nuestro gran mundo hispano parlante en nuestra Gran America, en Europa, en
es islas. Que nuestro Padre celestial las bendiga grande y ricamente a cada
This amazing book is dedicated with much love to every mother, in this Moth
er's Day, so our heavenly Father may bless them powerfully, in the anointed
name of His Son Jesus Christ and the amazing powerful Holy Spirit's gifts
thus to enrich their lives and those of their loved ones and friends from e
verywhere, as well, forever into eternity. And let the Holy Spirit bless yo
u powerful and without measure these days--do not fear the Holy Spirit--so
you may enjoy the presence of our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
as the holy angels move around you and your loved ones to do wonderful thi
ngs, as miracles by touching you with richness from heaven above.
Our heavenly Father blessed Abram, because he had believed everything He ha
d personally told him in a vision, by assuring him that He will protect and
bless him wherever he may go in life. Then Abram said to our heavenly Fath
er: Lord, what goods are all your blessings and protection if I do not have
a son yet.
All these years I have been without a son, because you have not blessed me
yet with this wonderful blessing that I have been asking you to do, before
I die and leave this world, so I may have someone of my own that will be th
e heir of the blessings that you have given me through the years until now.
My servant from Damascus is the one that is going to heir my goods after I
die, so please Lord give me that son that I have been waiting for so long
for you to bless me with him, my own bloodline that will live on through th
e generations to come with the blessings that you have granted me abundantl
y forever.
Then, if you bless me with a child--I will certainly have someone from my o
wn family that will heir the blessings that you will continue to give me, a
nd with the child that you will grant me, I will certainly can look to the
future--but, now, I do not have anyone with me to look that far in the worl
d. Having Abram said this to our heavenly Father, and then He immediately a
nswered by saying: Step out into the front of the house, for I will show yo
u something that you must know right now.
Abram stepped out into the front yard of his house, and the Lord said: Abra
m, look into the night sky, see all the stars everywhere, if you can count
them, then you will be able to count the children that I will give you. I w
ill certainly give you a son, very soon, and after him you will have genera
tions of them coming into the world to become a nation that will never die
but it will continue to live forever into eternity with all the blessings t
hat I have granted you already, because you have believed everything that I
have told you from day one.
And because Abram believed our heavenly Father's word and promises to him a
nd to his descendants to come into future generations, then He lifted His r
ight arm in perfect holiness to bless Abram with a powerful blessing, by de
claring him righteous because of his faith that has the power to bring the
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) into the world at last. This is the
faith that our heavenly Father needed Abram submerge into it, because it ha
s the power to bring the King Messiah to deliver us from evil, and by havin
g this Holy Spirit of faith burning within his heart for justice to confess
with his lips for salvation, then our Father granted him the miracle birth
of his son, Isaac.
Now, Sara his wife was childless for years, perhaps most of her entire life
, however our heavenly Father had promised Abram that He will give him a so
n that will inherit all his blessings, so his future generations of descend
ants will also receive these powerful blessings that will not only bless th
em continually, but also usher them into heaven's glory perpetually saved.
That is why that, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Sara, Ab
ram's wife, with her womb lifeless or shut, so she will never have a son bo
rn to Abram, but only through the Holy Spirit of faith that will be born wi
thin Abram's heart for justice, after having waited for years for his son t
o be born finally.
Now, by our heavenly Father having Abram and Sara his wife waiting and long
ing for years for the birth of their long-waited son, then He could not onl
y have them develop the Holy Spirit of faith for the coming of the King Mes
siah, but also give them His only son born by the Holy Spirit's amazing pow
er, and this is Isaac. In other words, by our heavenly Father giving Abram
and Sara His son born by the power of the Holy Spirit, and this is the mira
cle birth of Isaac from his mother Sara's barren-womb, then He was actually
giving them to possess forever His own Son from heaven above, and this the
coming of the King Messiah, Yeshua HaMoshiach (the savior).
