Why is ac constantly spamming for another newsgroup?
This is an example of the loose skin and ugly old flesh he's
promoting, trying to drive people out of here.
And he continues his verbal diarrhea. And says he spells it correctly!
Dude, when will you let go of your anger? 3 years is enough. You
pollute the group with your constant anger toward me. It's silly.
Don't you have anything better to do?
On Sat, 26 May 2007 00:33:10 +0100, ac <a@a.com> wrote:
>Many more like this in alt.binaries.erotic.senior-citizens
>All trailer trash
>all of them too old to masquerade as "college students"
>thousands of posts with virtually no spam
>and all containing the right amounts of dots
>Not all pantyhose by any means ... but still more ph in a single series
>than you'll see here in a month
>and none of them pretending to be something they are not
>... just honest to goodness pikkies of women ... some of them wearing
>pantyhose ... some of them quite acceptable.
>all of them decent quality like this.
>unfortunately with a spam to post ratio of damn near 1:1 a.p isn't like
>that at the moment ....
>if you are tempted ... go take a look
>if not ... your name is probably doc
>try posting your spam there and you'll be pissed off just like any other
>pube on the toilet seat
>and people can spell Diarrhoea correctly
>(doc ... if you don't know the big words ... shit would have been good
>enough - you should stick to what you know)
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