From: "RP" <>
Newsgroups: alt.surrealism
Subject: Re: United States Government At War With The Mentally Ill
Date: 6 Mar 2007 17:35:10 -0800
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On Mar 2, 1:52 pm, wrote:
> United States Government At War With The Mentally Ill
> Website:
> The US government has been conducting a covert war against mentally
> ill people possibly for decades. Groups with connections to the FBI
> and CIA have been given access to classified technology. The
> classified technology was developed to protect the national security
> of the United States but has been turned against innocent American
> citizens.
> The covert operation against the mentally ill involves the targeting
> of selected mentally ill people throughout the United States.
> Classified surveillance technology is used to conduct complete
> surveillance of the targeted individuals.
> The classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear
> through walls of a house or building. Agents of the US government will
> move into a neighboring house to the targeted person and conduct
> complete audio and video surveillance.
> The agents never have to enter the targeted person's house to place
> listening devices. The classified surveillance can be used to conduct
> complete surveillance from the neighboring house. The targeted person
> will never know he or she is under surveillance during the
> surveillance period. Click here to read an article describing
> technology that can see through walls.
> No detection equipment is available to the general public to detect
> the government's classified surveillance technology. If a person is
> placed under surveillance, he or she can't detect it or prevent it.
> The government technology is used to protect the national security of
> the United States and the government doesn't disclose classified
> technology or make details of covert operations available to the
> public.
> The period of time the targeted person is under surveillance is known
> as the Surveillance Stage. The targeted person will not be aware he or
> she is under surveillance. The targeted person will be under complete
> surveillance in his home and will be followed to and from work and any
> place he or she may go.
> A complete profile of the targeted person will be made during this
> surveillance stage of the operation. A group of specialist members who
> have control of the classified technology will review and analyze the
> surveillance information obtained from the surveillance of the
> targeted person. The specialist members consist of psychiatrists and
> other people who specialize in mental health.
> The specialists will determine if the targeted person can be
> manipulated and driven out of control during a stage of the operation
> known as the Attack Stage. The goal of the Attack Stage is to drive
> the targeted person out of control so he or she will commit a violent
> act.
> Successful Attack Stage operations previously conducted on targeted
> individuals involved:
> 1) Tricking the targeted person into believing her or she is
> speaking to God. The targeted person is tricked into believing that
> God has commanded him or her to commit a violent act, usually killing
> his or her children.
> 2) Tricking the targeted person into believing he or she is being
> attacked with mind control devices.
> 3) Tricking the targeted person into believing he or she is
> living in a haunted house.
> 4) Tricking the targeted person into believing he or she has an
> electronic chip implanted in his or her body which he or she believes
> is used for surveillance and to inflict pain in the targeted person.
> 5) ECT....
> The Attack Stage involves the use of classified sonic harassment
> technology and sonic non-lethal weapons. Once the specialist members
> of the groups decide to initiate the Attack Stage, the targeted person
> will be harassed and/or attacked with classified military technology.
> The harassment technology and non-lethal weapons were developed by the
> United States government to harass and torture people through walls of
> a house or building. The technology can be used to artificially create
> symptoms of serious mental illness in targeted individuals. Click here
> to view video describing sonic weapons.
> People targeted with this technology will complain of the following:
> 1) Hearing voices no one else can hear.
> 2) Burring sensations in limbs of the body, mostly legs.
> 3) Pain or numbness on outer part of the head.
> 4) Involuntary movements of limbs of the body.
> 5) Other strange burning sensations or numbness of areas of the
> body.
> 6) Hearing strange snapping or clicking noises which appear to
> come from hard surfaces near and around the targeted person.
> The harassment technology is classified technology that uses
> ultrasonic technology to direct what can be described as Sonic Lasers
> at a targeted person in his or her house. The targeted person can be
> tricked into believing that God is talking to him or her with this
> technology.
> The technology can be used to keep the targeted person awake all night
> before a workday by creating burning sensations in his or her legs.
> Every time the targeted person falls asleep the technology can create
> the burning sensations in the targeted person's legs and awake him or
> her from sleep. The targeted person can be denied sleep for days with
> this technology.
> The classified sonic non-lethal weapons technology can be used to fire
> powerful sonic bullets through the targeted person's house. The
> targeted person can be singled out and attacked with these sonic non-
> lethal weapons.