Because, this is the condition that our heavenly Father was placing before
Abram so that he may obey it immediately, and this is that, if he wanted a
son born from his wife Sara's barren-womb, then he had to receive His Son J
esus Christ as his personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood for
ever for Israel to be born at last. And as Abram and Sara his wife embraced
this miracle son, Isaac, born from their loins by the power of the Holy Sp
irit, then they were by faith and justice receiving miraculously our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, as the King Messiah that was to come into the world to s
ave it from sin, curses, death and hell's torment forever into all eternity
This is, indeed, the birth of the Holy Spirit of faith from within Abram's
heart, the first Hebrew, his long-waited son, Isaac that will legally inher
it his blessings granted to him by our Father, as he sat with Him and his a
llies to eat the bread and drink the wine from the Lord's Table served dail
y by the King of Salem, Melchizedek. Inasmuch as, the King of Salem was not
only our heavenly Father's high priest but also he is forever His perfect
Righteousness in heaven's glory for the angelic hosts and on earth for ever
y man, woman and child from all the nations, starting with Israel, so he ma
y become eventually Israel's national high priest to rule the nations forev
er into eternity.
That is to say, also that according to the Covenant of Life that started at
Salem's gate with Abram and his allies, our heavenly Father formally agree
d that He will give him his long-waited child through his wife Sara's barre
n-womb but also agreed to establish His Son Jesus Christ as his and of his
children as high priest for generations to come. For this is Abram's Holy S
pirit of faith that gave birth to Israel finally, so Israel may receive, in
due time, the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments from His Son Jesus Chris
t's hands over Mount Sinai but also the Tabernacle of Reunion with the Most
Holy Place to receive the daily perfect holiness that saves the living-sou
ls of humanity everlastingly.
Therefore, it was because our heavenly Father built Abram's Holy Spirit of
faith within his heart for justice later to confess with his lips for salva
tion the need of his son to be born, and this is not of his will but by our
Father's through the Holy Spirit's seed, so Israel may become the nation t
o give birth to the savior. In other words, our heavenly Father built all t
he faith that was necessary within Abram's heart for justice to be fulfille
d on earth at last, so He may through the Holy Spirit's power grant him His
Son Jesus Christ's seed, as Isaac is miraculously born from his mother Sar
a's barren-womb, so Israel may be born to become Gods and priests forever.
This is Abram's Holy Spirit of faith that began to be built within Isaac's
heart to give birth to Jacob, so Jacob when he was ready to have a wife the
n he could travel to his parents hometown to pick one for himself, for his
father Isaac did not want him to have a wife where he had lived for years.
Then Jacob traveled to Paddan-Aram where his father Isaac's relatives lived
to pick a wife to start the family that it will finally become the nation
of Israel that our heavenly Father was looking for in Abram, so He may have
the nation that He needed to establish on earth with His Son Jesus Christ,
as the national high priest forever.
Therefore, Israel was born to become a nation in the world, because our hea
venly Father built within Abram and his wife Sara the Holy Spirit of faith
within their hearts that will finally bring into the heart of every family
in the nations of the world the promise of salvation through the King Messi
ah, our savior Jesus Christ! Certainly, it is on his way to Paddan-Aram tha
t our Lord Jesus Christ manifested himself to Jacob over the injured-rock t
hat he had personally picked from the area to rest his head for the night,
and while Jacob slept, and then he saw a line-up of trees crossing each oth
er that shaped as a ladder touching heaven to enter through its gate.
Over this lineup of trees crossing each other that formed the ladder that J
acob visualized our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of it
, because, he needed to become His Lord and savior just as he is for his fo
refathers, so he may be able to reaffirm the Covenant of Life with him and
with his coming children into eternity. It is here, and over the lineup of
trees crossing each other as a ladder ascending into heaven's glory, becaus
e Jacob actually visualized angels going up and down from the injured-rock
that it is Jerusalem's holy hill within Canaan that he was able finally to
receive Abram's Holy Spirit of faith that believes in our Father's only Son
Jesus Christ for salvation.
