Bert Root wrote:
> Prior to the stampede tryped
> > Well, let's see. Refuses to deny that he (person posting as Bert
> > Root, among other names he uses) that he has the behavioral
> > of a rapist, refuses to deny that he has raped someone, refuses to
> > meet someone face to face who is willing to take that risk, so we
> > established also that he is afraid of direct confrontation, a part
> > that same pattern of behavior mentioned above. And does so in 4
> > different newsgroups on the internet in front of how many people?
> > having the no-archive bit set doesn't make any difference because
> > replies are preserved in people's responses to his posts, not to
> > mention any that have been saved to a hard drive for forwarding to
> > appropriate people.
> Really? What makes you think I am afraid of direct confrontation?
Then meet me in person.
> Back down
> littlefella.Get a more fulfilling hobby. I don't need to rape as
people like
> myself who can interact with people *as well as* a keyboard rarely
Based on your postings your idea of interactions with people consists
of obscenities. Strange idea of social competence there. On the other
hand, certain categories of rapists use a lot of obscenities towards
their victim during the rape, whether it occurs in real life or in
their fantasies.
> > Language patterns for obscenities tend to be specific to cultural
> > upbringing, so most likely he is an American or raised in an
> > environment.
> You think?
> > Keep posting away -- you apparently didn't read the manuals at MIT
> > anonymizer software, where it states, according to the developers
> > anonymizer software, that a person using it can be tracked down if
> > those interested in tracking him/her have enough headers to go on.
> > And that there is no way to avoid this. The more you post, the
> > information you give to track you back to where you live. Even
> > running through 2 or more anonymizers won't help if there are
> > posts/emails. And you have been posting a lot, lately.
> Didn't read them because I have no need to as I am fully aware of how
> remailers work, hence why I don't use them.
Better learn to read your email headers then, as they still contain
references to
> > I have almost enough to go to law enforcement. Doesn't need to be
> > enough for an arrest, just needs to be enough to meet the minimum
> > standards of probable cause, which he is not aware of, or he would
> > never have been posting here in the first place in the manner that
> > does.
> Buhahahaha!!!
> > Come to think of it, we do have a possible implied threat to jirjis
> > some time ago, stored in a reply or perhaps even in someone's hard
> > drive, if not in Google's cache, as Google keeps a large number of
> > things cached even after they have expired from the web a long time
> > ago (do a Google search on just about anything, and if you look in
> > results, you will see for many things at the bottom of each result
> > will say "cached" where it stores web pages and lists long after
> > have disappeared from the web. I have found things through the
> > part of Google that were taken off the web up to a year ago.)
> Ooh clever boy. I am truly impresssed by your skills.
> One thing to be clear on. I trawl *this* group because I have an
interest in
> Half Life 2 and am getting a little sick of seeing the banal inane
> cross-posted drivel that you lot can't seem to stop posting here.
Find a new
> playground kiddies. This one is *not* surreal.
So, cross-posting obscenities about jirjis you call "an interest in
Half Life 2"? It doesn't stop jirjis and in fact makes him post even
more, and you full well know this. I think everyone can agree that
your actions show you have no interest in Half Life 2. Just an excuse
to stay here and hurl obscenities across newsgroups. If jirjis pulled
out of these newsgroups you'd either track him down to those groups, or
find someone else as a target.
> --