> The targeted person will experience sensations of being struck by
> invisible forces. Involuntary limb movements if a leg or arm is struck
> by a sonic bullet. The targets fingers can experience involuntary
> movements by passing a sonic bullet through the targets fingers.
> The harassment technology and non-lethal weapons can be used to attack
> a single person in a house without affecting anyone else in the house.
> The technology uses what is know as directed energy technology that
> direct sonic energy in one direction.
> Both the harassment technology and the non-lethal weapons will cause
> no physical damage to the house or person. No physical evidence of the
> attack will exist. The targeted person will have no evidence of the
> attack.
> The overall goal of the Attack Stage is to drive the targeted person
> out of control so he or she will commit a violent act.
> Depending on which state the targeted person lives in, the laws
> regarding forced medication and institutionalization of people deemed
> mentally ill vary. Most states currently can force a person declared
> mentally ill into an Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program simply
> because a judge ruled the person could be a threat to society.
> Other states require the person suspected of being mentally ill must
> commit a violent act before being forced into an Involuntary
> Outpatient Commitment program or an Involuntary Inpatient Commitment
> program.
> Involuntary Outpatient Commitment involves forcing a person deemed
> mentally ill to take medication to control his or her mental illness.
> The person may remain free from confinement as long as he or she takes
> medication to control his or her mental illness. Urine and blood
> samples are taken on a regular basis from the mentally ill person to
> ensure he or she is taking the medication. If the person refuses or
> discontinues the required medication, he or she may be forced into an
> Involuntary Inpatient Commitment.
> Involuntary Inpatient Commitment involves the forced confinement and
> forced medication of a mentally ill person in a mental institution.
> The person may not be released back into society unless he or she is
> deemed not a threat to society by psychiatrists at the institution.
> The covert war the United States government is conducting against the
> mentally ill involves the targeting of specially selected people
> throughout the United States. The goal would be to target these people
> to conduct surveillance and attack them to drive them out of control
> so they commit a violent act.
> An operation to target a mentally ill mother who has children would be
> as follows: Conduct complete surveillance of the targeted person.
> Learn as much as possible and develop a plan of attack to trick the
> mother into believing that God is commanding the mother to kill her
> children.
> The mother can be tricked into believing that God is speaking to her
> with the classified harassment technology that the government is
> supplying for this covert operation. The technology can direct sounds
> at the mother inside her house from the neighboring house. No one else
> in the house will hear these sounds but the mother. The mother can
> easily be convinced she is receiving verbal commands from God with
> this technology.
> The message the mother receives will be clear to her. Audible commands
> such as "Kill Your Children", "Your Children Are Evil", and "God
> Commands you", are easily directed to a single person in a house with
> this classified government technology.
> Once the mother commits the violent act of killing her children, the
> covert operation will move into another stage. The mother will be
> arrested and confined to a mental institution for psychiatric
> evaluation while awaiting trial.
> The public will be made aware of the crime through the news media.
> "God Tells Mother to Kill Her Children" will be the headline. Coverage
> will be broadcast into every American household and public opinion
> about mentally ill people will be influenced into supporting strong
> laws against people deemed mentally ill. The American people will
> never know the truth that the mother was tricked into killing her
> children by agents of the United States government.
> An example would be states that currently don't have Involuntary
> Outpatient Commitment. The United States government would like to see
> all states adopt laws requiring forced medication for people suspected
> of having mental illnesses, even though the suspected people have
> committed no violent act.
> States that don't currently have such forced medication of non-violent
> mentally ill people would be targeted by this covert operation. A
> mentally ill person living in a state such as this would be sought out
> and targeted to be driven out of control.
> Groups would use the tragedy created by this covert operation to
> influence public opinion in favor of supporting strong laws against
> people suspected of being mentally ill.
> Basically the covert operation would create the tragedy and then other
> groups who support the stronger laws against the mentally ill would
> move in and use the family members of the victims by manipulating them
> and use them as a poster child for supporting the stronger laws. The
> family members would be persuaded to go public and help prevent the
> same tragedy from happening to other families. The public would be
> frightened and given disinformation like this can happen to your
> family.
> They would ask for your help in lobbying state representatives to
> support the new tougher laws against the mentally ill. A tragedy
> created by the government is used by the government to in act the
> tougher laws against the mentally ill.
> The funneling of profits from drug companies and mental health care
> givers cannot be dismissed. There is a lot of money to be made by
> forcing mentally ill people onto medication for the remainder of their
> life. Profits could be funneled into this covert government operation
> by drug companies and caregivers.
