On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 21:28:38 +0100, Tony Morgan
<tonymorgan@xtreme.pipex.net> wrote:
>>>Can someon point me in the direction of a prog that converts RAM
>>>(Realnedia ) files to WAV files please?
>>Isn't realMedia a streaming format? The entire audio file isn't
>>loaded to your computer, so it can't be converted in the usual sense.
>>I think you'll have to think in terms of playing it and recording it.
>Though I've never tried it, but couldn't you loopback the line out or
>speaker output from your sound card into the mic input and record it.
>Most sound cards usually come with a recording program (like Creative
>Play Centre).
Line Out (or even worse Speaker Out) to Mic In will grossly overload.
If you loop externally, take Line Out to Line In.
But I doubt you'll need to. Go to Options/Properties in your sound
card's mixer applet (in the System Tray, probably) and select Record.
What options are you offered?
That's if you've got a basic sound system that uses the Windows volume
control. Maybe there's a more specialised mixer applet. It will do
much the same things.