On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 12:17:18 -0400, osh <coshea@hollywoodbanners.com>
>How do you put multiple part mpeg messages together?
Well that would depend on what kind of software you were using to
access the group's posts.
A proper modern newsreader does it automatically and seamlessly for
you, so you don't even "see" or notice the individual parts but rather
you see a single post that the software automatically put together for
Newsreader Information and choices, including Free ones, easy ones,
advanced ones:
Microshaft Outlook Express has not been meaningfully updated for
groups in over a decade and does not do this automatically. Yet there
is a manual procedure to highlight all the parts and using the "right"
click on the mouse to access some menu I believe. Browsers, such a
netscape perhaps have a similar procedure. Clumsy but that's the way
some people do it as they are so used to their softwear. Perhaps you
are using OE or something else similar. - Doc