She was right before me
First in line
It did make sense
There was nothing in me
But she began to shout
I began to pray..
I recollect that's when I started
And I began to shout
But I don't remember her at all
Because she's something
And then something else another time around
And with someone somewhere else
But I gave her my eyes
She looked at a corner
You're someone else, girl..
Yet I love u..
Can you say this love is true?
When I don't know who you are..
And I'll still say, "I Love You.."
I prefer a love that is deep
Built on honesty not perfection
But you will not take me by the heart
You never took me by the hand..
So I'll box myself
Out of respect for you
This is love..
For a person I don't even know..
Blood Pumps Harder Now -sEung kim