the Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant where he will also
attend the meeting on issues of industrial cooperation.
Then, the Tatarstan delegation is to meet with representatives
of the Congress of Tatars of the Chelyabinsk Region chaired by
Lena Kolesnikova. The meeting will be held at the Glinka
Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Chelyabinsk boasts a large university, a well known youth
theater, and a monument to Igor Kurchatov, famous as the Russian
father of the atomic bomb who for the first time split the
uranium atom in the Soviet Union. When I visited, the belts of
purple lights surrounding the split atom above Kurchatovs head
were newly working after an unexplained hiatus.
Then, in February, the meteorite fell.
Chelyabinsk is about the last place in Russian you'd expect to
find any kind of gay movement, and comedians have taken
advantage of this. The show Nasha Russia ( a show modeled after
the BBCsLittle Britain) introduced a character of contradictions
into the living rooms of the Russian Federation. Ivan Dulin is a
robust, blonde, muzhik, always sports lumberjack flannel, thick
overalls, and a toolbox: a true Chelyabinsk factory worker, and,
according to the to his sketch, the first homosexual mill-
machine operator in Chelyabinsk.
Everyone in the Chelyabinsk seemed to have had her own personal
story of where they were when the meteorite fell, the way that
people seem to have a vivid pictures of the moments when
President Kennedy was shot.
It took the powers of the cosmos to get us to even turns our
eyes to Chelyabinsk
Tatarstan Top Cop Resigns Over Sodomy Scandal - The Moscow Times
The head of Tatarstan's police force resigned from his post
Thursday after ... A British gay rights activist briefly
disrupted the opening night of Mariinsky ... Moscow Times
founder Derk Sauer is in negotiations with Finnish media ...
Found unknowable funnel in Tatarstan
According M.Petrovoy ("Kazan-Kosmopoisk"), in the upper reaches
of the river in Tatarstan Sviyagi discovered strange crater, the
origin of which has not yet been understood. Versions of this
crater from the explosion, the trail of a meteorite or a
beautiful phenomenon of karst sandy soil, have not yet received
Tatarstan citizens adviced to choose potato more diligently
Rules of Vengeance - Page 490 - Google Books Result
Christopher Reich
It was further news that the quaint townhome located at 131
Prince's Mews was actually an FSB safe house. "Drink?" asked the
Russian. "No," said Graves.
Nuclear Strike (Spooks) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FSB head Viktor Sarkisiian (Peter Sullivan) orders a kill squad
to search every MI5 safehouse, provided by Connie, to kill her
and the Section D team who are ...
Aeroflot internationally are as safe as houses and their record
shows it thats where the newest craft and the best pilots and
ground crew are its their flagship and the flight prices are
not excessive. However, internally, they do not show the same
diligence and one goes by plane at ones peril. Most high
government officials go by charter, as has been mentioned.
Just saw this about the Tatarstan Airlines plane which crashed.
Even more chilling was talk of Domodedova Airport from where the
plane took off. I've done that run a few times with that airline
The upholstery on the seats, which resembled your grandmother's
seat coverings at home, was worn or torn.
Yet this was the state carrier and had had a reasonable record
till that point.
As I understand, if events of magnitude similar to the Russian
impactor occur at an average frequency of every fifty years, for
example, and its assumed that proximal flybys of objects like
2012 DA14 occur every 10 years (we have no extended history of
detecting such events), then the probability of two such events
randomly, independently occurring within a single 24 hour period
would be something on the order of 1/(36500*3650). The
independent, coincidental occurrence of two such events would be
extremely improbable.
Kimberley M said:"Explosion rivalled nuclear blast, but rock was
still too small for advance-warning networks to spot." Does
anyone else find it interesting that this object hit in
Chelyabink Russia - an area with multiple nuclear sites and
disasters over the years? Could it be more that coincidence? I
would love to see some investigative reporting
A meteor and asteroid: 1 in 100 million odds -
Meg Urry says the probability that a meteor hits and an asteroid
passes by ... passes by is improbable; She says the chance of
the two events happening on ... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
> >> Photos: Meteor explodes over Russia. Meteor ...
