July is Heel Dangling Month, and August is Rump Romp (butts are featured).
We need contributors for the site. If you have good quality pics and would
like to be a huge part of the site drop me a message here or at
hih@housewifeinhose.com and I will get the information to you.
Contributors get full access to the site, and can interact with our featured
Ladies, If you would like to be featured, we need you too! The pics do not
have to be fully nude, or facial revealing (we understand privacy) You will
get your own fanmail address at the site, full access and all new items in
the store you can buy at cost. If you would like to sell your worn items, or
have pics sets that you would like to offer that can be arranged too in our
store! There are no contacts for being a featured wife, Please drop me a
message and I will gladly give you all the info!
Hope to see you all there!