From: Ye Olde File Collector <>
Newsgroups: alt.pantyhose
Subject: A word about pussy and pineapple
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 17:36:25 -0400
Organization: Very Little
Reply-To: yo momma
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This message has nothing to do with pantyhose, except that it also
begins with "P" as do "pussy" and "pineapple."
It seems a Hawaiian pineapple grower was unhappy with his crop yields,
so he called in a consutling agronomist.
The advice was to plant some cat poop around every pineapple.It was
very successful, except that each pineapple smelled a bit like pussy,
and its flavor was a bit tainted.
On harvesting his new, improved crop the pineapple farmer phoned an
agent in California to ask, "Can you sell pineapple that smells a bit
like pussy?"
The agent replied. "Well, maybe, but if you came up with pussy that
tasted like pineapple, it would be a smash hit!"