Message-ID: <>
From: Su Solomon <>
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Newsgroups: alt.masturbation
Subject: Re: I stand for.
References: <%5bDc.65107$>
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Lines: 29
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:57:32 +1000
X-Trace: 1088254563 (Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:56:03 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:56:03 EST
Xref: alt.masturbation:466
DemSoc wrote:
> * Democracy.
> * Small business.
> * Small Government.
> * Small taxation.
> * Independant candiates.
> * Concious votes.
> * While I support unionism, I am against compulsry unionism and political
> unions who put members money into their political careers.
> * I am against "party" line votes (like ALP).
> * I am against racism, marxism, islam (it is imperialism masked as
> religion), femanism (a once noble cause now dominated by lesbian anti-male
> hate group).
> * I am agaisnt any form of dictatorship. One political party in goverment
> does not make a dictatorship - by one candiate for leadership does.
> Political violence is dictatorship. Hate groups are dictatorship. Party
> votes are dictatorship.
Then go play in the crosspost Mosely