Debunking the story about the Russian meteor event - AnalyticBridge
This Friday, about 15 hours apart, two rare events occured: A 15
meters meteor exploded above Russia; A 50 meters meteorite
missed Earth by less than 20,000 miles ... Comment by John
Morrow on February 25, 2013 at 3:58am ... of the time in the
ocean), turning "incredibly improbable" into "very rare
1. The probabilities do not make sense
The first event is said to happen every 100 years. The second
every 40 years. Thus, if unrelated, the chance that (1) and (2)
occur on a same year is 0.025%
Fiery meteor streaks across Massachusetts' night sky, seen up and
"I wouldn't expect to see another fireball like this for another
10 to 20 years." Globe Correspondent Haven Orecchio-Egresitz
contributed to this ...
AIDS Origin: Statistics & Smoking Guns
Jan 7, 2000 - The "11 of 24" probability is one of the best keys
to date for understanding the origins of AIDS, if people can
merely understand the real ...
The Seeding of the AIDS Epidemic
Mar 28, 2000 - Boston, Mass [1] Lemp, et al, "Projections of
AIDS ... 200 Probability, infection per ACTIVE contact, type #1: .
0082 Probability,
"Weird John Brown": The Meteor of the War | The Era of Casual
WITH few exceptions, the Pieces in this volume originated in an
impulse imparted by the fall of Richmond. They were composed
without ...
Carlos Marcello Mistress - alt.conspiracy.jfk | Google Groups
Aug 5, 2012 - From: <> ... AIDS biowar
origins. After a ... My impression taken away was a reduced
probability that "Mafia" ...
Improbable Weaponuser - Television Tropes & Idioms
The Improbable Weaponuser trope as used in popular culture, with
a list of examples ... a solid mass of frozen food (giving a
whole new meaning to Lethal Chef), ...... Mag uses what is
basically a cybernetic third arm that can also use hammers, ......
The meteor hammer is essentially a long rope with weighted
knotted ends.
Improbable Weaponuser
"Here's a riddle: When is a Croquet Mallet like a billy club?
I'll tell you: Whenever you want it to be." - Cheshire Cat,
American McGee's Alice
The high probability your wackiest party member, like the Team
Pet, will use some sort of bizarre and, well, improbable "weapon" ?
that is, in the sense of an object you could conceivably hit
something with. And some of these 'weapons' don't even go that
On March 8 there was a subject falling from the sky in a kitchen
garden of the local in the northeast of Gelendzhik in
Bobrikova Cracks. On February 15, in the late afternoon,
inhabitants of Cuba in Siyenfuyego's province noticed a bright
fiery sphere which blew up over the city.
Innocence and Anarchy
Madame Bobrikova insisted that Nikolai stay sisted and wait for
his father. .... from the late afternoon sun ?ltered through the
cracks in the siding. we'll get it clean.
End Times Speculation XIII - Page 59 - Catholic Answers Forums
Good morning, Muzhik, I've always hoped that God would drop a
meteor just big enough to destroy the Dome of the Rock and
nothing else, ... - Forums - The Water Cooler - Back Fence
------------------------------------------------------------------ - Meteorite Doesn't Activate Russian Doomsday ...
The meteor struck only 60 miles from the Mayak nuclear storage
and ... what was darkly hinted to be the ...
60 years later, radiation from Mayak nuclear plant still taking its toll ...
Mayak once provided the Soviet Union with around 40 per cent of
the world's ... Nuclear power: The Doomsday Machine. read-this-
way ...
Mayan Doomsday Frightens Russia, Government Responds | Fox
Dec 3, 2012 - In a town called Chelyabinsk, a giant Mayan-style
archway is being built out of ice. "For those not schooled in
New Age prophecy, there are ...
Rabies Outbreak After Meteor Strike In Chelyabinsk, Russia:
State Of Emergency Declared; Rabies Outbreak Across World Linked
To Vile Stars?
