Phine wrote:
> I probably don't get all the subtleties of the English language, but can
> you exlain to me why your post is entitled "grammar nazi" (I guess "nazi"
> means the same as in every language) and why the hell everybody is
> insulting the guy who sent the post originally?
It wasn't so much an serious insult, but sort of a common "off the cuff"
title one sometimes gives to a person who pedantically corrects grammer. At
least that's we call these people (of which I am sometimes one) in Boston,
> Thank you.
> PS: strange how foreign people don't mix up "your" and "you're",
> their-they're-there, too-two... Is it specific to native speakers?
Not sure why that is. I know for me, it isn't that I do not know the
meanings, but I sometimes when I type "there" will just come off my fingers
when I meant something like their.