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I will establish my Covenant with Isaac as a Covenant of Life that will nev
er end in this life and in the next one to come in heaven, our heavenly Fat
her assured Abraham and his people. This is an eternal Covenant that will g
to his life and into his descendants after him that will learn to love, ser
ve and glorify our heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit for ages to come
Certainly, this is the life that Abraham and Sarah were looking for, and th
ey could never get it (much less touch it) because it had to come into thei
r already exhausted lives from heaven about as directly from within the Hol
y of Holiest where our heavenly Father personally accepted Jesus Christ, ou
is not the life for Abraham only but also for all the families of the nati
ons, beginning with incipient Israel, that will give birth to the new angel
n born from the Holy Spirit will live with Him forever into time without en
d filled with endless amazing happiness.
Therefore, this new Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father had made with
Abraham and his friends was a Covenant to grant forgiveness, healing, pros
perity, happiness and everlasting salvation to every man, woman and child o
n earth, so they may all become His legitimate children ready to live with
Him forever in heaven with His angelic hosts. Surely, this is the only way
possible that our heavenly Father was going to save not only Abraham and hi
s children but also the families of the nations through the wonder working-
barren-womb and to everyone from everywhere on earth, that is, if they can
only believe faithfully.
n established with Abraham and his friends, as Isaac was born from his moth
be reborn by faith from the Holy Spirit, too, thus to kill the spirit of er
ror to live thereafter filled with the Holy Spirit everlastingly. That is w
hy that our heavenly Father declared openly to Abraham that His Covenant is
sealed with Isaac his son born through Sarah his wife barren-womb by the H
oly Spirit, so his children may also be reborn from the Holy Spirit to live
a life of love, service and glory unto His name by leaving behind forever
the spirit of error.
Surely, our heavenly Father needed to establish a Covenant of Life with Abr
aham and his allies from everywhere, it was because He needed to start on t
he right foot His Covenant with Abraham and his friends but also He needed
forever. Now, the reason that our heavenly Father needed to have everyone
clear from the spirit of error by the Holy Spirit to believe within their h
nant of Life sealed initially with Isaac, it was to live liberated from the
wicked-spirit that denies the progressive sacrificed-life of His blessed J
esus Christ.
This is the spirit of error born initially within Lucifer as he vacillated
before the angelic hosts, so he may be worshipped instead of our heavenly
Father through the ancient sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ.
And because of this spirit of error born against our heavenly Father to at
tack His glorious-name that has always existed in perfect holiness within H
the angels to believe within their hearts for evil to confess with their li
Therefore, since Lucifer caused one-third of the angels to believe within t
heir hearts for evil to confess with their lips for destruction that he cou
evicted immediately from heaven never to return again, and hell was create
d for them to be destroyed finally with the spirit of error in Judgment day
. This spirit of error that has descended upon earth with Satan and his fal
len angels to create their kingdom, but our heavenly Father has defeated th
eir wicked-plan by the powers of the Holy Spirit that descends progressivel
, so the world could be created for civilization instead to live perpetuall
This is the Holy Spirit descending constantly upon earth thus to subdue eve
ry darkness from Satan and his fallen angels, so every man, woman and child
, since Adam and Eve descended to live on earth their last days, it is to w
ait for the coming of the Lord thus to live liberated from the spirit of er
arkness and his terrible lies have to be subdued constantly, so life could
be possible on earth for every one thus for them to become born again from
the Holy Spirit the moment they pray to our heavenly Father in Jesus Christ
That is why that it was important for our heavenly Father to start a Covena
nt of Life with Abraham and his allies, so by His Son Melchizedek as King o
come eventually an eternal holy nation. For this is a nation of Gods and pr
iests unto our heavenly Father that will love, serve and glorify Him throug
h the amazing-powers of the nonstop sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so they may be filled with the Holy Spirit to fil
l the vacancies that Lucifer and his fallen angels abandoned in heaven the
day they rebelled.
This means that there are numberless vacancies to be filled within the Holy
of Holiest and throughout the angelic Kingdom that Lucifer with his fallen
angels abandoned, as they rebelled against our heavenly Father and His hol
y name that lives in perfect holiness within His blessed Son Jesus Christ
cancies today. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needs to have
more than holy angels serving Him around His celestial-sacrifice of His Son
e glory of His holy name, beginning with earth and then the New Jerusalem f
rom heaven above that the nations will eventually inherit in due time.
