"Suddenly, I found out that this Rock-thing was True.. Jerry Lee Lewis
was the Devil.. And I found myself in Loovvvvvveeeee with the world.."
Jesus was not playing dice.. He followed the given path.. Rock and
roll he was remodeled after. He had to play dice now.. And this time
he had to be uncertain as calamity brought chaos which meant the
unpredictable consequences of holding a stage performance, with
adrenaline to make him come alive through his uncertainty..Rock and
roll is not a part of this cosmos, or this life, though it is in the
City.. But having eliminated the role of the prophet, we all had to
become career architects.. So when rock was set to blow, the whole
Universe was gonna blow.. and so I did a dingy-ding-dang-dangalinga-
by sEung kim