Art VS Commercialism: How Much of Each?
When composing music for your new releases, have you
ever found yourself struggling with how far to go in
ensuring that your music is competitive through its
"commercial" aspect enough so as not to bore and lose
potential music buyers while also avoiding the
appearance of your being a "sellout?"
Yet, at the same time, have you wondered how "creative"
you should be in order to satisfy yourself artistically?
If so, you are not alone, because many (if not most)
recording artists whose music is considered "commercial"
have struggled with this on, at least, one occasion.
In my new article titled, "Art vs. Commercialism: How
Much of Each?" (Message #140), I have provided three
primary stereotypes of recording artists, of which you are
likely to fit into one of them.
Additionally, I have provided several tips that can
assist you in getting the "best of both worlds," so to
speak, through satisfaction of your having completely
achieved your artistic goals, as well as your having
added just the right amount of commercialism that will
satisfy your music fans and buyers and, subsequently,
maximize sales of your music.
To read the article, simply sign up through
The B# Newsletter link below:
In advance, thank you.
~ Kenny Love, Editor
The B# Newsletter
P. S. When you sign up, you also get a free copy of
my "Fast-Track Music Career Start-Up" plan, as well
as a free copy of a money-saving ebook appropriately
titled, "66 Ways to Save Money."
Read What B# Newsletter Readers Are Saying At:
Read other B# Newsletter articles by Kenny Love titled:
* "Home Run Gigs"
* "How to Earn $30,000 with Your Music Before Year's End"
* "How to Get a State-of-the-Art Video for Cheap"
* "How Record Pools Can Make Musicians Rich!"
* "Setting Up In-House Retail Sales"
* "Does Your CD Cover $ell (Or Suck)?"
* "How to Teach [Your] 'Music' (& Make Money)"
* "Specialty Mix Shows: Untapped Goldmine$"
===== Article Links (home page):
"$tiff-Proof Your Local Gigs"
"$tiff-Proof Your 'Outside' Gigs"
Music Dish articles by Kenny Love: