From: Chris Croughton <>
Newsgroups: alt.languages.english
Subject: Re: Misogynist / Philogynist ...How about terms for the other half ??
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 13:03:36 +0100
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <>
References: <> <> <>
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Xref: alt.languages.english:773
On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 20:04:03 -0700, Jack Hamilton
<> wrote:
> Chris Croughton <> wrote:
>>'Philandry' and 'philandrist' don't seem to exist, although the original
>>meaning of 'philanderer' was a "lover of men" (since it was Greek in
>>origin it was probably applied to men who loved men).
> I'm not sure why you say they don't seem to exist. Google finds hits.
Google finds hits on anything! Since many people mis-spell or mis-type
words, Google will find them, and then someone looking for the spelling
with Google will find the incorrect one and will copy it (or they'll
search for what they think is right, see that there are other people who
use it and think it's right). For instance, there are over 650 thousand
hits on 'seperated' (over 26 million for the correct spelling,
It's not called the "net of a million lies" for nothing...
Neither the OED nor the US dictionaries have 'Philandry' or
Chris C