So far since midnight Eastern Standard Time we have 3 Lycra Pavel pic
posts, and that's all the pics for the past 14 hours, and 4 posts of
continual and voluminous verbal diarrhea from ac.
Sure ac is responding to other posts, but this nonsense would end if
he quit his cyber-stalking and coming up with retarded shit like
reposting something once after 3 years is a mortal sin (but only if I
do it, not anyone else since reposts here are common and much more
often) or that Ariana's foot was really my foot (which I would
diabolically insert even though the girl I'm filming is right in front
of me).
The truth is ac is fighting only for the sake of fighting and
destruction. He wanted to run the group and tell others what to do
shortly after arriving here in 2004. However when ac was rejected as
another foolish shit, he figured he would grab onto others or the
group as he was already swirling in the toilet bowl. AC knows that he
is an established piece of shit troll, so he has no shame about coming
up with more lies, retarded arguments, or rules he tries to set only
for me but not for others or even himself.
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