That is why that our heavenly Father needed to create more angels so these
numerous vacancies that were abandoned by Lucifer and his fallen angels cou
ld be filled immediately, so, instead of creating angels that could rebel a
gainst His holy name, then He thought of giving birth to His children by th
e Holy Spirit to love, serve and glorify Him faithfully forever. It is here
o His likeness perpetually, so his children born from the Holy Spirit as Go
ds and priest as our Lord Jesus Christ is from head to foot by the millions
as the starts from heaven above, then they could retake these heavenly vac
ancies to serve Him loyally forever.
And this is the time and place in heaven where you were born miraculously f
ccording to the likeness of perfect holiness of His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you will be His son, always ready to serve Him faithf
ully in heaven well into all eternity. That is to say, also that if Lucifer
had not sinned with his fallen angels against our heavenly Father and His
blessed Son Jesus Christ in heaven, then probably we could have never been
born from our heavenly Father to become His legitimate children as His bles
sed Son Jesus Christ is from head to foot perfect in eternal holiness.
Then, what turned out to be evil to see one-third of the angels against our
heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus Christ in heaven, then our Fathe
r wisely turned it into a splendid blessing by giving birth into His image
Adam and later Eve, so we may be born miraculously in His image to live acc
eness of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, as we are reborn from the power of t
he Holy Spirit as we believe within our hearts for justice in prayer to con
fess with our lips for salvation the anointed name of His blessed Son Jesus
As it is written: Whoever invokes the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the
last days shall be saved from sin, curses, darkness and death, so we may be
transformed heavenly bound immediately through the Holy Spirit into the pe
ful-body with the spirit of error buried under the earth forever. For our L
in due course from the Holy Spirit and not from the spirit of error thus t
o love, serve and glorify Him everlasting.
That is why that our heavenly Father said to Abraham: My Covenant is sealed
with Isaac your son and not with Ishmael, because Isaac was born by the Ho
ly Spirit into the world, while Ishmael was born in the spirit of error tha
t has nothing to do with the Covenant of Life that blesses the souls of men
into all eternity. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father promised to Abraham t
hat He would bless Ishmael just as he had asked Him, because from him twelv
e princes would be born, so his descendants would be blessed powerfully thu
s to become a great nation; however, my Covenant between you and me is with
Isaac born from the Holy Spirit, our heavenly Father assured firmly to Abr
Furthermore, by Isaac being born by the power of the Holy Spirit through hi
ver end in this world and in the next one to come in heaven, then our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach could be born on earth through the Holy Spirit but by on
the door and way for our King Messiah to be born on earth anyday however, t
his time, the King Messiah would be born from a virgin-womb that has never
in their hearts for injustice to confess with their lips for destruction th
at they could eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of th
e tree of life thus to live forever saved in paradise. Without realizing wh
at Adam and Eve were doing before our heavenly Father, then they both ate f
rom the forbidden fruit that caused them to be born from the spirit of Sata
tead of believing the tree of life thus to abandon life to live in the spir
it of error forever cursed.
This is the reason that everyone that is born on earth through his mother w
omb, then they are born in the spirit of error (or rebellion) against our h
eavenly Father and the magnificent sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ, and to return to our normal life with our Father in heaven, then w
e must be reborn from the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, we will never be able to
return to our normal celestial-life in paradise much less see the New Jerus
alem from heaven above where our heavenly Father has prepared amazing place
s for each one of us to live with Him and with our loved ones well into all
eternity forever blessed, including with our friends from everywhere aroun
d the world, too.
That is why that our heavenly Father has called us to receive by faith the
wonderful sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ, because as we receive hi
m as our personal Lord and savior then we are receiving him as our high pri
est and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases sin and grants us a
new celestial-body to return to heaven immediately. This amazing celestial-
body that each one of us has secured in the wonderful resurrected-life of o
ur Lord Jesus Christ is the body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and a
toning-blood that will dress our living souls, washed by the power of the a
toning-blood thus to make us perfectly holy forever on earth, so we may enj
oy life to the full in heaven perpetually.
This is the sacred-body of the holy-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
ng Messiah was born on earth, so he may not only grant us eternal life glor
ified forever by the Ten Commandments as they were fulfilled in Israel, but
also grants us the power to become sons of God forever. This is the wonder
ful birth from the Holy Spirit that comes into us these days so we may beco
arth forever, so our heavenly Father will no longer see us with the spirit
of error but with the Holy Spirit thus to bless us mightily always into per
For it is in the amazing presence of the Holy Spirit where our heavenly Fat
her has blessed us even before we were born in His image to live according
e in the spirit of error and in rebellion He has judged us guilty of sin be
at we may present ourselves before our heavenly Father, if we have failed t
o receive Jesus Christ as our personal savior within our hearts to confess
him with our lips before His Altar in heaven, then He sees in us the judgme
nt that He has passed already against us because of sin in paradise.