Therefore, this is the Holy Spirit of faith that was born initially within
Abram's heart for justice, because our heavenly Father was the one feeding
it until it matured for Abram to receive not only His Son Jesus Christ as h
is personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin, b
ut also it granted him finally to have Isaac. Meaning that, this is the Hol
y Spirit of faith that Abram passed it on to his son Isaac, and Isaac on to
Jacob, so Israel may be born by the Holy Spirit of faith that will bless t
hem faithfully each day until the King messiah was to manifest in the midst
of them to do our heavenly Father's will for everyone's salvation.
As it is written, it is our heavenly Father's will that every man, woman an
d child may believe in His only Son Jesus Christ, as their personal high pr
iest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin from their lives forever
, so they may live a pristine life on earth these days, and in heaven's glo
ry forever into all eternity to come. That is to say, also that every one t
hat has received from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the Holy Spirit of faith tha
t not only turned them into an eternal nation ready to love, serve and wors
hip our heavenly Father through His Son's priesthood and atoning-blood, but
also secured His unique Son to live within their heart as their personal h
igh priest forever.
Given that, it is important for every one from Israel to receive the Holy S
pirit of faith born initially within Abraham's heart to please our heavenly
Father forever thus to grant him His only Son Jesus Christ, as his persona
l high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, furthermore gr
ant him his long-waited son Isaac through his mother Sara's barren-womb. Fo
r this is the Holy Spirit of faith that our heavenly Father needs to see pr
ospering every day within Israel, so every one may receive from Him all the
blessings and promises that He personally granted to Abram, so his coming
children may enjoy them to the full thus to live a life that glorifies His
holy name continuously through the nations.
Inasmuch as, to live constantly with this Holy Spirit of faith that started
with Abram, then our heavenly Father will live completely pleased with you
for the reason that His Son will always find his way easily into your hear
t thus to minister, as your personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-
blood that washes you clean from sin all the time. Surely, our Lord Jesus C
hrist will always be the center of your entire life, because you have belie
ved in our heavenly Father's will, so not only He may be able to dwell with
His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within your heart and entire life
, so He may bless you mightily but also show you wonderful things through l
This means that our heavenly Father will always have the door of your heart
open for Him to do wonderful things for you, for your loved ones and even
for your friends, because you are living in the Holy Spirit of faith that n
ot only pleases truth and justice within you, but also because Jesus Christ
is your high priest and Lamb forever. Moreover, when our Lord Jesus Christ
lives within your heart, then this means that you are living in the Holy S
pirit of faith that was born initially within Abram's heart that has the po
wer to turn the impossible into possible, for example, this is the faith th
at truly moves mountains out of your way to clear your way into prosperity
Now, you may ask, for example: How does the Holy Spirit of faith living wit
hin our hearts can move mountains to clear the away from all obstacles ahea
d of us that are hindering us from walking in prosperity each day of our li
ves on earth? Well, this is our heavenly Father's power working within your
entire life, because His Son Jesus Christ is your personal high priest and
Lamb with the atoning-blood always burning in perfect holiness before Him
and His holy altar within the celestial Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in hea
ven's glory, so nothing will ever be impossible for you and for your loved
ones, too.
And this is just as it was within Abram's heart, that while he was longing
with his wife Sara to have a son, even though she knew very well that she w
ill never be able to bear him a son, due to her womb being lifeless, then t
he Holy Spirit, because Jesus Christ was living within his heart, granted h
im a miracle. For it was a powerful miracle for Abram to see his wife Sara
with a child living within her lifeless womb that soon would be born, as hi
s only son Isaac, because he had believed our heavenly Father that He will
personally grant him to have His Son Jesus Christ first living within his h
eart, as his personal high priest and Lamb forever.
For sure, this was a powerful miracle that not only moved the mountain that
was in his way as an eternal obstacle that refused to disappear thus to li
ve his life with her wife Sara by having a son born to them, so this miracl
e son may be the legitimate heir of the wealth that he had accumulated thro
ugh the years. Unquestionably, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within Abr
am's heart, our heavenly Father did not only grant his wife Sara's barren-w
omb to bear his first child Isaac, but also granted him to have many nation
s of them, starting with the nation of Israel that will give birth finally
to the King Messiah into the world for everyone's eternal salvation.
