Love is best served on an icy saucer
Where the healing
Has a violent effect
Rather than produce a mild sedative
Known as compassion
The duality of Love
is in healing hands
or the slap across the face
None more effective
than to die by the sword
So you will no longer fly
Now an angel with scabbed wings
Where my passion for life
Is silenced
This same passion
That made me unwittingly
Trespass Hallowed ground..
This is the criminal dawn
With a child in the arms of a teenage mom
Throwing stones on Hallowed ground
Conscious of these trespasses
Man has no choice but to grow silent..
When a wiseman sees the pitfalls around him
He chooses to grow silent
'Better to be a witty fool.. than to be a foolish wit..'
Pain must be administered..
And in it no longer can I talk
Since where I come from
If I speak
I will hang my head..
Hallowed Ground and Silence -by sEung b. Kim