> There is a massive disinformation campaign by the government to
> convince mentally ill people that wild conspiracies are being carried
> out against them. Conspiracies such as mind control, radiation
> attacks, haunted houses, and electronic chip implants are being
> carefully spread on the Internet by government agents who are part of
> this covert operation.
> By convincing people targeted as part of this covert operation that
> they are victims of a wild conspiracy, it makes it easier for this
> covert operation to succeed. When a victim tells other people they are
> being harassed by mind control, radiation weapons, or electronic
> implant, ordinary people who hear of these conspiracies will generally
> disregard a person who appears to have a mental disability complaining
> of such wild conspiracies.
> The disinformation campaign is to trick people targeted by the
> government that harmful technology is being used against them when in
> fact it is just harmless sonic technology that is only psychologically
> harmful.
> When a government is at war, it will try to use disinformation to
> rally public support for the war effort. This covet war against the
> mentally ill by the United States government is no different than an
> ordinary war. Mentally ill people are being targeted with military
> technology and being manipulated and basically hunted. The American
> people are also being manipulated by a massive disinformation campaign
> designed to sway public opinion into supporting though law against the
> mentally ill.
> The classified harassment technology and non-lethal weapons technology
> can be used to artificially create symptoms of serious mental illness
> in a targeted person. As this technology becomes more available to
> local groups throughout the United States, people who display symptoms
> of mild non-violent mental illness can be targeted in communities to
> drive them out of control and force them into community mental health
> service programs.
> Any targeted person attempting to report to law enforcement they are a
> victim of this technology will be in for a rude awakening. The
> technology doesn't exist in the eyes of the law or mental health
> system and there is no way to prove it does. Anyone attempting to
> report this type of harassment can find themselves detained for a
> psychiatric evaluation. And when the targeted person tries to explain
> to a psychiatrist what he or she is experiencing, the mental health
> system can swing into action and force the person into an Involuntary
> Outpatient Commitment program.
> Psychiatrist use guidelines from a manual called the DSM-IV. The DSM-
> IV gives step by step procedures for a psychiatrist to legally
> diagnose a person as being mentally ill. The DSM-IV is basically a
> psychiatrist's bible for diagnosing mental illness. The DSM-IV is
> accepted in the court system and can be used by a psychiatrist to
> legally pronounce a person as being mentally ill.
> Once the mentally ill person who is driven out of control during the
> Attack Stage is brought to court and tries to explain that the
> government is attacking him or her with classified military
> technology, it is all over for the targeted person. The court can
> pronounce the targeted person as being legally mentally ill and the
> judge can assign the now legally declared mentally ill person to an
> Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program or an Involuntary Inpatient
> Commitment program.
> The medication that the mentally ill person is forced to take may be
> harmful and cause permanent damage to the person's brain. Some people
> refer to the forced medication of mentally ill people as giving a
> "Chemical Lobotomy".
> The government has been studying crimes involving mentally ill people
> for decades and has come to the conclusion that the best way to
> protect society as a whole is to force people with mental disabilities
> onto medications. The government can only achieve this goal by gaining
> the support of the American people. This covert operation is an
> attempt to scare the American people into supporting strong laws
> against the mentally ill. The government will sacrifice the lives of
> innocent American civilians to achieve this goal.
> If a person is attacked by this government harassment group, the best
> course of action is to not tell anybody and not to report it to law
> enforcement. Remember simply trying to report this type of government
> harassment to law enforcement can lead to the person being detained
> for a psychiatric evaluation.
> The person being attacked would be best advised to talk to a lawyer
> and discuss the state laws regarding people with mental illness. A
> civil rights lawyer might be the best choice. The targeted person
> might want to talk to several lawyers to get more than one opinion
> before he or she proceeds. A person's conversations with a lawyer are
> completely private and cannot be used against the person in a court of
> law.
> A lawyer asking the targeted person to take a psychiatric evaluation
> is not giving his or her client good legal advice. If the targeted
> person has no physical evidence to support his or her claims of
> harassment, then that person has no case in court that will stand up.
> It is extremely bad idea for a targeted person to take any type of
> psychiatric evaluation at this point in time.
> Some psychiatric evaluations are not private and can be used against
> the targeted person. The psychiatric evaluation can be subpoenaed by a
> court of law and can be used against the targeted person at a later
> time.
