The Dr. wrote in
> Rasin Pie to ya and thank you! These aren't sick fuck kiddie porn or
> Yenc files.
> Just good old nice to look at beautiful "WOMEN" NOT KIDS in pantyhose.
> wrote:
>> [Image]
Personally I am glad about the yenc files, my ISP have not figured out how
to prevent yencoded binary files in non binary groups yet and in this group
I never see any binary files that are not yencoded.
Long live yenc and many happy and prosperous years to who ever invented it!
It is very easy to not look at the kiddie porn files. The file names almost
every time is like 111-111.jpg and the sender uses russian sounding name. I
treat them like usenet background noise and the guy who is posting them
gets filtered right away, I think I have like 50 russian sounding names in
my plonk-file now.