Mike Painter <md.painter@sbcglobal.net> wrote in
> On Tue, 3 Dec 2013 00:57:21 +0000 (UTC), Joe Burno
> <artandy788@gmail.corn> wrote:
>>Hey Joe Bruno, you're so stupid. How the hell can anyone use a keyboard
>>to masturbate? You know that will just fuck up your dick don't you? Or
>>did yours get cut off just like %?
>>Fuck you you stupid Jew-wannabe!
> Find somebody else to make fun of.
> Art is too easy a target and his posts do a better job of making fun
> of himself than you can.
I'm not making fun of him. If anything, he's making fun of me because his
surname sucks (mine kicks ass and lights things on fire).
Do you know what Joe Bruno's problem is? He needs to get laid, but he's
too dumb to know what to do. I bet he doesn't even know how to fap to pix
of sexy atheist chicks.