Thanks a lot! It really helps me.
> > Dear Folks,
> >
> > I need an ace to help me clarify the meaning of the following sentence.
> > <From
> > Time, pp8/15-8/22, 2005>
> >
> > "Percival survived his ignominy to witness, hardly less allegorically,
> > final surrender of Japan on American battleship...."
> >
> > I can't figure out what "hardly less allegorically" means. Is it close
> > "nearly not allegorically"
> No.
> > or "nearly allegorically"?
> Yes, it's quite frequent "almost as", "nearly as ... as", "not far
> from", "very close to".
> Quite frequent but usually cheap style, well, it depends on where you
> find the expression, in a pathetic war novel or in "local news at walmart"