This is the Holy Spirit of faith from which our heavenly Father personally
declared Abram righteous before His holy presence, because He had believed
in Him by accepting within his heart the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus C
hrist, so he may not only be his high priest and Lamb with the atoning-bloo
d to remove sin but also for his children to come forever. Moreover, becaus
e Abram accepted our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ as his personal hig
h priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then, all the natio
ns may have him as their national high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blo
od to protect them from sin, curses and evil forever in this life and in th
e next one to come into eternity.
That is why, that our heavenly Father manifested to Abram that he will not
only be the father of one nation but of many that will be born in due time,
so the glory of His holy name, the name that he had believed within his he
art for justice to confess with his lips for salvation may fill the entire
world. Indeed, this is our Lord Jesus Christ living within his heart, becau
se our heavenly Father's holy name lives in perfect holiness within His Son
's heart, for he is the only one that knows it and can pronounce it, furthe
rmore he is the only Temple possible in heaven and on earth to bear it, lov
e it, exalt it and glorify it everlastingly.
That is why, today if you acknowledge our heavenly Father's only Son within
your heart, as your personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood t
o remove sin, then, you are admitting our heavenly Father's holy name into
your life, for miracles to develop progressively thus to bless your life (a
nd your loved ones, too) as it has never been blessed before. That is why,
that it is very important to have our Lord Jesus Christ living within our h
earts for justice to thrive constantly, because he has come into our lives
since our heavenly Father helped Abram to develop within his heart the Holy
Spirit of faith that blesses his life and that of his loved ones, includin
g his friends from everywhere until now.
Furthermore, given that Abram believed our heavenly Father in His glorious
Plan of Salvation to save him and his loved ones for generations to come on
earth these days and in heaven forever, then, every man, woman and child f
rom all the families of the nations may also have the same power to believe
and receive God's only Son for eternal salvation. Moreover, once our Lord
Jesus Christ is installed within our hearts, as our personal high priest an
d Lamb with the atoning-blood over our heavenly Father's altar to atone for
sins, then, His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within the atonin
g-blood will erase our book of sinful-life to grant us a new beginning with
our Lord Jesus Christ's perfect life.
Given that, our Lord Jesus Christ as high priest and Lamb with the atoning-
blood erasing sins from every page of our personal book of earthly life, th
en, only the glorious life within the atoning-blood that has erased success
fully every sin forever, it will show as our own before our Father in heave
n, thus to receive us as His legitimate children forever. Meaning that, fro
m our book of sinful life that we have lived on earth filling it with trans
gressions every page of it, then, since we have received Jesus Christ as ou
r personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, immedi
ately our sinful blood's life will be remove, erasing our sins instantly, t
o show only Jesus Christ's sacred life forever.
Therefore, as the angels read our book of sinful life lived on earth, as we
expire from life due to any reason, then, because we have received Jesus C
hrist as our personal high priest and Lamb, immediately our sins no longer
will show in our personal book, but only the every day glorious life of Jes
us Christ before our Father in heaven. This means that our heavenly Father
will no longer see our bloodline filled with Adam and Eve's sin and rebelli
on to His glorious name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus
Christ's heart and atoning-blood that grants life constantly in heaven and
on earth forever, but only our Father will see the perfect life of His Son
as ours perpetually.
Meaning that, also every act of righteousness and of obedience to our heave
nly Father from within our Lord Jesus Christ's amazing life will be imputed
unto us, written in our personal book of life, as if we have lived it with
Him and His holy angels in heaven always loving, exalting and honoring His
holy name, will, and eternal word forever. Indeed, this is possible today
not only because our Lord Jesus Christ, as he becomes officially in heaven'
s glory our personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove
sin from our daily lives within the Most Holy Place and before the Mercy Se
at, but also because he removes even the days where we offended our heavenl
y Father with those sins.
