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Subject: Re: Russians speaking English: confusing 'ee' and 'i'
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On Friday, May 18, 2001 9:00:57 PM UTC+5:30, Harry Weseman wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a Dutchman living in England. My wife's native language is Russian.
> If you think this is improbable, wait for this: my next door neighbour
> is from Cyprus (Greek), his wife is Spanish. Having a barbecue together
> is great fun!
> My wife speaks very good English, but occasionally she mixes up the e
> (as in 'sheet') and the i sound (as in, you guessed it: shit). I
> occasionally point that out to her, to which she does not react kindly.
> Last night she said about a group of people we saw on TV that they were
> 'geepsis'. I was mistified as to what she meant, until it finally dawned
> on me: gypsies! She got angry and claimed that the problem was not her
> but me, I was the only one who ever was confused by what she was saying.
> I said to her that it is a general problem of East-Europeans, speaking
> English, I read that somewhere, some time ago. She does not believe me,
> I am now looking for references that support my claim, I can also be
> wrong of course. Can anybody help me please? It could save a marriage...
> Thanks & Regards,
> Harry Weseman
> Bracknell, UK
I understand how much important is pronunciation of English words.To correctly speak English i am going through free English video lessons I love to hear tips to improve my English.