Furthermore, this is the reason that Satan can always approach us with his
fallen angels just as he approached initially Adam and Eve in paradise thro
ugh the old serpent to make them believe a terrible lie against the fruit o
torment where they will suffer sin forever. That is to say, also that Sata
n can always come against us with his usual problems, difficulties, infirmi
ties and terrible threats of death on earth and in hell, so we may succumb
to his darkness never to know the glorious life that we have already prepar
ed by grace within our Lord Jesus Christ even before we were born in our he
paradise and on earth these days, because he knows very well along with his
fallen angels that the moment we are born from the Holy Spirit by believin
g within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation Jesu
riests that He needs every day to take the vacancies that Lucifer with his
fallen angels abandoned the day they rebelled against Him and His Son Jesus
name above His holy name before the angels.
e that lives in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ, so the evil that Satan intended against His glori
ous name then it will be defeated within our hearts these days on earth and
in heaven forever into everlasting. Meaning also that we need to love, glo
fallen angels intended to dishonor before His angels and the pristine lives
of Adam and Eve in paradise, so this evil that somehow lives within our he
arts against His holy name may be defeated within us by believing in Jesus
Certainly, the only way that we are going truly to love, exalt and glorify
ing within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation ou
r Lord Jesus Christ as our personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the at
oning-blood that erases this terrible sin forever. Inasmuch as, the only on
e that can truly erase, remove and do away with this terrible sin against o
soul, mind, body and human spirit in paradise and through the forbidden fru
it thus to curse our living souls forever, it will be by our daily undivide
d faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Today, it is only our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his atoning-blood s
is terrible stain of sin from our living-souls these days on earth, otherwi
reated by our Lord Jesus Christ because Satan with his fallen angels attemp
that lives in perfect holiness within his heart and atoning-blood, so, thi
s is the reason that cursed angels are in hell today along with every sinne
r that has failed to believe in Jesus Christ.
Today a sinner for our heavenly Father is anyone failing to believe within
me, so he may muster holiness to enter heaven this very minute, for it is o
ected-life that can take us into heaven sinless immediately. For the moment
that a sinner receives Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior within
his heart for justice, then our Lord Jesus Christ ministers before our hea
venly Father as his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-b
lood to remove this terrible sin that takes every sinner each day cursed in
Subsequently, those that failed to receive Jesus Christ as their personal h
igh priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood ready always to serve the
h our heavenly Father in heaven, then he will never enjoy life much less se
everyone that has ever descended into hell cursed to be tormented by the wo
rms that never die and the fire that burns perpetually, it will be because
name as they failed constantly to receive Jesus Christ thus to fulfill jus
tice to His holy name into eternity.
orever. Meaning also that if you really would love our heavenly Father to b
less you as never before with your loved ones and friends, then you have to
have our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart to minister before our
Father, by his atoning-blood thus to do the prayer that will enrich you as
you have never been enriched before.
For it is richness to enjoy every day of your entire life on earth as our h
y and human spirit by the glorious presence of our Lord Jesus Christ prayin
g for you in heaven, so the spirit of error may give way for the Holy Spiri
t to enrich you mightily always. Lovingly, our heavenly Father will accept
Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior because he is the Covenant of
Life that not only blessed Abraham and his allies thus to open the way for
mb, but also he is your perfect Covenant today that will never fail you.
This is an amazing Covenant of Life that will never cease to have power wit
hin your life, because this is a Covenant that our heavenly Father started
with Abraham and his friends to endure forever on earth and in heaven thus
to enrich your life with His personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood that constantly erases sin universally. These days, with our
Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart as your Lord and savior, because
he alone is your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to era
se sin, moreover to pray, plead, intercede for you, for your loved ones, an
d friends, too, then this amazing Covenant of Life can only get better and
bigger within your life.