That is why, that when the holy angels see your personal book of sinful lif
e lived on earth, and then, they will only see the every day sin committed
against our heavenly Father in heaven thus shunning blessing and power to e
nter into your life; however, as Jesus Christ enters your life--angels can
only see his everlasting daily righteousness in you. Moreover, this is poss
ible today within every one's life from all the families of the nations, be
cause Abram obeyed our Father as He called him to wait and believe in His S
on Jesus Christ that was entering into his heart, as his personal high prie
st and Lamb with the atoning-blood, but also, because he ate with Him the b
read and wine.
This is how our Lord Jesus Christ not only enters into Abram's heart to sta
y with him and his coming children, as the personal high priest and Lamb wi
th the atoning-blood to remove sin from the world, but also to become the K
ing Messiah ruling the nations thus to unite the new earth with immaculate
skies with the world from heaven above forever. Under this condition, Abram
had to meet with our heavenly Father at the Supper Table to eat the meal f
rom His Son's wounded hands, because, He did not only want to give him a ch
ild of his own by the Holy Spirit's power, but also grant him His only Son
Jesus Christ, so Israel may exist to rule the nations forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father after He had built the Holy Spirit of f
aith within Abram's heart through the years, then, He was ready to sit with
him at the Supper Table to eat the bread and wine to receive Jesus Christ
within his heart as his personal high priest, so his son Isaac may be born
and later Israel forever. Otherwise, there was no deal possible between our
heavenly Father and Abram, if Abram failed to build the Holy Spirit of fai
th within his heart to receive and welcome into his children's life the glo
rious presence of His only Son Jesus Christ, so he may be his and of his ch
ildren the every day high priest and Lamb for salvation's perfect holiness.
Unquestionably, it is here where not only Israel may be able to find the lo
ve, peace, prosperity and never-ending happiness that their hearts have alw
ays long for through the years until now, but also the nations from everywh
ere, because it is in this Covenant of Life that every one is blessed might
ily, leaving behind wickedness only to enjoy goodness everlastingly. It is
here also where Satan with his wicked cronies, as fallen angels and liars f
rom all levels of life, will never be able to become part of it, unless the
y repent from their sinful life to embrace the glorious resurrected life th
at our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood offers us endlessly today, as we a
cknowledge him as our personal high priest forever.
Because of Adam and Eve, our bloodline is full of sin and rebellion that ca
n only bring into our daily lives everywhere on earth our heavenly Father's
hot wrath, because His holy name fails to live in us, but as His name begi
ns to live in our hearts because of His Son Jesus Christ's presence, then S
atan will flee from us forever. Surely, Jesus Christ is a blessing in heave
n for every angel before our heavenly Father's holy presence, and the same
is with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so
through his constant priesthood then Satan will fail to have a foothold in
us thus problems, curses, sickness, and death in hell's torment will immed
iately vanish into nothingness.
That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to say to the people within Is
rael, for example, cast your burdens upon me today, because I am the one th
at can carry them always, so you will live a wonderful life liberated from
Satan that loves to overburden people from everywhere thus to make them tir
e and quit in life forever. For my burden is easy to carry everywhere you m
ay go in life, our Lord Jesus Christ used to say, so they may become libera
ted from Satan that was always finding ways to overload them with problems,
infirmities, curses and death in hell's torment never to know life as our
heavenly Father created them to know it forever in heaven's glory.
For the only load that you should carry every day of your entire life on ea
rth is the one that our heavenly Father granted to Abram and his wife Sara,
including his miracle son Isaac and the children, and this is the Covenant
of Life with its daily obligations protecting your well-being into whereve
r place you may decide to live on earth. Inasmuch as, it is our heavenly Fa
ther's will to expand the glory of His blessed name everywhere on earth, an
d this is possible within the heart and well-blessed life of every man, wom
an and child from all the families of the nations, through His Son Jesus Ch
rist's resurrected-life, because His holy name lives in perfect holiness wi
thin his atoning-blood well into eternity.
