elag <elag@cloud8.net> wrote in message news:<4019DDEF.50B20851@cloud8.net>...
> I welcome you, also, back to the void.
Hello hello. Thank you <dusting dust motes off of my arbitrary ladle>
> Has anything fascinating happened to you over the last 2.5 years?
I work for a large corporation. Dunno what happened. I still dream
that I am Chuang Tzu placing butterfly kidneys on carp scales though.
No revelations or revolutions have snaked into my reflection in the
mirror. I feel OK in general.
> I'm cooking up words and phrases and clauses from a fresh third person
> singular perspective
> as the Monitor and the Merrimac sit happily in the salt sea.
The original names for Monitor and Merrimac: the Dirty Oxen and
Faithful Potshard.
> Half and half and a miraculous tip payed to an overworked barrista
> raised my blood pressure and glucose levels.
> Slow motion horses gallop across glass plate negatives as all four
> hooves escape escape briefly from gravity's grim convention
> as a strangler's perfectly capped teeth brring intense happiness to the
> internal politics of the losing political convention.
> Too many louts run off at the mouth; we hope to remain asshole-less in this
> quantum reality.