Andrew Heenan wrote:
> "CDB" <> wrote ...
>> Since you have typed "The Sunflowers" in bold and with initial
>> capitals, you are presumably referring to the painting. The
>> painting is; *The Sunflowers* is. You might also, in discussing
>> the painting, assert that "The sunflowers are Van Gogh's." (The
>> vase is his brother's.)
> You could also argue that "The Sunflowers are Van Gogh's",
> referring to the several different paintings he produced with that
> name!
Not to mention the one painted by my late mother, and nicely too. But
the plural-masterpiece version seems to need another "s", and maybe a
convention like quotation marks or underlining, to delimit the title.
But "the 'The Sunflowers's" looks funny; so I'd probably rephrase.