"Giox" <dd@ss.it> wrote in news:d7d3ag$919$2948@ftp-news.csita.unige.it:
> Hello everybody, I found on the web an interesting way to gain some
> money: it's netbux, that allows you to learn something while you
> search the web through google or altaista. I earned 40$ in a month,
> not a lot, but I have simply to use Google to do My searches. If you
> want try it subscribe at:
> http://netbux.org/<like I am really going to leave the "pay me" ID here>
Ahhh, first of all, NO!
Second of all, couldn't we just do that without appending your ID to the
end of the URL to click?
And third of all, NO!
ohmster at newsguy dot com