Meaning that, our heavenly Father's holy name lives within His Son's heart
and atoning-blood to remove sin and every day that we may have rebelled aga
inst Him in life, so He will never see our sin again much less the days tha
t we offended Him, and this is possible today because only His Son is the T
emple of His holy name forever. Can you imagine our heavenly Father's Templ
e and holy name living within your heart, because you have believed in His
Son, and occasionally He loves to visit His Temple and holy name, so for th
is He has to descend into your heart, and while He is there pray with you a
lso, and as He lives leave a blessing behind for you.
And when our heavenly Father blesses you, then, you will never know blessin
g until He finally blesses you as He personally loves to bless those that l
ove, serve and worship His Holy name through His ancient Temple from heaven
above and from the earth below, and this is His Son that has performed His
will entirely within you for eternal salvation. That is why, that our heav
enly Father is very happy not only because His Son was born initially withi
n one of David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit thus to grant us eterna
l life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood to l
ive joyfully always on earth these days and in heaven, but also because he
exists in you everlastingly.
Without a doubt, our heavenly Father became very happy with Abram, because
he built the Holy Spirit of faith that will not only sit with Him at the Lo
rd's Table to start a new bloodline on earth with his son Isaac Holy Spirit
's born through his mother Sara's barren-womb, but also, because you may po
ssess His Son with powerful blessings today. And because you have His Son J
esus Christ living within your heart, then, each day you will have a brand
new beginning liberated from Satan's pathological liars willing always to t
ake you even deeper into sin that leads into terrible darkness in hell's to
rment, where you will never know life as our heavenly Father knows it forev
er in heaven's glory.
That is why, also that our heavenly Father is spreading His Good News of th
e Eternal Gospel of Salvation of His Son Jesus Christ that was born and ful
filled within Israel, because you need him living within your heart, so our
heavenly Father's holy name may bless you, as you have never been blessed
before in all your life until now. Timely, Abram's life restarted with his
only son Isaac born from his wife Sarah's barren-womb, so Israel may come i
nto existence immediately on earth, because Jesus Christ as King of Salem a
nd God's Righteousness blessed our Father in heaven in Abram's name, and ou
r Father blessed Abram again from heaven above through His only Son, as his
personal high priest and Lamb.
This is the Holy Spirit of faith that our heavenly Father needs to see ever
y day thrive throughout Israel and the nations, because, this is the faith
for His Son Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father long-suffering built thro
ugh the years, so Abram with his wife Sara may believe at last in His Son J
esus Christ by invoking His holy name. That is why, also that our heavenly
Father is calling everyone within Israel and the nations to receive this an
cient Holy Spirit of faith that sparked life within Abram's heart, so Isaac
may be born by the Holy Spirit's power and finally His Son Jesus Christ, h
owever, this time miraculously born through a virgin womb for pristine-life
to flourish everywhere into eternity.
This is the ancient Holy Spirit of faith that you need living within your h
eart today, so our heavenly Father's only Son born from one of David's virg
in daughter through the Holy Spirit, then he may come into your heart witho
ut any problems whatsoever, for life to restart and flourish within you aga
in on earth bound into heaven's glory forever justified. That is to say, al
so that you do not need to suffer every day Satan's spirit of error that co
mes to you with problems, difficulties, curses, infirmities, and pathologic
al liars all round you leading you into an early grave somewhere on earth,
but, instead, you need Jesus Christ as your high priest and Lamb to keep yo
u clean from sin always.
That is all you need these days before our heavenly Father's Tabernacle of
Reunion with the Most Holy Place and the Mercy Seat in heaven's glory, so o
ur Lord Jesus Christ with his powerful presence then say the prayers that y
ou need to have done within your life, for Satan's wilds as problems, infir
mities, necessities and death may disappear from you forever. That is to sa
y, also that with our Lord Jesus Christ always advocating for you before ou
r heavenly Father that is sitting within the Most Holy Place's Mercy Seat r
eady to let Israel know His daily commands, moreover let you know what bles
sings He has for you these days, then you will only know richness, power, h
ealing, prosperity, and goodness into eternity.