Is this rabies outbreak due to the recent meteor? According to
this story from the Journal of Cosmology, throughout history
disease outbreaks of near-culling and extinction-level
proportions have been brought upon the Earth by passing
interplanetary fragments and comets, or vile stars.
Scientists in Siberia say they've discovered a new and extremely
virulent strain of HIV in Russia.
Announcing their discovery on Oct. 16, researchers at Novosibirk'
s Koltsovo science city say the HIV subtype, known as 02_AG/A,
may be the most virulent form
In a country of 143 million people, roughly one million are HIV-
positive. That means Russia has one of the highest percentages
of HIV-infected people in the world outside sub-Saharan Africa,
according to reporting by the Pulitzer Center.
The country has experienced the fastest-spreading HIV/AIDS
epidemics in any one country in history, but there remains a
lack of effective preventative measures to slow it downin both
schools and in the larger anti-gay society.
HIV infection spreading through heterosexual sex | Mail Online
Britain was today marking World Aids Day as new figures show
over half of all HIV ... There were more than 75,000 reported
new infections in Russia by early ...
Could Russia's Anti-Gay Laws Feed a New HIV Epidemic? | Care2 ...
As a result, HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals, and particularly
those ... Add to this mix a new and aggressive strain of HIV for
which Russia ...
Operation INFEKTION - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1992, Russian Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov admitted that
the KGB was behind the Soviet newspaper articles claiming that
AIDS was created by the US ...
TIL the KGB had a propaganda campaign to convince the third ...
... Jokes aside, AIDS has been sourced to hypodermic
inoculations made in colonial ...
Russian meteor sourced to Horseshoe Nebula abattoir
Yekaterinburg - Astronauts aboard the International Space
Station managed to film the giant space furball's - er...
fireball's! - trajectory after tracking its ejection from the
Horseshoe Nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius the Archer
Russian TV reported widespread infrastructure damage as local
peasants began freaking out when someone pointed out that the
fireball's lap of honor coincides with the anniversary of the
Romanov imperial family's murder in 1917.
The meteor lit up much of the Russian city of Yekateringburg
where Bolshevik thugs killed Tsar Nicholas and family before
finally belly-flopping into a nearby lake.
-go back to the door screen and insert the horseshoes both sides
of the door.
-top left horseshoe: turn to right side.
-top right horseshoe: turn it down.
-bottom left horseshoe: turn it up.
-bottom right horseshoe: turn it left side.
-if you can't, look at the symbols on the food machine of the horse.
-get the meteor on the floor.
-put the meteor in the owen and press the red button.
-this time click on the numbers:
Urban Dictionary: improbable
Someone who has a run of luck is said to have a "horseshoe
lodged" deep within the nether regions. Usually after a long
string of beating improbable odds and ...
X. The Serpentine Shape Of The Horse-shoe
The Magic of the Horseshoe, at ... It would
seem, therefore, not improbable that the horse-shoe amulet has
acquired some portion of the ...
Hot to Trots-ky:
Putin the horse whisperer shows his caring side in Siberia
He's been pictured shooting a whale, riding a Harley Davidson
and flying a fighter jet.
But Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin's latest photo
opportunity shows his slightly more environmentally caring
caring side.
The former KGB man closed his eyes as he lowered his head to
gently nuzzle the horse he had just been riding across the
Siberian wilderness.
Hate, Inoculation, Ross the Boss (Death Dealer), Andy Biersack (Black ...
Delamar Duvaris as written in the preface of
"Behold the Pale Horse"
"Throughout the centuries, since the angry Jewish mob cried
out to Pilate, Crucify him!, their wickedness in spirit has
grown and matured in its viciousness and deceit. A
particularly potent example of the grotesque nature and
conduct is found in the decades that followed the October,
1917 overthrow of the Czar in Russia and the assumption to
power in Moscow and the Kremlin of the Bolshevik communists."