This is a Covenant of Life that is bigger than earth and heaven that no one
can understand its boundaries and full power, surely Satan has attempted t
o understand it through the years by he failed as always, only our heavenly
Father and the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ ca
n understand it by the power of the Holy Spirit. This Covenant of Life is f
ull of richness that can bless your heart, soul, mind, body and human spiri
t through the working-powers of the Holy Spirit that you will never be able
to understand its amazing mysteries but yet it is working in your favor al
ways since it loves you as our heavenly Father loves you in the Holy Spirit
However, the main sin that you have to make sure that has been removed from
n fruit instead of eating from the tree of life that loves, serves and glor
it from the tree of life by making Adam and Eve eats from the forbidden fru
it that caused them to be born from the spirit of error thus to dishonor al
ways His righteous name.
Therefore, you should not live one more day with the spirit of error that h
rbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of eati
ng from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ that blesses constan
tly His righteous name within your heart. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ
is the blessing that your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit need to
know immediately thus to escape from the sin that Satan has placed within
ied name that lives in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood
of Jesus Christ.
For it is your constant darkness to live with the spirit of error that you
allowed name must go away by receiving Jesus Christ within your heart that
blesses His precious name richly within you into perpetuity. Then, you can
really enjoy the goodness from our heavenly Father that descends around the
clock from heaven above as from within the Holy of Holiest from where our
Lord Jesus Christ was immolated for the creation of the world with all thin
gs, so these days we may have the Holy Spirit descending with power thus to
enrich us mightily.
, so we may live our daily lives without the spirit of error causing havoc
upon us and our loved ones, including our friends from everywhere, too, sin
ce the Holy Spirit gives us progressively Jesus Christ that blesses His sac
red name perpetually. For our Lord Jesus Christ is the Covenant of Life fro
m head to foot filled with perfect holiness that our heavenly Father has gr
anted not only to Abraham and his allies to eat as the bread and wine from
His Table on earth and in heaven, but also he is our Covenant that takes us
through life heavenly-bound forever enriched each day.
This is the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father will gladly accept fr
om every man, woman and child as He personally accepted from Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, just to mention few from millions from Israel and the nations t
hrough the years, so your present sin against His holy name may be erased t
hese days on earth and forever in paradise. Remember, this is a sin that Sa
d atoning-blood, and He never forgave Satan nor his fallen angels for this
sin, and these days He will refuse to forgive anyone also unless that one a
ccepts Jesus Christ as his savior.
Now, if you are living your life without knowing it as you should then this
means that you are living in the spirit of error that curses our heavenly
rror by being born from the Holy Spirit that gives you Jesus Christ that bl
esses the holy name day after day. For this is the magnificent life that ou
r heavenly Father has prepared for you and your loved ones to bless His hol
y name, including your friends, too, so you may know life as you have never
knowing it before, filled with His love for His blessed Son Jesus Christ t
hat blesses His sacred name on earth these days and in heaven forever.
Certainly, this is the splendid life from heaven above that had no beginnin
g much less an end, because it has been lived always by our heavenly Father
and His Son Jesus Christ, this amazing life is so unique and pristine that
even angels from heaven failed to know it, but only you will know it becau
se Jesus Christ lives in you perpetually. Indeed, once you are reborn into
this amazing life through the Holy Spirit that blesses the Holy name, then
you have returned to our Father and to his angelic Kingdom as the New celes
tial Jerusalem where you will live with Him in mansions paved with streets
of gold that will lead you freely to walk into glorious places of everlasti
ng happiness.
These are places that your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit are com
patible to live in these days, however you will never enter into these glor
ious places from heaven above created by our heavenly Father and His Son Je
sus Christ for you to inhabit forever unless you walk in the way, truth and
life that is faithfully Jesus Christ, your savior! That is all what our he
avenly Father is requiring these days so you may be born from the Holy Spir
it in a moment of faith and prayer as you receive Jesus Christ His blessed
Son as your personal savior to be your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood to pray for you always before His holy presence in heaven.
Traditionally, these are powerful-prayers that our Lord Jesus Christ need t
o do before our heavenly Father in heaven, prayers that only he knows how t
o say, so you may have a superb relationship with him and with our heavenly
Father, so your life will never be the same again on earth filled daily wi
th the Holy Spirit, and heavenly bound forever. Surely, these are prayers t
hat our heavenly Father will gladly receive from His blessed Jesus Christ t
hus to bless your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends
from everywhere, so you may have power thus to live your life filled with t
he Holy Spirit that enriches you mightily each day and even beyond eternity
in heaven above.
