wile yur at it, pleeze exorcise yur rite to uze a dixcionary...
"Allan Lindsay-O'Neal" <aklon3@comcast.net> wrote in message
> <anonymous@remailer.hastio.org> wrote in message
> news:Z7PASN7L37920.6275462963@anonymous.poster...
> >
> > Stupid assholes like Jim Alder make the paper daily because
> > their to ignorant to breath,
> > yet most likely own a firearm and have raped at least one women
> > in their lifetime to date.
> >
> > Faggot Puss Alder, I don't know about anybody else i just like i
> > exercise my right to own
> > a firearm i ASLO exercise my FREEDOM OF SPEACH, if you don't
> > approve of the use of my remailer
> > please exercise your right to bend over and shove your tiny
> > fucking head up your ass.
> Brave words for a guy who won't post using his real name and is too stupid
> to use a spell check.