On 8/1/2004 I purchased an iFP-799. For the most part the sound was pretty
good. In the last couple of months, I have noticed that the player will pop
over the headphones turning on and off. There is also a little white noise
with the stock headphones. I have recently purchased Bose Triport Headphones
and Sony MDR-EX51LP headphones, in which the white noise is more noticeable.
I read some postings that indicated that this was an issue with some older
models. I sent iRiver the issue and received an e-mail with... "More
information is required from you in order to complete processing your
request to return your iFP-799 1GB" to submit RMA.
I am one month away from the warranty expiring. Has anyone been through a
return with iRiver? Will they use refurbished parts and try to repair my
current player? Will they send me a different player that has been
refurbished? Any chance at getting it replaced with a new player?
The problem is just bad enough that is annoying, but I am not sure it is bad
enough to risk a refurbished model. The other scary thing is that the
warranty for whatever player they give me will still expire at the same
time, therefore probably be expired by the time I get it.
I just do not know what to do and would appreciate any advice or direction.