Crappy pix poster Teaser, your pix are so crappy, I doubt if any regular
reader of the PH groups bothers opening your posts. I open one up
occasionally, just to see if your pix have improved any (they haven't yet).
It fascinates me that you continually post those crappy pix, yet you're the
most outspoken critic of other people's posts. If someone else was posting
the kind of crappy pix YOU post, you'd be jumping down their neck. If it
gives you pleasure to post pix, why not upgrade to a camera that takes
decent pix?
"Teaser" <> wrote in message
> I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention, boy.
> I'm not going to stop doing what I do because some idiot who isn't SMART
> enough to not look at what I post SAYS so.
> Got it???
> Good.
> Now, go piss up a rope.
> LOL!!!
> "grizzjax" <> wrote in message
> news:ZMW8e.6822$
>> How about giving us a break from your crappy pix, "crappy pix poster
>> Teaser".