Richard Polhill napsal:
> kattya wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > Bridget Jones Diary and I got to a phrase saying ..."while puting
> > crosses in the end of sprouts". No further explanation or sequence
> > equivalence in my language. Does anyone know what it means?
> > Thanks a lot.
> Sprouts would be brussels sprouts: small brassicas
> ( which are usually steamed
> boiled to cook. Making either a single cut or two cuts crossed in the sev
> stalk end is how one ensures that the stalk cooks through at the same rat
e as
> the rest of the sprout.
> In England at least, without any other modifier or specific context, the
> "sprout" would be assumed to mean a brussels sprout.
> Hope this helps. Good luck.
> Rich
Thank you a lot, Richard. It was very helpful :-)