"chris" <cmaz4@cox.net> wrote in message
> "Loco Jones" <locojonesnet@netscape.net> pondered, puzzeled,
> prognosticated (perhaps even premeditated), and then, in a very wise
> voice, sed: :
> <snip...re: the film Popeye>
> >There are those that consider it to be a great, if flawed, experiment in
> >film-making -but then, they've seen Robert Altman's Popeye on which
> >to base an opinion.
> Anyone with "credibility"? Or just freinds of yours? And would *you*
> agree that it was great, even "if flawed"?
Well, there are plenty of resources to check "accredited reviewers" take on
the film.
One suggestion: www.rottentomatoes.com
- but there's a plethora of others, as the film is regarded in some circles
as a cult classic.
For what it's worth, I did attend the Premier of the flick and wrote a
review which aired on radio the following day. I was one of the few at the
time who appreciated this was *not*... "Mork from Ork Makes a Movie"... but
something very different, daring, and dare I say it? - "avant garde".
I keep forgetting I should decorate my posts with emoticon smileys when
responding to you "chris", you tend to take things W-A-A-A-Y too seriously,
I think. Everybody makes a literary "freudian slip" from time to time, you
might want to just laugh about it when you do, and carry on.
- Loco -
(Now Playing: Nobody's Perfect - Fee Waybill)
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