Right now, with our Lord Jesus Christ always praying before our Father with
in the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, then you will only know inconceivable
richness healing you to the degree that you will become a new person that y
ou thought that you will never be on earth much less in heaven, and you wil
l soon, nevertheless since you are Holy Spirit born forever. In Jesus Chris
t you are new person born in heaven's glory before our heavenly Father and
His angelic hosts through the amazing ancient powers of the Holy Spirit tha
t gave birth initially to Isaac through his mother Sara's barren-womb, late
r Jesus Christ himself through David's virgin daughter, and these days to y
ou through the same powers ushering into amazing richness into eternity.
Furthermore, these wonderful blessings thanks to our heavenly Father that s
elected Abram and his wife Sara to believe in the coming of His Son Jesus C
hrist in the human form, while they were waiting for a son of their own, un
knowing that he will be Holy Spirit born, and later, in good time, grant us
Jesus Christ for a lasting salvation. Certainly, as Abram was given up on
God and his entire future to where he was going after his last day on earth
, then, he failed to realize not only how much our heavenly Father loved h
im through His Son Jesus Christ much less of the eternal richness that he w
as passing on to Isaac, Jacob and Israel to bless the nations forever.
These days, every man, woman and child have probably fallen into this spiri
tual state of mind unknowing ever what they are truly doing on earth much l
ess what is going to happen in the years ahead leading them steadily but su
rely into eternity, without realizing that our heavenly Father has blessed
us already powerfully in the heavenly places through His only Son. And thes
e wonderful blessings are coming into each one of us from all the families
of the nations, starting with Israel, because our Father, in His amazing lo
ve, mercy and power, developed the Holy Spirit of faith in the coming of Hi
s only Son as our unique high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to rem
ove sin forever beginning within Abram's heart.
Meaning that, this faith that each one has living within our hearts today,
miraculously started within Abram's heart through the years, because our Fa
ther developed it in his heart first to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to
eat from His Son's hands, but also to receive Isaac his son through the Ho
ly Spirit, so we may all live blessed everlastingly. That is why, that each
one of us is blessed before our heavenly Father presently, because we are
rightfully receiving from heaven above the blessings and good promises that
our Father granted to Abram, so his son Isaac may inherit them along with
Jacob, Israel and the nations thus to depart from darkness by entering even
tually into the light of eternal life.
And when we leave darkness behind, then, this means that we are Holy Spirit
born to continue to live not in the spirit of error from Adam and Eve, but
from the Holy Spirit of faith and eternal life from heaven above, granted
to us through our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts as our persona
l high priest and Lamb. This is a wonderful life to live these days on eart
h and forever in heaven's glory, because Satan will no longer influence our
lives much less touch us, since we are living now blessed with our heavenl
y Father and His angelic hosts only to know the every day victory that our
Lord Jesus Christ has conquered through the Holy Spirit for eternity.
These days, our heavenly Father from within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Plac
e wants to lift His hand in perfect holiness to declare you Righteous forev
er, because you have believed within your heart for justice to confess thro
ugh prayer His Son living within your heart as your high priest and Lamb wi
th the atoning-blood, enriching you on earth into heaven's glory everlastin
gly. For the richness we have received from our heavenly Father, starting w
ith Abraham, then Isaac and later Jacob, finally to be sealed with Jesus Ch
rist not only by been born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daught
er to fulfill the Commandments, but also resurrected on the third day, for
us to live mightily enriched in heaven's glory into all eternity.
Meaning that, the richness that we may receive on earth these days, thanks
to our heavenly Father blessing Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and finally to seal t
hem with our Lord Jesus Christ living in the human form in the midst of eve
ry man, woman and child within Israel and then the nations, fails to compar
e with what we have waiting in heaven for eternity. In eternity, we will in
herit the New Jerusalem from heaven above, where our heavenly Father has Hi
s Son Jesus Christ installed as our eternal high priest and Lamb with the a
toning-blood that healed our living souls to become born from the Holy Spir
it only to know light, love, life, blessing and the eternal happiness to co
nquer new never-ending glories into eternity.