Jesus Christ is the Covenant that our heavenly Father promised to Abraham t
hat is sealed with love thus to establish it with his descendants and that
of the nations, too, because Isaac is the one that is born from the Holy Sp
esus Christ, our heavenly Father has done away with the old thus to give wa
y to new things never seen before, hidden since the foundation of the world
for those that love, serve and glorify His holy name faithfully every day,
so they may live a miracle life that Satan will never touch with his terri
This Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father sealed initially with Abraha
m and his friends thus to establish it on earth and in heaven, Satan has no
part in it much less understands it since the terms of this amazing Covena
nt that is our Lord Jesus Christ from head to foot are perfectly holy in ea
ch one of us today into everlastingly. With this Covenant of Life that is o
ur Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart as your high priest and Chose
me, then Satan with his usual lies will never be able to harm you as he har
med Adam and Eve in paradise, for example.
Through this Covenant of Life that is our Lord Jesus Christ sealed within y
our heart today thus to establish it in heaven above forever, Satan will ne
ver be able to obstruct much less holdback any blessing descending into you
r life from our heavenly Father and from His Holy Spirit, but you will rece
ive them each time and without fail (or delay). That is why that it is very
important for every man, woman and child from all the nations to receive o
ur Lord Jesus Christ within their hearts as their personal Lord and savior
before our heavenly Father, so all holiness and perfection to His holy name
may be fulfilled for justice on earth these days and in heaven into all et
That is why that our heavenly Father appeared above the SHEKINAH (heavenly
imes it was necessary to do this that His justice and truth are well please
d within the amazing sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Chr
ist, so life without sin may prevail through the ages forever. Therefore, J
esus Christ is the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father personally sea
led thus to establish it with Abraham and his friends, so, not just Isaac m
e throughout the world only for eternal life to prevail perpetually.
This is the eternal life that blesses you, even though you are still living
your normal life on earth that your heart, soul, mind, body and human spir
it yearn to be reborn by the Holy Spirit that gave life initially to Isaac,
then to our Lord Jesus Christ, too, so you may have it along with your lov
ed ones today for eternity. Within this Covenant of Life that Satan has att
acked so many times over the years until even touching with lies our Lord J
ven your eternal life exists safely nonetheless for you, for your loved one
s, and for your friends from everywhere, too, so you may live always winnin
This Covenant that will never die because it was given by our heavenly Fath
er to Abraham and to everyone else, beginning with his friends from everywh
ere, will bless you each day of your life with miracles, healing, prosperit
y, and incredible-richness from the Holy Spirit since you are worthy to rec
ant of Life. For only our Lord Jesus Christ is the Covenant of Life that ou
r heavenly Father will recognize in your life today, and that of your loved
ones, too, so you may have a wonderful life to live thus to do the things
that your heart may desire to fulfill in this life and in the next one to c
ome in heaven above.
Therefore, it is sin before our heavenly Father not to have recognized the
glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ within your heart,
so he may minister before His altar as your personal high priest and Chose
n Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase your first sin: and this is to have
failed to believe earlier in His Son Jesus Christ. For this is the sin that
hat had had the endless opportunities throughout life to accept his salvati
on, and failed negligently to believe within his heart for justice to confe
ss with his lips for salvation the celebrated resurrected-life of His Son J
esus Christ thus to become saved forever.
Therefore, if you have sin in your life that is tormenting you constantly,
because Satan claims you as his personal property since you have believed w
ithin your heart for injustice to confess with your lips for destruction hi
s lies that not only destroyed Adam and Eve in paradise but also you, inclu
ding your loved ones, too, then you need Jesus Christ right away. Then, thi
s means it is time for you to believe within your heart for justice to conf
ess with your lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lor
aven thus to cleanse you to fill your entire life with miracles of love, pe
ace, prosperity and perpetual happiness.
For our heavenly Father has sealed already your salvation within the resurr
ected-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ on the third day, so you may bec
ome reborn from the Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac initially from his
herefore, you are called by our heavenly Father to seal the Covenant of Lif
e that is His Son Jesus Christ within your heart, so his atoning-blood may
wash you clean from the spirit of error thus for you to become reborn from
the Holy Spirit that thrives powerfully in heaven by blessing His holy name
and your living-soul into everlasting happiness. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the h
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believ
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt b
e saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Rom
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior.
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CH
RIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the HOLY
will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your h
eart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is wit
h your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone
who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference
between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just t
he same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, f
or, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin.
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY W
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new li
fe with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD i
n prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submers
ion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and se
rve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple whe
re JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your pr
ayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heav
en. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesu
s suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on t
he Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of
Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holies
t too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY
ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NA
ME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.