> Also, even if the psychiatric evaluation is private, a psychiatrist is
> required by law to turn the targeted person's name over to the mental
> health system if he or she feels the targeted person is a threat to
> society. So if a targeted person tells his or her story to a
> psychiatrist, he or she may find mental health services knocking on
> his or her door.
> If a targeted person were to tell family members that he or she is
> being targeted by a covert government conspiracy and attacked with
> weapons that leave no physical evidence behind after the attack, the
> family members will believe the targeted person is mentally ill and
> try to have the targeted person committed to a mental institution. A
> lawyer would be a good person to talk to about laws that can be used
> by family members to have a targeted person committed.
> There is a huge push by groups that support Involuntary Outpatient
> Commitment to change current laws and give family members of suspected
> mentally ill people more options to have their family member forced
> into mental health programs.
> Again the best course of action for a targeted person is to keep his
> or her mouth shut until he or she learns of the laws that can be used
> against a person making claims that the government is targeting him or
> her with high-technology.
> The government is using the system against the targeted person.
> Anything the targeted person says or does can be used against the
> person. Only a handful of specially selected people in our society
> know of this covert operation against the mentally ill and they will
> not help you. In fact, they are hoping for your demise.
> Very few members of law enforcement, doctors, and psychiatrists know
> of the covert operation by the government. A targeted person will
> appear as being mentally ill if he or she tries to report this type of
> harassment by the government.
> The targeted person may not understand this at first but if he or she
> makes the mistake of trying to report the harassment to law
> enforcement or any part of the system, he or she will be digging his
> or her own grave. No one who has not experienced the technology or
> knows of it will believe the targeted person and for the targeted
> person to try to convince people of the existence of this technology
> is a futile attempt.
> Best advice for a targeted person:
> 1) Keep quite about the harassment and only speak to a lawyer about
> it.
> 2) Never try to confront the people who you feel are harassing or
> attacking you
> 3) Do not try to report the harassment to law enforcement
> 4) Do not take any type of psychiatric evaluation
> What the targeted person will discover after speaking to a lawyer is
> that there is nothing that can legally be done to help the person.
> Since there is no physical evidence to support the targeted person's
> claims of harassment, there is nothing the system can do for the
> targeted person that will benefit him or her.
> In fact, the system is poised to work against the targeted person
> should he or she try to report the harassment to law enforcement or
> commit a violent act. This is very important for the targeted person
> to understand.
> There is a method to defeating the classified sonic harassment
> technology. This classified technology uses a focused beam of sound
> (similar to a laser) that can't be seen or heard, only felt by the
> person targeted. Sound can pass through everything including air,
> wood, metal, glass, ceramic, brick, and concrete. The only thing sound
> cannot pass through is a vacuum, no air. By creating s panel with the
> air removed from inside the panels (a vacuum created in the panel), a
> barrier is created that the classified sonic weapons cannot
> penetrate. Click here to view a sketch of a vacuum panel.
> By placing these vacuum panels around a person while sleeping, it will
> allow the targeted person to return to a normal sleeping pattern. The
> US Military places vacuum panels in the walls of military bunkers to
> protect the occupants of the bunker from attack by sonic weapons. The
> targeted should remember that a vacuum panel is the only method to
> defeat sonic weapons.
> Just as the United States government targets people living outside the
> Unites States it considers a threat, it also targets people living
> inside the United States it considers a threat. The targeted person
> has been identified by agents of the government as being a threat to
> society and enormous effort and expense are going to be used to see
> the targeted person is either removed from society or treated by
> modern medications in an outpatient program.
> The objective of this covert operation by the government is to
> influence states into adopting laws requiring forced medication of
> mentally ill people. By selectively targeting mentally ill people
> throughout the United States and creating tragedy to scare the public
> into supporting stronger laws against the mentally ill, the government
> hopes to achieve this objective.
> The DSM-IV has been created, the psychiatric medication has been
> created, and now the US government is forcing a change in the laws
> effecting mentally ill people. Make no mistake the US government is at
> war with the mentally ill. The government hopes to start as early as
> childhood in identify people they feel should be forced onto
> medication. And with this classified technology their ultimate goal of
> creating a federal law requiring the monitoring and forced medication
> of people with serious mental illnesses is achievable.
> Website:
Dear Hightech harrassment,
This is an extremely strong statement to make and if untrue, possibly
inflicting damage to vulnerable people. What evidence do you have to
support this claim?