* You cannot teach a fool who thinks that he is the teacher
* The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend,
but the friend of your enemy is necessarily your enemy
* The enemy of your enemy is a weapon for fighting your enemy
* Little men of today compare themselves to great men of yesterday
* Today's fool presumes to speak for tomorrow's historian
* The deeper the ignorance, the stronger the confidence
* A true leader does not follow the people, by asking them what
is right. He inspires the people to see what is right.
* Great walls that hold others out will also hold you in
* A true friend does not count his friends as a miser counts his coins
* Half finished, completely lost.
* If you search for something hard enough, you will find it,
regardless of whether it is there, or not.
* A child with a gun is stronger than a man with a sword
* There is little difference between an eye-blink and a
hundredth of an eye-blink
* To live for one year is to live for a hundredth of an eye-blink.
To live for 100 years is to live for an eye-blink.
* Strength of irrational faith does not measure
strength of virtue, but weakness of mind
* The glass is half full-of-it.
* The darkest corners of truth are glimpsed only with
the corner of the eye
* He who is most forgotten is best positioned to make
surprise attack
* He who builds a nuclear bomb is attacked in haste.
He who has a nuclear bomb is approached with caution.
* A wise warrior needs not to destroy his enemy, but to
assist his enemy in destroying himself.
* Wisest is he who makes up new old sayings