Antany is an ancient word, used primarly in sblinda and tariapia. There was
the pentolone inside.
I suggest you to check on the ancient story of the casentino's people (a
place in Tuscany), where the Antani is still used "as it would be Antani",
that is a great peace of prematura, right after Supercazzola.
If you have other questions, feel free to ask for clarifications.
Tarapia Tapioco
"Cgao Coma" <cgaocomaINVALID@hotmail.com> ha scritto nel messaggio
> Hi
> I recently jumped into this ancient english term, ANTANI,
> I don't know the meaning, neither the origin.
> It should concern the tuscan city of Florence (X-posted), but not for
> sure.
> Can anybody help, and explain, thanks.
> rgds,
> Cgao
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