He said, "Broglio, I'm the goat. This time.
Mr. Freddy has done it (m'la calata)."
And we sent men to the silk war;
And Wattle never paid up on the nail
Though we signed on with Milan and Florence;
And he set up the bombards in muck down by Vada
where nobody else could have set'm
and he took the wood out of the bombs
and made 'em of two scoops of metal
and the captains of the ward companies
the contrade, took their banners to the Piazza Chapel
where once more they sang litanies
and cried once again Ferdinanda EVVIVIA
Evviva Ferdinando il Terzo
and from the contrade continued the drumming
and blowing of trumpets and hunting horn,
torch flares, grenades and they went to the Piazza del DUOMO
with a new hullabaloo gun shots mortaretti and pistols
A factory
has also another aspect, which we call the financial aspect.
It gives people the power to buy (wages, dividends
which are the power to buy) but it is also the cause of prices
or values, financial, I mean financial values.
It pays workers, and pays for material.,
What it pays in wages and dividends
stays fluid, as power to buy, and this power is less
per FORZA, damn blast your intellex, is less
than the total payments made by the factory
(as wages, dividends AND payments for raw material
bank charges ecetera
and all, that is the whole, that is the total
of these is added into the total of prices
caused by that factory, any damned factory
and there is and must be therefore a clog
and the power to purchase can never
(under the present system) catch up with
prices at large.
and the light became so bright and so blindin'
in theis layer of paradise
that the mind of man was bewildered
- Selected from "Selected Cantos", Erza Pound, 1965