Robert Morpheal, Bob Ezergailis, Morphealism wrote:
> We live in a society which has become so dysfunctional that more and
> more of many people's time and energies are spent fighting against
> being pushed into narrower and narrower niches, against labels stuck
> on them that would limit them, and manipulation as to what they are
> told they need. It is all, more often than not, psychologically
> extremely violent and almost invariably contrary to the truer
> development of individual potential and real talents. It is a form of
> consumption more akin to cannibalism of the flesh, but rather it is a
> cannibalism of the psyche. Some surrender to having had their truer
> potential eaten, but some continue to fight and rage against the
> inhumanly brutal fascistic machine.
I knew you would come around eventually.
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