Where is your train of thought? Isn't Mercury a planet? Aren't
chrome and mercury different elements to be frozen in time each with
different melting curves and freezing hot points?
"McDonald Steve" <ugowshir@mindspring.com> wrote in message news:<bfi0st$usc$1@slb6.atl.mindspring.net>...
> If you pour 278 million gallons of mercury into big ice
> tray railway cars and put them on a train from Detroit
> to Antarctica, how long will it take them to freeze into
> solid blocks of chrome? Will they thaw before they get
> back to Detroit? How long will it take to repair the
> styrofoam bridge if it collapses into the ocean? The
> answer is simple: Load every thermometer in the universe
> into the space shuttle, hope it doesn't explode, and send
> it to Saturn, which is even colder. Isn't Saturn already in
> Detroit? -- Steve M, Atlanta GA