"Many of the commandants of these gulag camps were Jewish
rabbis, and oh, how they enjoyed breaking the backs of
miserable Christian prisoners, starving them, torturing them,
freezing them, and finally, disposing of their wasted bodies
by beating them to death with a billy club or putting a bullet
through their brains."
"But, amazingly, there was one solitary man who saw all this
coming. His name: Sergius Nilus. Nilus was an humble
Christian, an Orthodox priest, author, and as it turned out a
prophet of God. In 1901, an astonishing manuscript came into
his hands. It was entitled, The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion. Nilus got on his knees and begged God to tell
him what to do with this hideous, but revealing, document,
the Protocols."
Hitler treated "Protocols" as if it were an legitimate document,
although it had already been exposed as a fraud. He ordered it
taught in German schools.
Seeing pictures of hate-saturated mobs or the bloodied of faces
of gays in Russian today is like looking at images straight out
of Nazis Germany.
How many millions of Russians died fighting the Nazis? For what
purpose was that, if only to later come to imitate the worst
The Czarist government and the Russian Orthodox Church once
similarly treated Jews very cruelly. They later paid very
dearly. It was little surprise that there should have been
substantial Jewish influence behind the revolution that brought
the execution of the royal family.
The Russian Orthodox Church in its conceit is now apt to imagine
that its regained power is an irreversible, natural unfolding
of manifest destiny. It is more likely that the same sorts
of degrading attitudes will spur the same sorts of resentments
and reactions that eventually produce a replay of similar events.
It is unlikely that God is on the side of a Church that has
lengthy fascist history and consorts with self-enriching
autocrats who carry on deadly wars in occupied territories,
or murder journalists, or brutalize critics.
Do Russian politicans concerned about their country's birth rate
think that heaping their contempt on gays is a good way to
achieve that goal?
With such ugly spectacles, they take too much for granted to
suppose that they are deserving of even having future generations.
Best not to worry so much about birth rates. Try to avoid
having an increased death rate that would result from instigation
of needless wars and the creation of needless enemies.
It would be little protection for birth of future generations,
to give birth to nihilistic madness that cares little for human
continuance and would resort to anything from biological warfare
to nuclear retaliation.
The old KGB was telling the truth when they tried to say that
AIDS was spread intentionally by the U.S. government. Even American
gays hve not looked at the subject in enough depth to realize
what really happened to them and what kind of propaganda has been
spouted in the name of science, medicine and journalism to hide
the true origins of the epidemic.
The code-name "Operation INFEKTION" would have been more
appropriately attached to the vaccine programs that injected
the virus into unsuspecting gay men in New York and San Francisco.
When Gorbachev forced the KGB to back down, that was for the sake
of not angering powerful American allies who had secretly helped
to bring him to power. It was the recanting of the claim that
was the true propaganda.
It is an old game: calling propaganda the truth, and calling
the truth "propaganda".
So it is with the Russian "gay propaganda" law. It is not
our camp that engages in the propaganda.
It is hate propaganda to act as if the gay community
is out to "convert" and corrupt the youth of the land
and turn them into homosexuals.
It is a limitation of sorts to be homosexual. It increases
the difficulty of procreation, which is a fine human instinct.
Any sensible, mature homosexual does not have interest in seeing
anyone "become" a homosexual.
It is our position that there is hardly such a thing as
"becoming" a homosexual. You are whatever you are. No one
could change you if they tried. You could not change
yourself if you tried. It is something basic and probably
rooted biologically, not psychologically.
We are not a contagious disease. We are not a product
of cultural conventions. We are not a result of bad habits
or loose morals.
There is little rational reason to regard a homosexual
any differently than you would regard a heterosexual man
who had a low sperm count and could not raise a family.
No one tells such a man that he is sinful to continue
to have nonprocreative sex.
To say this is hardly a plea for sympathy. It is the
perfunctory duty to attempt to state a case based on reason to
persons who do not appear to be reasonable, before the debate
would have to continue by other means of violent retaliations.
You need to expect that the homosexual populations in all
countries will be growing tired of having their character
smeared by privileged religious charlatans who live in worlds of
utter superstition.