The streets of this new celestial city are paved with gold leading into our
heavenly Father's home, and to our individual mansions that He has reserve
d for each one of us through His Son Jesus Christ's amazing grace, because
we have learned to love, serve and glorify His holy name forever by the pow
er of the ever-present Holy Spirit in eternity. Today, you have a mansion w
ith your name on it filled with incredible richness, paved with streets of
gold everywhere leading to the open door as you finally arrive in heaven's
glory, because, you have been faithful to our heavenly Father through His S
on Jesus Christ that is your only high priest always praying for your well-
being each day into eternity.
With our Lord Jesus Christ living within us, as our high priest and Lamb wi
th the atoning-blood that keeps us holy through life, then we are walking i
n the way, truth and life leading to the door that opens into the wonderful
mansion in heaven's glory filled with amazing richness for you to enjoy wi
th your loved ones into all eternity. Our heavenly Father said to Abram: co
me out of your house, step into the front yard, look into the night sky, an
d try to count the stars, for that is the number of descendants that I will
give you to inherit the blessings that you have accumulated with me throug
h the years.
On this day, as Abraham looked deep into the night sky, then he tried to co
unt the stars, but he failed to keep up with them, for they are numerous an
d impossible for any one to count them but, instead, what our heavenly Fath
er was trying to show him is that his richness were descending always into
his life from heaven above. And as the night sky filled with stars everywhe
re, then Abraham was shown that his long waited son Isaac was coming from h
eaven above along with the King Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Tablets of the C
ommandments along with the celestial Tabernacle with the Most Holy Place an
d the Mercy Seat, so finally he will ascend through it into the New Jerusal
Definitely, this is exactly where our heavenly Father will love to see ever
y man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with
Israel, because He has created so many mansions throughout His angelic King
dom that He loves to see them filled with the nations receiving His Son Jes
us Christ today, as their national high priest and Lamb forever. These days
, you can also pray before our heavenly Father, as Abram did, wondering abo
ut your future, and what is going to happen as that distant time comes, and
our heavenly Father will tell you to step out from your home to look up in
to the sky to see the amazing blessings that He has in store for you to enj
Today as you look into the sky, as Abram did at the nigh sky, you will see
also stars everywhere that no one can count them, then you should realize t
his is how immense the richness that are awaiting for you because you have
developed the Holy Spirit of faith that pleases our heavenly Father, and br
ings back to earth Jesus Christ. From heaven above, our Father is reassurin
g you that He will always be with you only to bless you each day thus to pr
otect you from Satan and his fallen angels of darkness on earth that has be
en defeated over Jerusalem's holy hill, as Jesus Christ nailed to Adam and
Eve shed his atoning-blood to save you to enjoy his colossal richness immed
Surely, with Jesus Christ living in you as your personal high priest and La
mb with the atoning-blood pleasing love, truth and justice before our Fathe
r in heaven's glory, then you will enjoy a blessed life that you never thou
ght to know each day, even in your wildest dream, for what is given to you
is from the sky above into eternity. And our heavenly Father has declared y
ou Righteous today on earth by lifting His holy hands over you, and your lo
ved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because, you have believe
d within you heart for justice that His only Son Jesus Christ is your high
priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood keeping you clean thus to receive co
nstant blessed unfathomable richness always. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the h
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believ
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt b
e saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Rom
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior.
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CH
RIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the HOLY
will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your h
eart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is wit
h your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone
who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference
between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just t
he same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, f
or, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin.
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY W
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new li
fe with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD i
n prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submers
ion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and se
rve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple whe
re JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your pr
ayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heav
en. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesu
s suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on t
he Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holies
t, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOL
Y ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD
in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank
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